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借助 Bronson 在本课程中教授的系统,
准备开始执行 .

  • 教程编号:0915482984
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:7.02GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文

   ├─01-MODULE 1- Growth Hacking Foundations
   │      01-Foundr-GHP-Workbook-MODULE1.pdf
   │      01-Welcome to the course.pdf
   │      01-Welcome.avi
   │      02-GHP 01 What Is Growth Hacking.avi
   │      02-What is growth hacking.pdf
   │      03-3 disciplines of growth hacking - marketing.pdf
   │      03-GHP 02A Disciplines - Marketing.avi
   │      04-3 disciplines of growth hacking - technology.pdf
   │      04-GHP 02B Disciplines - Technology.avi
   │      05-04_Psychological-Triggers-Worksheet-Foundr.pdf
   │      05-3 disciplines of growth hacking - psychology.pdf
   │      05-GHP 02C Disciplines - Psychology.avi
   │      06-05B_T-Shaped-Skills-Assessment-filled-in_GHP-Foundr.pdf
   │      06-05_T-Shaped-Skills-Assessment_GHP-Foundr.pdf
   │      06-common myths _ truths about growth hacking.pdf
   │      06-GHP 03 Common Myths and Truths.avi
   │      07-06_Funnel-Pre-Assessment-Foundr.pdf
   │      07-GHP 04 Growth Hacking Funnel.avi
   │      07-the growth hacking funnel.pdf
   │      08-Foundr-GHP-Workbook-MODULE1.pdf
   │      08-GHP 05 Growth Hack Tactics (Breaking Down the Funnel).avi
   │      08-growth hacking tactics_ breaking down the funnel.pdf
   │      08-growth-hacking-funnel_push-pull-etc.pdf
   │      说明.txt
   ├─02-MODULE 2- Pull Tactics for Getting Visitors
   │      01-Foundr-GHP-Workbook-MOD2-only.pdf
   │      01-GHP 06 Pull Tactics - Blogging.avi
   │      01-Pull tactics for getting visitors part 1 (your audience) - blogging.pdf
   │      02-GHP 07 Pull Tactics - Podcasting_1.avi
   │      02-pull tactic_ podcasting.pdf
   │      03-GHP 08 Pull Tactics - Ebooks.avi
   │      03-pull tactic_ ebooks.pdf
   │      04-GHP 09 Pull Tactics - Social Media.avi
   │      04-pull tactic_ social media.pdf
   │      05-GHP 10 Pull Tactics - Webinars.avi
   │      05-pull tactic_ hosting webinars.pdf
   │      06-GHP 11 Pull Tactics - Guest Blogging.avi
   │      06-Guest blogging outreach template - growth hacking playbook by foundr - google docs.pdf
   │      06-Guest-Blogging-Outreach-Template-Growth-Hacking-Playbook-by-Foundr.pdf
   │      06-Pull tactics for getting visitors part 2 (leveraged audience) - guest blogging.pdf
   │      07-GHP 12 Pull Tactics - Guest Podcasting.avi
   │      07-Pull tactic_ guest podcasting.pdf
   │      08-GHP 13 Pull Tactics - Conferences.avi
   │      08-Pull tactic_ conference presentation.pdf
   │      09-GHP 14 Pull Tactics - Guest Hosting Webinars.avi
   │      09-Pull tactic_ guest hosting webinars.pdf
   │      说明.txt
   ├─03-MODULE 3- Push & Product Tactics for Getting Visitors
   │      01-GHP 15 Push Tactics - Ads.avi
   │      02-GHP 16 Push Tactics - Affiliates.avi
   │      03-GHP 17 Push Tactics - Direct Sales.avi
   │      04-GHP 18A Product Tactics PT1.avi
   │      05-GHP 18B Product Tactics PT2.avi
   │      说明.txt
   ├─04-MODULE 4- How to Activate Members & Retain Users
   │      01-GHP 19 Activation - Landing Pages.avi
   │      02-GHP 20 Activation - Copywriting [V2].avi
   │      03-GHP 21 Activation - CTAs [V2].avi
   │      04-GHP 22 Activation - Onboarding [V2].avi
   │      05-GHP 23 Activation - Gamification [V2].avi
   │      06-GHP 24 Activation - Pricing Strategy [V2].avi
   │      07-GHP 25 Retain Users [V2].avi
   │      说明.txt
   └─05-MODULE 5- Ideas To Grow On
           01-GHP 26 Experiments.avi
           02-GHP 27 Terms + Analytics [V2 - needs overlays].avi
           03-GHP 28 Product Market FIt.avi
           04-GHP 29 Final Thoughts.avi





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