获取与AWS服务如AppSync、Lambda、DynamoDB和Cognito有关的实际经验,同时使用Vue.js和Tailwind CSS制作渐进式Web应用。

The AppSync Masterclass empowers you to build scalable and high-performing full-stack serverless applications.
Learn to harness the power of AppSync, Lambda, DynamoDB, and Vue.js by constructing a Twitter clone from scratch.
Elevate your skills with hands-on training in testing, debugging, observability, design patterns, and security.
Gain practical experience with AWS services like AppSync, Lambda, DynamoDB, and Cognito, while crafting a progressive web app with Vue.js and Tailwind CSS.
Ensure your app is production-ready with PWA optimization, observability, and performance enhancements.

  • 教程编号:0845341484
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:6.68GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

│  └─AppSync Masterclass
│      ├─1. Welcome to the course-
│      │      1.1. Welcome and introductions.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─10. Chapter 9 - Building a SPA with Vue.js and TailwindCSS -part 3-
│      │      10.1. Mobile styling.mp4
│      │      10.2. How to make a Progressive Web Application.mp4
│      │      10.3. Get IAM credentials from Cognito Identity Pool.mp4
│      │      10.4. Track -sign up- button clicks.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─11. Chapter 10 - Observability
│      │      11.1. Understanding the AppSync logging options.mp4
│      │      11.10. Configuring Lumigo.mp4
│      │      11.11. Wrap up.mp4
│      │      11.2. Configure AppSync Logging.mp4
│      │      11.3. Implement sampling for resolver logs.mp4
│      │      11.4. Set log retention for all log groups.mp4
│      │      11.5. Configure tracing with X-Ray.mp4
│      │      11.6. X-Ray shortcomings.mp4
│      │      11.7. My observability strategy.mp4
│      │      11.8. Set up dashboards in CloudWatch.mp4
│      │      11.9. Set up CloudWatch alerts.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─12. Chapter 11 - Misc
│      │      12.1. How to configure custom domain names.mp4
│      │      12.2. Considerations for scaling an AppSync API.mp4
│      │      12.3. Load testing the AppSync API.mp4
│      │      12.4. Versioning AppSync APIs.mp4
│      │      12.5. How to model multi-tenant applications with Cognito.mp4
│      │      12.6. How to model multi-tenant applications with Lambda authorizer.mp4
│      │      12.7. How to handle advanced multi-tenant use cases.mp4
│      │      12.8. GraphCDN.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─13. Chapter 12 - Bonus content
│      │      13.1. Live Q-A -1 -27th Nov 2020.mp4
│      │      13.2. Live Q-A -2 -12th Mar 2021.mp4
│      │      13.3. Live Q-A -3 -30th July 2021.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─14. Next steps
│      │      14. Next steps. Congratulations on completing this course.html
│      │      
│      ├─2. Chapter 1 - AppSync 101
│      │      2.1. What is GraphQL-.mp4
│      │      2.2. What is AWS AppSync-.mp4
│      │      2.3. AppSync now supports EventBridge as data source.html
│      │      2.4. AppSync vs API Gateway.mp4
│      │      2.5. AppSync vs running GraphQL in Lambda.mp4
│      │      2.6. AppSync now supports Merged APIs.html
│      │      2.7. What is AWS Amplify-.mp4
│      │      2.8. Quiz Answers.html
│      │      
│      ├─3. Chapter 2 - AWS 101
│      │      3.1. Introduction.html
│      │      3.2. DynamoDB 101.mp4
│      │      3.3. CloudFormation 101.mp4
│      │      3.4. Cognito 101.mp4
│      │      3.5. IAM 101.mp4
│      │      3.6. Additional learning resources.html
│      │      
│      ├─4. Chapter 3 - Preparing your dev environment
│      │      4.1. Pre-requisites.html
│      │      4.2. Recommended VS Code plugins.html
│      │      4.3. Check out the AppSync Masterclass forum.html
│      │      
│      ├─5. Chapter 4 - Building an AppSync backend -part 1-
│      │      5.1. Set up the backend project.mp4
│      │      5.10. Add acceptance test for getMyProfile query.mp4
│      │      5.11. Capture AppSync-s GraphQLUrl in .env.mp4
│      │      5.12. Implement editMyProfile mutation.mp4
│      │      5.13. Add tests for editMyProfile mutation.mp4
│      │      5.14. Implement getImageUploadUrl query.mp4
│      │      5.15. Add unit test for getImageUploadUrl query.mp4
│      │      5.16. Add acceptance test for getImageUploadUrl query.mp4
│      │      5.17. Implement tweet mutation.mp4
│      │      5.18. Add integration test for tweet mutation.mp4
│      │      5.19. Add acceptance test for tweet mutation.mp4
│      │      5.2. Designing the GraphQL schema.mp4
│      │      5.20. Implement getTweets query.mp4
│      │      5.21. Add unit tests for getTweets query.mp4
│      │      5.22. Add acceptance test for getTweets query.mp4
│      │      5.23. Implement getMyTimeline query.mp4
│      │      5.24. Add tests for getMyTimeline query.mp4
│      │      5.25. Use context.info to remove unnecessary DynamoDB calls.mp4
│      │      5.26. how-are-you-finding-the-appsync-masterclass-so-far.html
│      │      5.27. Implement like mutation.mp4
│      │      5.28. Implement Tweet.liked nested resolver.mp4
│      │      5.29. Rewrite tests with GraphQL fragments.mp4
│      │      5.3. Configure Cognito User Pool.mp4
│      │      5.30. Add tests for like mutation.mp4
│      │      5.31. Implement unlike mutation.mp4
│      │      5.32. Add tests for unlike mutation.mp4
│      │      5.33. Implement getLikes query.mp4
│      │      5.34. Add tests for getLikes query.mp4
│      │      5.35. Implement Profile.tweets nested resolver.mp4
│      │      5.36. Implement retweet mutation.mp4
│      │      5.37. Implement Retweet nested resolvers.mp4
│      │      5.38. Add integration tests for retweet mutation.mp4
│      │      5.39. Add acceptance tests for retweet mutation.mp4
│      │      5.4. Save user profile on PostConfirmation Vide.mp4
│      │      5.40. Implement unretweet mutation.mp4
│      │      5.41. Add integration tests for unretweet mutation.mp4
│      │      5.42. Add acceptance tests for unretweet mutation.mp4
│      │      5.43. Implement reply mutation.mp4
│      │      5.44. Add integration tests for reply mutation.mp4
│      │      5.45. Implement Reply nested resolvers.mp4
│      │      5.46. Add unit tests for Reply.inReplyToUsers VTL.mp4
│      │      5.47. Add acceptance tests for reply mutation.mp4
│      │      5.48. Implement follow mutation.mp4
│      │      5.49. Implement Profile.following and Profile.followedBy.mp4
│      │      5.5. What should we test-.mp4
│      │      5.50. Implement getProfile query.mp4
│      │      5.51. Add tests for follow mutation.mp4
│      │      5.52. Distribute tweets to followers.mp4
│      │      5.53. Add integration tests for the distribute-tweets function.mp4
│      │      5.54. Add acceptance tests for the distribute-tweets function.mp4
│      │      5.55. Add tweets to timeline when following someone.mp4
│      │      5.56. Add integration tests for distribute-tweets-to-followe.mp4
│      │      5.57. Add acceptance tests for distribute-tweets-to-follower.mp4
│      │      5.58. Implement unfollow mutation.mp4
│      │      5.59. Add acceptance tests for unfollow mutation.mp4
│      │      5.6. Add integration test for confirmUserSignup.mp4
│      │      5.60. Implement getFollowers query.mp4
│      │      5.61. Compare the two ways of hydrating results.mp4
│      │      5.62. Add unit tests for hydrateFollowers.request VTL template.mp4
│      │      5.63. Add acceptance tests for getFollowers query.mp4
│      │      5.64. Implement getFollowing query.mp4
│      │      5.65. CI-CD pipeline intro.mp4
│      │      5.66. Configure CI-CD pipeline with Github Actions.mp4
│      │      5.67. How to promote change through different stages.mp4
│      │      5.68. VTL now supports ULID.html
│      │      5.69. Wrap up.mp4
│      │      5.7. Add acceptance test for confirmUserSignup.mp4
│      │      5.8. Implement getMyProfile query.mp4
│      │      5.9. Add unit test for getMyProfile query.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─6. Chapter 5 - Building a SPA with Vue.js and Tailwind CSS -part 1-
│      │      6.1. Setup- create new Vue.js project.mp4
│      │      6.10. Vuex- add store access to UI components.mp4
│      │      6.11. Landing page- setup and styling with Tailwind.mp4
│      │      6.12. Landing page- add signup modal and step logic.mp4
│      │      6.13. Landing page- add signup Vu.mp4
│      │      6.14. Landing page- add escape directive to c.mp4
│      │      6.15. Landing page- add signup step 1- create account.mp4
│      │      6.16. Landing page- add signup step 2- customise.mp4
│      │      6.17. Landing page- add signup step 3- password.mp4
│      │      6.18. Landing page- add signup step 4- review.mp4
│      │      6.19. Landing page- add signup step 5- verification code.mp4
│      │      6.2. Setup- configure TailwindCss.mp4
│      │      6.20. Signup steps overview.mp4
│      │      6.21. Login page- add user login with Amplify.mp4
│      │      6.22. Configure CI-CD pipeline with Amplify.mp4
│      │      6.23. Home page- setup and styling with Tailwind.mp4
│      │      6.24. Home page- loading profile data.mp4
│      │      6.25. Home page- posting a new tweet.mp4
│      │      6.26. Home page- rendering the timelin.mp4
│      │      6.27. Home page- adding Reply- Retweet- Like and Unlike.mp4
│      │      6.28. Profile page- setup and styling with Tailwind.mp4
│      │      6.29. Profile page- rendering profile details.mp4
│      │      6.3. Setup- configure font-awesome.mp4
│      │      6.30. Profile page- rendering profile timeline.mp4
│      │      6.31. Profile page- edit profile details.mp4
│      │      6.32. Profile page- following-unfollowing a user.mp4
│      │      6.33. UI- add infinite scrolling.mp4
│      │      6.34. UI- add loading indicator.mp4
│      │      6.35. Wrap up.mp4
│      │      6.36. Minor fixes to the demo code.html
│      │      6.4. Setup- integrate backend.mp4
│      │      6.5. Router- setup router.mp4
│      │      6.6. Router- add public pages.mp4
│      │      6.7. Router- setup router guard for authenticated pages.mp4
│      │      6.8. Vuex- setup multi-module store.mp4
│      │      6.9. Vuex- add authentication module.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─7. Chapter 6 - Building an AppSync backend -part 2-
│      │      7.1. Welcome back-.mp4
│      │      7.10. Implement getHashTag query.mp4
│      │      7.11. Add tests for getHashTag query.mp4
│      │      7.12. What are AppSync subscriptions-.mp4
│      │      7.13. Add subscriptions to GraphQL schema.mp4
│      │      7.14. Restricting access to onNotified subscription.mp4
│      │      7.15. Add subscription for retweets.mp4
│      │      7.16. Add subscription for likes.mp4
│      │      7.17. Add subscription for mentions.mp4
│      │      7.18. Add subscription for replies.mp4
│      │      7.19. Add e2e tests for retweeted notifications.mp4
│      │      7.2. Why not Elasticsearch-.mp4
│      │      7.20. Use serverless-layers to reduce package size.mp4
│      │      7.21. Add e2e tests for liked- replied and mentioned notificatio.mp4
│      │      7.22. Support Direct Messages in the GraphQL schema.mp4
│      │      7.23. Implement sendDirectMessage mutation.mp4
│      │      7.24. Implement listConversations query.mp4
│      │      7.25. Implement getDirectMessages query.mp4
│      │      7.26. Support notifyDMed in the GraphQL schema.mp4
│      │      7.27. Implement the notifyDMed notification.mp4
│      │      7.28. What about group messaging-.mp4
│      │      7.29. Understanding AppSync caching.mp4
│      │      7.3. Sign up to Algolia.mp4
│      │      7.30. AppSync caching update -Jan 2022.html
│      │      7.31. Configure per-resolver caching.mp4
│      │      7.32. Use BatchInvoke to reduce the number of Lambda invocations.mp4
│      │      7.33. AppSync BatchInvoke update -Jan 2022.html
│      │      7.34. Report individual errors in a BatchInvoke request.mp4
│      │      7.35. How can we implement two-way pagination-.mp4
│      │      7.36. Wrap up.mp4
│      │      7.4. Sync users and tweets to Algolia.mp4
│      │      7.5. Securely handle Algolia API key.mp4
│      │      7.6. Add search to GraphQL schema.mp4
│      │      7.7. Implement search query.mp4
│      │      7.8. Add tests for search query.mp4
│      │      7.9. Add getHashTag to GraphQL schema.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─8. Chapter 7 - Building a SPA with Vue.js and TailwindCSS -part 2-
│      │      8.1. Add search page.mp4
│      │      8.2. Add hashtag page.mp4
│      │      8.3. Add notifications page.mp4
│      │      8.4. Add messages page.mp4
│      │      8.5. Send direct messages.mp4
│      │      8.6. Layout and Profile page integration.mp4
│      │      8.7. Wrap up.mp4
│      │      
│      └─9. Chapter 8 - Building an AppSync backend -part 3-
│              9.1. Welcome back-.mp4
│              9.2. Kinesis Firehose 101.mp4
│              9.3. Configure Kinesis Firehose.mp4
│              9.4. Configure Cognito Identity Pool and IAM role.mp4
│              9.5. Update schema to return Kinesis Firehose stream name.mp4
│              9.6. How to create unauthenticated GraphQL operations in AppSync.mp4
│              9.7. Catalog and query analytics events.mp4
│              9.8. How to configure Glue with CloudFormation.html
│              9.9. Wrap up.mp4





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