我向您展示了在短短 4 周内完全系统化您的业务的确切路径。
- 教程编号:1001967565
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件
- 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
- 文件大小:4.57GB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
│ 01-Welcome.avi
│ 02-Getting Started.avi
│ 说明.txt
│ 01-How To Create Systems And Automate Your Business - Gonzalo Paternoster - Multiply Authority.html
│ 01-How To Systematize Daily Tasks And Work Less - Gonzalo Paternoster.html
│ 01-Orientation Call Outline.docx
│ 01-Orientation.avi
│ 01-Program Overview Flowchart.pdf
│ 说明.txt
├─02-Week 1
│ 01-Creating Your Vision.docx
│ 01-List #1_ Tasks Currently Doing.docx
│ 01-List #2_ Tasks Should Be Doing.docx
│ 01-Week 1 Outline.docx
│ 01-Week 1 Webinar Call.avi
│ 说明.txt
├─03-Week 2
│ 01-Examples of My Recorded Task Videos.docx
│ 01-How to Document a Process.docx
│ 01-Screen Recording Resources.docx
│ 01-Video vs Image Documentation.docx
│ 01-Week 2 &mdash Stress Free Systems.avi
│ 01-Week 2 Outline.docx
│ 说明.txt
├─04-Week 2.5
│ 01-Hiring Process Flowchart.pdf
│ 01-Need To Hire.avi
│ 02-Hiring Process Overview.avi
│ 说明.txt
├─05-Week 3
│ 01-Webinar Call.avi
│ 02-Copying Asana Templates.avi
│ 02-Week 3 Outline.docx
│ 说明.txt
├─06-Week 4
│ 01-Webinar Call.avi
│ 01-Week 4 Outline.docx
│ 说明.txt
├─07-Week 5
│ 01-Non-Disclosure.pdf
│ 01-Webinar Call.avi
│ 01-Week 5 Outline.docx
│ 说明.txt
├─08-Week 6
│ 01-Success Report.docx
│ 01-Webinar Call.avi
│ 01-Week 6 Outline.docx
│ 说明.txt
01-Employer Instructions - Capturing Marketing Funnels (1).docx
01-Employer Instructions - Capturing Marketing Funnels (2).docx
01-Marketing Funnel Spy.avi