

  • 教程编号:2061100541
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:4.5GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文

 │      01-Thank you.avi
 │      02-Welcome - Who Am I.avi
 │      03-Welcome - Goals of The Course.avi
 │      说明.txt
 ├─02-Facebook Overview
 │      01-Facebook Overview - Social Platform.avi
 │      02-Facebook Overview - Facebook Users.avi
 │      说明.txt
 ├─03-Your Pixel
 │      01-00-Your Pixel - Base Pixel.avi
 │      01-01-Your Pixel - Base Pixel - Shopfiy Installation.avi
 │      01-02-Your Pixel - Base Pixel - WordPress Installation.avi
 │      01-03-Your Pixel - Base Pixel - GTM Installation.avi
 │      02-00-Your Pixel - Standard Events - Installation.avi
 │      说明.txt
 │      01-Facebook Audiences - Prospecting.avi
 │      02-Facebook Audiences - Retargeting.avi
 │      03-Facebook Audiences - Lookalikes.avi
 │      说明.txt
 ├─05-Power Editor
 │      Power Editor Walkthrough.avi
 │      说明.txt
 ├─06-Ads Manager
 │      Ads Manager Walkthrough.avi
 │      说明.txt
 ├─07-Competitor Stalking
 │      01-00-Competitor Stalking - The Facebook Pixel Helper.avi
 │      01-00-The Facebook Pixel Helper Chrome Extension.txt
 │      02-00-Competitor Stalking - Facebook Graph Search Tool.avi
 │      03-00-BigBigAds Chrome Extension.txt
 │      03-00-Competitor Stalking - BigBigAds.avi
 │      说明.txt
 │      01-Analytics - Introduction.avi
 │      02-Analytics - People.avi
 │      03-Analytics - Funnels.avi
 │      04-Analytics - Retention.avi
 │      05-Analytics - Cohorts.avi
 │      06-Analytics - Lifetime Value.avi
 │      07-Analytics - Dashboard.avi
 │      说明.txt
 ├─09-Customer Avatar
 │      01-00-Customer Avatar + Copy Tips.avi
 │      01-01-Customer-Avatar-Wokrsheet.pdf
 │      01-02-How-to-Write-Better-Ad-Copy.pdf
 │      说明.txt
 ├─10-The Facebook Marketing Funnel
 │      01-Facebook Marketing Funnel - Awareness.avi
 │      02-Facebook Marketing Funnel - Opt In.avi
 │      03-FB Warriors - Easiest Offer - Overview.avi
 │      04-The Facebook Marketing Funnel - Authority.avi
 │      05-The Facebook Marketing Funnel - Core Offer.avi
 │      06-The Facebook Marketing Funnel - Upsell-Cross Sell.avi
 │      07-The Facebook Marketing Funnel - Community.avi
 │      08-The Facebook Marketing Funnel - Testimonials.avi
 │      09-The Facebook Marketing Funnel - Affiliate.avi
 │      说明.txt
 │      01-Links.txt
 │      01-Module 1 - Awareness - Blog Post Ex.avi
 │      02-Module 1 - Awareness-Boosted Post.avi
 │      03-Module 1 - Awareness - Paid Traffic Campaign.avi
 │      04-Module 1 - Awareness-RT Campaign.avi
 │      说明.txt
 ├─12-Opt In
 │      01-00-LEAD-GENERATOR-1.png
 │      01-00-Module 2 - Opt in - Lead Generator.avi
 │      01-01-Links.txt
 │      01-01-Module 2 - Opt In - Install Pixels.avi
 │      01-02-FB Warrior _ Facebook Naming & UTM.xlsx
 │      01-02-Module 2 - Opt In - Prospecting Campaign - LL.avi
 │      01-03-Module 2 - Opt In - Prospecting Campaigns - Interest Groups.avi
 │      01-04-Module 2 - Opt in - Retargeting Campaigns.avi
 │      01-05-Module 2 - Opt In - Manual Bidding.avi
 │      说明.txt
 ├─13-Easiest Offer
 │      01-FB Warriors - Easiest Offer - Overview.avi
 │      02-FB Warrriors - Easiest Offer - RT Campaigns.avi
 │      02-FB-Warrior-_-Facebook-Naming-UTM.xlsx
 │      02-Links.txt
 │      03-FB WARRIORS - EASIEST OFFER - Pixel Installation.avi
 │      说明.txt
 ├─14-Become the Only Authority
 │      01-Become the Only Authority - Live Webinar Registrations Example.avi
 │      LInks.txt
 │      Live-Webinar_Attendees.png
 │      Live-Webinar_Invite-to-Register.png
 │      Live-Webinar_Registered-But-Didnt-Attend.png
 │      说明.txt
 ├─15-Core Offer
 │      FB WARRIORS - CORE.avi
 │      说明.txt
 ├─16-Upsel-Cross Sell
 │      01-Cross Sell & Upsells.avi
 │      02-Cross Sell-Upsell - eCommerce.avi
 │      说明.txt
 │      FB Warriors - Community.avi
 │      说明.txt
 │      FB Warriors - Testimonials.avi
 │      说明.txt
         FB Warriors - Affiliate.avi





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