解锁联盟营销的秘密,用ClickBank Spark推动你的在线成功。
现在就加入我们,转变你的在线收入潜力。Unlock the secrets of affiliate marketing and propel your online success with ClickBank Spark.
This comprehensive package features three courses tailored to guide you through every aspect of affiliate marketing.
Join the ClickBank Summit, a two-day virtual event packed with expert insights and actionable strategies to conquer the challenges of reaching the right audience.
Learn the foundational tools and advanced tactics needed to kickstart your affiliate journey and amplify your online presence.Delve deeper into the $250k Affiliate Funnel Blueprint, where you’ll gain exclusive access to proven, high-converting funnels used by top ClickBank affiliates.
You’ll fast-track your success in affiliate marketing, bypassing months of trial and error. Join us now and transform your online earning potential.
- 教程编号:1035732828
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
- 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
- 文件大小:7.04GB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
- 压缩软件:7ZIP
- 视频播放:完美解码
ClickBank Spark - Course
└─ClickBank Spark - Course
├─$250k Affiliate Funnel Blueprint
│ 1. $250k Affiliate Funnel Blueprint Introduction.mp4
│ 10. Lead Magnet Opt-In Page.mp4
│ 11. Email Sequence After Opt-In.mp4
│ 12. Final Thoughts.mp4
│ 2. Traffic + Funnel Match Maker (Free Bonus).pdf
│ 3. Kyle Kostecha Introduction.mp4
│ 4. Advertorial Funnel Overview.mp4
│ 5. Facebook Ad Breakdown.mp4
│ 6. Native Ad Breakdown.mp4
│ 7. Lead Magnet Funnel Overview.mp4
│ 8. Niche Sites & Blogs.mp4
│ 9. Social Media Post Example.mp4
├─109 Essential ChatGPT Prompts
│ 109 Essential ChatGPT Prompts For Affiliate Marketers.pdf
├─90 Minute Guided Funnel Workshop with Real Examples
│ 1. $250k Affiliate Funnel Blueprint Introduction.mp4
│ 10. Lead Magnet Opt-In Page.mp4
│ 11. Email Sequence After Opt-In.mp4
│ 12. Final Thoughts.mp4
│ 2. Traffic + Funnel Match Maker (Free Bonus).pdf
│ 3. Kyle Kostecha Introduction.mp4
│ 4. Advertorial Funnel Overview.mp4
│ 5. Facebook Ad Breakdown.mp4
│ 6. Native Ad Breakdown.mp4
│ 7. Lead Magnet Funnel Overview.mp4
│ 8. Niche Sites & Blogs.mp4
│ 9. Social Media Post Example.mp4
├─Affiliate Foundations
│ │
│ │
│ ├─0. Welcome to Spark!
│ │ 1. Module 1 Lesson 1 - Orientation - Making the Most of Your Spark Education.mp4
│ │ 2. Module 1 Lesson 2 - What You’ll Learn + Expectations.mp4
│ │
│ │
│ └─1. Learning The Basics
│ 1. Module 2 Lesson 1 - Affiliate Marketing 101.mp4
│ 2. Module 2 Lesson 2 - Utilizing Your ClickBank Account.mp4
│ 3. Module 2 Lesson 3 - Pick a Niche.mp4
│ 4. Module 2 Lesson 4 - Pick a Product.mp4
│ 5. Module 2 Lesson 5 - Creating Your First Affiliate Link.mp4
│ 6. Module 2 Lesson 6 - Building Your First Landing page.mp4
│ 7. Module 2 Lesson 7 - Goal Setting and Accountability - Developing Your Affiliate Mindset.mp4
│ 8. Module 2 Lesson 8 - Driving Traffic.mp4
└─ClickBank Summit 2023 Replays
1. How Affiliate Marketing Works - Taylor Utt.mp4
10. Paid Traffic Trends to Understand in 2023 and Beyond - Jake Newby.mp4
11. AI-Tention Grabber - How To Generate Organic Traffic In An AI World - Paul Counts and Shreya Banerjee.mp4
12. Using AI-Generated Creative Assets in Native Advertising - A Guide to Effort-Free Media Buying on Taboola - Andrey Kravchenko.mp4
2. How Affiliate Marketing Works - Taylor Utt.mp4
3. How to Avoid the Top 7 Pitfalls While Getting Started in Affiliate Marketing - Kyle Meredith.mp4
4. How to Use the ClickBank Platform for Success (Beginner’s Edition) - Isaac Kevelson.mp4
5. ClickBank Platform Features for Growth (Intermediate Edition) - Anna Steward.mp4
6. Fireside Chat & Email with Ed Scow (ClickBank Diamond Client) - Ed Scow.mp4
7. Funnel Survival Guide - Core Tips to Know in Creating Your Successful Funnel - Kyle Kostechka.mp4
8. Pre-Traffic - What to Do BEFORE You Spend $1 or 1 Minute Writing Copy - Spencer Matthews.mp4
9. 5 Essential Email Campaigns to Boost Your Sales - Marc Gaudett & Manny Ju.mp4