您将比 90% 的营销人员更好。我们将牵着您的手,
- 教程编号:0537705424
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件
- 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
- 文件大小:2.36GB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
01-Lesson 1 - The Grand Overview.pdf
01-PAG - Module 1 from Matt Wolfe.avi
01-Perpetual Audience Growth.pdf
02-The PAG Roadmap from Matt Wolfe.avi
02-The PAG Roadmap.pdf
03-Lesson 2 - Technical setup - the evergreen profits advisory portal.pdf
03-PAG - Module 2 from Matt Wolfe.avi
04-Lesson 2.5 - Testing the pixels - the evergreen profits advisory portal.pdf
04-PAG - Module 2.5 from Matt Wolfe.avi
05-Lesson 3 - Researching ideas for segmentation content - the evergreen profits advisory portal.pdf
05-PAG - Module 3 from Matt Wolfe.avi
06-Lesson 4 - Frictionless content creation - the evergreen profits advisory portal.pdf
06-PAG - Module 3.5 from Matt Wolfe.avi
07-PAG - Module 4 from Matt Wolfe.avi
08-PAG - Module 5 from Matt Wolfe.avi
09-Lesson 6 - Setting up google ads - display network retargeting - the evergreen profits advisory portal.pdf
09-PAG - Module 6 - Audio Fixed from Matt Wolfe.avi
10-PAG - Module 6.5 from Matt Wolfe.avi
11-Lesson 7 - Setting up facebook ads - retargeting - the evergreen profits advisory portal.pdf
11-PAG - Module 7 from Matt Wolfe.avi
12-PAG - Module 8.1 from Matt Wolfe.avi
13-PAG - Module 8.2 from Matt Wolfe.avi
14-Lesson 9 - Search engine optimization - the evergreen profits advisory portal.pdf
14-PAG - Module 9 from Matt Wolfe.avi
15-Lesson 10 - Going beyond the strategy - the evergreen profits advisory portal.pdf
15-PAG - Module 10 from Matt Wolfe.avi