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Step into the realm of design mastery with Figma Pro Secrets and transform your UX/UI capabilities.
You unlock a treasure trove of design knowledge, empowering you to present your work with authority, refine your UI prowess, and command higher fees.
It’s your ticket to becoming the confident design expert that managers trust and colleagues respect.
The Figma Pro Secrets experience is comprehensive, covering everything from web and mobile app design to creating your own Design Systems.
Expect to emerge as a versatile designer capable of crafting intuitive, visually stunning interfaces that make you the asset every team needs.

  • 教程编号:1678490912
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:10.77GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

│      └─Figma Pro Secrets
│          ├─1. Figma Pro Secrets Course
│          │      Figma Pro Secrets. Introduction video.mp4
│          │      welcome.webp
│          │      
│          ├─2. Essential Figma Fundamentals
│          │      M1-1 Introduction to Figma.mp4
│          │      M1-10 Fill with Images and Videos.mp4
│          │      M1-11 Figma plugins Add and run.mp4
│          │      M1-12 Stroke parameters.mp4
│          │      M1-13 Effects parameters Where how and why.mp4
│          │      M1-14 Export File type scale and inclusion.mp4
│          │      M1-15 Constraints Become more efficient.mp4
│          │      M1-16 - 2 Text toolText Advanced Settings.mp4
│          │      M1-16 Text toolText Advanced Settings.mp4
│          │      M1-17 Boolean groups and how to use them.mp4
│          │      M1-18 Pen tool. From timeline to a logo.mp4
│          │      M1-19 Masks. The window to the view.mp4
│          │      M1-2 Figma Interface.mp4
│          │      M1-3 Shape tools.mp4
│          │      M1-4 Frames and Groups.mp4
│          │      M1-5 Frame sizes for Websites Apps Print.mp4
│          │      M1-6 Nudge amount for Mobile apps.mp4
│          │      M1-7 How to create Grids in Figma.mp4
│          │      M1-8 Shape parameterssome secrets.mp4
│          │      M1-9 Fill parameter colours and gradients.mp4
│          │      
│          ├─3. Advanced Figma Fundamentals
│          │      M1-20 Autolayout The most powerful tool.mp4
│          │      M1-21 Components The 2nd most powerful Figma tool.mp4
│          │      M1-22 Component Properties 10x your efficiency.mp4
│          │      M1-23 Variants One component multiple options.mp4
│          │      M1-24 Interactive Components Microinteractions.mp4
│          │      M1-25 Alignment and DistributionHidden trick.mp4
│          │      M1-26 Styles The base of a Design System.mp4
│          │      
│          ├─4. Graphic Design With Figma
│          │      27 - Intro to Graphic Design with Figma.mp4
│          │      28 - Magazine cover with Figma.mp4
│          │      29 - Dot Pattern.mp4
│          │      30 - Dot Pattern 2.mp4
│          │      31 - Triangle Pattern.mp4
│          │      32 - Text or Logo Pattern.mp4
│          │      33 - Luxury Brand Pattern.mp4
│          │      34 - How to create Complex Pattern Special technique.mp4
│          │      35 - How to create ANY icon.mp4
│          │      36 - How to create Google-style illustrations.mp4
│          │      37 - How to create Presentations Part 1.mp4
│          │      38 - Seamless AppStore Screenshot Lane.mp4
│          │      39 - How to create Gradient Backgrounds and Adjustment Layers.mp4
│          │      40 - How to create Line Backgrounds.mp4
│          │      41 - How to create Golden Text.mp4
│          │      42 - How to create Circular Text.mp4
│          │      43 - How to create Logo with Figma.mp4
│          │      44 - Mask Text EffectHow to use it.mp4
│          │      45 - Embossed and Debossed Text Effect.mp4
│          │      
│          ├─5. Figma Secrets For Content Creators
│          │      46 - Figma for Content Creators Introduction.mp4
│          │      47 - Seamless Instagram Carousel.mp4
│          │      48 - Text Gradient.mp4
│          │      49 - Text Animation.mp4
│          │      
│          ├─6. Efficient Web Design With Figma
│          │      50 - Efficient Web Design w Figma Introduction.mp4
│          │      51 - Website Anatomy.mp4
│          │      52 - Webpage Anatomy.mp4
│          │      53 - Webdesign Strategic Thinking and Efficient Mindset.mp4
│          │      54 - How to create a Perfect Typography Styleguide for any website.mp4
│          │      55 - How to create a Perfect Color Styleguide for any website.mp4
│          │      56 - How to create Effects Styles for Webdesign.mp4
│          │      
│          ├─7. Mobile Apps Figma Pro Secrets
│          │      57 - Introduction to Mobile Apps with Figma.mp4
│          │      58 - Mobile Apps Fundamentals Android iOS Crossplatform.mp4
│          │      
│          └─8. Isometric Design Masterclass
│                  59 - Introduction to the Isometric Design masterclass.mp4
│                  60 - Where to use Isometric Designsillustrations.mp4
│                  61 - The history of Isometric drawings.mp4
│                  62 - The fundamentals of Isometric DesignMath behind it.mp4
│                  63 - Isometric Design - Old Methods.mp4
│                  64 - How to create simple Isometric illustrationsicons.mp4
│                  65 - How to create complex Isometric illustrations.mp4
│                  66 - How to create complex Isometric illustrations.mp4
│                  67 - How to create Isometric Typography.mp4
│                  68 - How to create 3D Glass Isometric shape Manual method.mp4
│                  69 - How to create 3D Glass Isometric shape Using plugin.mp4
│                  70 - How to create 3D Deep Shadow Manual method.mp4
│                  71 - How to create 3D Deep Shadow Using plugin.mp4





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