通过Drake Surach的ChatGPT掌握课程,也就是YouTube上的”AI基础”,解锁ChatGPT的能力。






Unlock the power of the ChatGPT Mastery Course by Drake Surach, also known as AI Foundations on YouTube.

Dive deep into the world of ChatGPT with over 25 modules designed to empower you with ChatGPT expertise.
Simplify your ChatGPT workflow with a customized Notion template, tailored exclusively for the ChatGPT Mastery Course.
Explore fundamental topics, including ChatGPT basics, prompt engineering (from beginner to advanced levels), plugins, web browsing, ethics, and limitations within the ChatGPT Mastery Course.
Learn how to leverage ChatGPT for personal and professional success, from boosting income to generating AI image prompts, all within the comprehensive ChatGPT Mastery Course.

  • 教程编号:0969903268
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:6.89GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

│  │  
│  └─ChatGPT Mastery Course
│      ├─01-ChatGPT- The basics, account creation, use cases
│      │      01-What is ChatGPT.mp4
│      │      02-Creating an account.mp4
│      │      03-Dashboard and settings.mp4
│      │      04-Free vs plus.mp4
│      │      05-ChatGPT use cases.mp4
│      │      05-ChatGPT use cases.rtf
│      │      
│      ├─02-Beginner's Prompting
│      │      01-Prompting questions and commands.mp4
│      │      02-Output formatting.mp4
│      │      03-Concision and context principles.mp4
│      │      04-System functions.mp4
│      │      04-System functions.rtf
│      │      05-Descriptors, styles, tones.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─03-Advanced Prompting
│      │      01-Few-shot prompting.mp4
│      │      02-Synthesized learning (dual prompt approach).mp4
│      │      03-Prompt priming.mp4
│      │      04-Problem solving paradigm.mp4
│      │      04-Problem solving paradigm.rtf
│      │      04-Tree of Thoughts White Papers.pdf
│      │      
│      ├─04-Plugins and Web Browsing
│      │      01-Enabling features.mp4
│      │      02-Web browsing guide and use cases.mp4
│      │      03-Plugins guide and use cases.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─05-ChatGPT Code Interpreter
│      │      01-Activation and use cases.mp4
│      │      01-Activation and use cases.rtf
│      │      02-Data cleaning and manipulating.mp4
│      │      02-Data cleaning and manipulating.rtf
│      │      03-Radar charts.mp4
│      │      03-Radar charts.rtf
│      │      04-Creating QR codes.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─06-Ethics and Limitations
│      │      01-Ethics.mp4
│      │      02-Limitations.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─07-How I've Applied ChatGPT
│      │      01-Scaling income with ChatGPT.mp4
│      │      02-Tailored health plans.mp4
│      │      03-AI images using ChatGPT.mp4
│      │      
│      └─08-ChatGPT Organization Hub (Notion Template)
│              01-Installation process.mp4
│              01-Installation process.rtf
│              02-Workspace navigation.mp4
│              03-Utilizing this workspace.mp4





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