嘿,朋友,Generative AI工具已经在短时间内对商业产生了巨大影响。许多人正在使用它们来让工作变得更轻松,帮助他们产出更加出色的作品。但要找到开始的地方却并不容易。

现在,跟随创新者和AI专家Dave Birss一起,他将实际演示如何最佳地与AI工具合作。他分享了一个框架,帮助你理解如何将AI融入到你的日常任务中。此外,他还会分享一些有用的提示,可以简化任务流程,帮助你取得更出色的成果。赶紧加入我们吧,与AI共舞,让你的工作事半功倍!

Generative AI tools have made a big impact on business in a short period of time.
Many people are using them to make their jobs easier and to help them produce even better work. But it can be hard to know where to begin.
Join Dave Birss, innovator and AI expert, as he practically demonstrates how to collaborate with AI tools in the best way.
He shares a framework to help you understand how you can incorporate AI into your everyday tasks.
He also shares a number of useful prompts that can streamline tasks and help you achieve even better results.

  • 教程编号:0525544915
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:1.14GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

│  └─Boost Your Productivity with AI Tools
│      ├─01 - Introduction
│      │      01 - AI is a dream for productivity.mp4
│      │      01 - AI is a dream for productivity.srt
│      │      
│      ├─02 - 1. Your Approach to Using AI in Business
│      │      01 - The two reasons to use AI in business.mp4
│      │      01 - The two reasons to use AI in business.srt
│      │      02 - Identifying opportunities to benefit from AI.mp4
│      │      02 - Identifying opportunities to benefit from AI.srt
│      │      03 - A different approach to AI prompt writing.mp4
│      │      03 - A different approach to AI prompt writing.srt
│      │      04 - Taking responsibility for the output of AI.mp4
│      │      04 - Taking responsibility for the output of AI.srt
│      │      05 - Organizing your AI prompts.mp4
│      │      05 - Organizing your AI prompts.srt
│      │      
│      ├─03 - 2. AI Prompts to Make Your Job Easier
│      │      01 - Using AI to respond to an email.mp4
│      │      01 - Using AI to respond to an email.srt
│      │      02 - Using AI to help plan a project.mp4
│      │      02 - Using AI to help plan a project.srt
│      │      03 - Using AI to convert text to HTML markup.mp4
│      │      03 - Using AI to convert text to HTML markup.srt
│      │      04 - Using AI to turn a document into a presentation.mp4
│      │      04 - Using AI to turn a document into a presentation.srt
│      │      05 - Using AI to come up with relevant social posts.mp4
│      │      05 - Using AI to come up with relevant social posts.srt
│      │      
│      ├─04 - 3. AI Prompts to Help Make Your Work Better
│      │      01 - Using AI to help generate ideas.mp4
│      │      01 - Using AI to help generate ideas.srt
│      │      02 - Using AI to start a mind map.mp4
│      │      02 - Using AI to start a mind map.srt
│      │      03 - Using AI to improve your arguments.mp4
│      │      03 - Using AI to improve your arguments.srt
│      │      04 - Using AI to challenge conventional thinking.mp4
│      │      04 - Using AI to challenge conventional thinking.srt
│      │      05 - Using AI to help you present ideas to decision makers.mp4
│      │      05 - Using AI to help you present ideas to decision makers.srt
│      │      
│      └─05 - Conclusion
│              01 - Summary and next steps.mp4
│              01 - Summary and next steps.srt





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