Brand Mastery是一门关于战略品牌打造的在线课程,教你如何建立和发展一个有利可图的品牌和业务,是目前智慧品牌打造的最佳策略之一。





Learn and implement strategic brand-building to your business, and see your growth and profitability soar.
Brand Mastery is an online course in strategic brand-building that teaches you arguably the smartest strategy for building and growing a profitable brand and business today.

Learn how to focus only on what matters and seek profitability before you scale and grow you business to 7 or 8-figures.
Stop the guesswork and get a proven, timeless system for building a profitable brand and business.
Translate your customer insights and strategy into a total offering that your ideal customers find irresistible.
Learn a proven framework and methods for understanding your ideal customer better than your competition.

  • 教程编号:0419688051
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:12.43GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

Brand Mastery
  │  00-The Brand Playbook? Brand Mastery 1.0.pdf
  │      01-Welcome.mkv
  │      02-About The Program.mkv
  │      03-How To Get The Most Of The Program.mkv
  │      04-The Brand Playbook.mkv
  │      05-The Right Mindset.mkv
  ├─01-Module 1 - Foundation
  │      01-Module Introduction.mkv
  │      02-Principles Of The Only Strategy.mkv
  │      02-Resource.pdf
  │      03-The Only Strategy.mkv
  │      04-The Only Formula.mkv
  │      05-Brand Fundamentals.mkv
  │      06-Brand Fundamentals - Trust.mkv
  │      07-Brand Fundamentals - Customer.mkv
  │      08-Brand Fundamentals - Relevance.mkv
  │      09-Brand Fundamentals - Differentiation.mkv
  │      10-Brand Fundamentals - Value.mkv
  │      11-Brand Fundamentals - Authenticity.mkv
  │      12-Brand Fundamentals - Focus.mp4
  │      13-Brand Fundamentals - Emotion.mp4
  │      14-Brand Fundamentals - Progress.mp4
  │      15-Brand Fundamentals - Wonder.mp4
  │      16-Brand Fundamentals - Simplicity.mp4
  │      17-Design Thinking.mp4
  │      18-Design Thinking Toolkit.mp4
  ├─02-Module 2 - Customer
  │      01-Module Introduction.mkv
  │      02-The One-Eighty.mkv
  │      03-Powers Of Ten.mkv
  │      04-The Power Base.mkv
  │      05-The Ideal Customer.mkv
  │      06-The Customer Blueprint.mkv
  │      07-The Customer Blueprint - Research.mkv
  │      08-The Customer Blueprint - Research Guide.mkv
  ├─03-Module 3 - Strategy
  │      01-Module Introduction.mkv
  │      02-What Is Brand Strategy.mkv
  │      03-Strategic Exploration.mkv
  │      04-Brand Purpose.mkv
  │      05-Customer Vision.mkv
  │      06-Brand Identity.mkv
  │      07-Onlyness - Your Brand Position.mkv
  │      08-Brand Promise.mkv
  │      09-Brand Story.mkv
  ├─04-Module 4 - Offering
  │      01-Module Introduction.mkv
  │      02-The Brand Offering.mkv
  │      03-The Five Brand Dimensions.mkv
  │      04-Designing Your Brand Offering.mkv
  │      05-Choosing Your Brand Touchpoints.mkv
  │      06-Designing Your Brand Touchpoints.mkv
  ├─05-Module 5 - Engagement
  │      01-Module Introduction.mkv
  │      02-The Power Of Engagement.mkv
  │      03-The Engagement Loop.mkv
  │      04-Engagement Strategy.mkv
  │      05-Engagement Tactic - Podcasts.mkv
  │      06-Engagement Tactic - eBooks.mkv
  │      07-Engagement Tactic - Blogging.mkv
  │      08-Engagement Tactic - Social Media.mkv
  │      09-Engagement Tactic - Webinars.mkv
  │      10-Engagement Tactic - Paid Ads.mkv
  │      11-Engagement Tactic - Email.mkv
  │      12-Engagement Tactic - Speaking.mp4
  │      13-Engagement Tactic - Affiliates.mp4
  └─06-Module 6 - Operations
          01-Module Introduction.mkv
          02-The Secret To Profitable Growth.mkv
          03-Principles Of Operational Design.mkv
          04-Designing Your Operating System - Part 1.mkv
          05-Designing Your Operating System - Part 2.mkv
          06-Putting Together Your Brand Playbook.mkv
          07-Final Words.mkv





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