The Escala presents an opportunity for entrepreneurs to achieve effective Amazon Business Systemization through their comprehensive course.
The course offers a step-by-step blueprint to systematize Amazon operations and achieve growth.
By implementing their methodology, you will witness improved work-life balance and increased bandwidth, alleviating the common challenges faced by Amazon business owners.
By investing time and effort into the systemization process, you will lay the foundation for long-term growth and success.
From increased efficiency and streamlined processes to improved work-life balance, this course will equip you with the tools to achieve sustainable growth and take your business to new heights.
- 教程编号:0579998489
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
- 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
- 文件大小:10.93GB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
- 压缩软件:7ZIP
- 视频播放:完美解码
Amazon Business Systemization
├─00-Escala Academy - Preview
│ 01-Escala Academy - Why.mkv
│ 02-What will my business look like after the Escala Academy.mkv
│ 03-Escala - Your Partner for eCommerce Scale.mkv
│ 04-Options for Working with Escala.mkv
├─01-MODULE 1 - Course Introduction
│ 01-Escala Course Introduction.mkv
│ 02-The 3-Phase Approach to Business Systemization.mkv
│ 03-Escala Academy Overview.mkv
│ 04-Fundamentals - Components of a System.mkv
│ 05-Organizational Chart vs Accountability Chart.mkv
│ 06-Escala Process Hierarchy.mkv
│ 07-Resources.pdf
│ 07-Setting up ClickUp.mkv
│ 08-Resources.pdf
│ 08-Setting up Miro.mkv
│ 09-Prerequisite for Systemization - A Vision 'Shared by All'.mkv
│ 10-Importance of Getting the Team's Buy-in for the Project.mkv
│ 11-Module 1 Introduction.pdf
│ 11-Task - Conduct Internal Kick-off (Part 1).mkv
│ 11-[Company Name] - Project Kick Off.pptx
│ 12-Escala - Team Task Sheet - NAME.xlsx
│ 12-Escala Academy - Glossary.pdf
│ 12-Task - Conduct Internal Kick-off (Part 2).mp4
├─02-MODULE 2 - Current State Assessment
│ 01-Current State Assessment Overview.mkv
│ 02-Escala Process Hierarchy Level 1 - Core Functions.mkv
│ 03-Escala Process Hierarchy Level 2 - Processes.mkv
│ 04-Building Process Maps with Miro.mkv
│ 04-Miroverse Template.pdf
│ 05-Miro High Level Process Map Samples Password.txt
│ 05-Miro High Level Process Map Samples.pdf
│ 05-Task - Build Your Current State High Level Process Map.mkv
│ 05-Task - Build Your Current State High Level Process Map.pdf
│ 06-Build Your Current State Organizational Chart.mkv
│ 06-Task - Build Your Current State Organizational Chart.pdf
│ 07-Walkthrough of Building organization chart in Miro.mkv
│ 08-The Role of Service Providers in the Current State Assessment.mkv
│ 09-Preparing for Process Walkthroughs.mkv
│ 10-Escala - Team Task Sheet - NAME.xlsx
│ 10-Task - Conduct Process Walkthroughs.mkv
│ 10-Task - Conduct Process Walkthroughs.pdf
│ 11-Task - Consolidate AFIs from Process Walkthroughs.mkv
│ 11-Task - Consolidate AFIs from Process Walkthroughs.pdf
│ 12-Task - Revisit High Level Process Map.mkv
│ 12-Task - Revisit High Level Process Map.pdf
│ 13-Escala Process Hierarchy Level 3 - Tasks.mp4
│ 14-Accomplish the Master Task List to Align with Escala Process Hierarchy.mkv
│ 14-Escala - Master Task List.xlsx
│ 14-Task - Accomplish the Master Task List to Align with Escala Process Hierarchy.pdf
│ 15-Task - Convert Text to Flow Charts in Miro.pdf
│ 15-Task - Convert Text to Flow Charts on Miro.mp4
│ 16-Task - Verify High Level and Level 3 Process Maps with Team.mp4
│ 16-Task - Verify High Level and Level 3 Process Maps with Team.pdf
│ 17-From Current State Assessment to Future State Design.mp4
│ 17-Module 2 - Current State Assessment.pdf
├─03-MODULE 3 - Future State Design - People
│ 01-Future State Design Overview.mkv
│ 02-Building your Process-Driven Accountability Chart.mkv
│ 02-Resource Password.txt
│ 02-Resource.pdf
│ 03-Building your Accountability Chart in Miro.mkv
│ 04-Task - Build your Accountability Chart.pdf
│ 04-Task - Build your Current State Accountability Chart.mkv
│ 05-Task - Score each Accountability using the Delegation or Automation.mkv
│ 05-Task - Score each Accountability using the Delegation-Automation Index.pdf
│ 06-Considering AFIs & New Processes for Accountability Chart.mkv
│ 07-Touchpoint - Deciding for your Future.mkv
│ 08-Translating your Accountability Chart into a Future State Organizational Chart.mkv
│ 09-Task - Build your Future State Organizational Chart.mkv
│ 09-Task - Build your Future State Organizational Chart.pdf
│ 10-Escala - Purpose Assessment Template.xlsx
│ 10-Task - Run a Purpose Assessment for each Role.mkv
│ 10-Task - Run a Purpose Assessment for each Role.pdf
│ 11-Understanding BME Analysis Build Manage Execute.mkv
│ 12-Module 3 - Future State Design - People.pdf
│ 12-The Importance of Performance Management System in your Business.mp4
├─04-MODULE 4 - Future State Design - Technology
│ 01-Leveraging Technology to Systematize your Business.mkv
│ 02-Task - Create your Current State Tools Masterlist.mkv
│ 02-Task - Create your Current State Tools Masterlist.pdf
│ 03-The Role of Technology in Business - Too Much vs Too Little.mkv
│ 04-Task - Review the Automation Delegation Index and Master AFI List.pdf
│ 04-Task - Review the Automation-Delegation Index.mkv
│ 05-Task - Build your Technology Roadmap.mkv
│ 05-Task - Build your Technology Roadmap.pdf
│ 06-Module 4 - Future State Design - Technology.pdf
│ 06-Task - Assign Internal Technology Owners.mkv
│ 06-Task - Assign Internal Technology Owners.pdf
├─05-MODULE 5 - Future State Design - Process
│ 01-Future State Design Process Overview.mkv
│ 02-Task - Prepare yourself for Future State Process Mapping.mkv
│ 03-Building your Future State High-Level Process Map.mkv
│ 03-Task - Build your Future State High-Level Process Maps.pdf
│ 04-Building your Future State Level 3 Process Maps.mkv
│ 04-Task - Build your Future State Process Maps (L3).pdf
│ 05-Aligning Process Maps with BME Analysis & Purpose Assessment.mkv
│ 05-Task - Align Process Maps with BME Analysis & Purpose Statement.pdf
│ 06-Task - Present Process Maps to your Internal Team.mkv
│ 06-Task - Present Process Maps to your Internal Team.pdf
│ 07-Task - Conduct Future State Sign-Off with Leadership Team.pdf
│ 07-Townhall - The Importance of Sign-off & Buy-in before Phase 3.mkv
│ 08-Task - Conduct a Townhall for your Team.pdf
│ 08-Task - Prepare your Townhall Deck.mkv
│ 08-Task - Summarize Major Changes into Townhall Deck.pdf
│ 08-[Company Name] - Project Townhall.pptx
│ 09-From Future State Design to Future State Implementation.mkv
│ 09-Module 5 - Future State Design - Process.pdf
├─06-MODULE 6 - Future State Implementation
│ 01-Future State Implementation Overview.mkv
│ 02-Understanding Workflows vs Company Wiki.mkv
│ 03-Building your Company Wiki Structure.mkv
│ 03-Resource.pdf
│ 04-Task - Build you Company Wiki Structure.mkv
│ 04-Task - Build you Company Wiki Structure.pdf
│ 05-Understanding the ClickUp Hierarchy.mkv
│ 06-Building your Company ClickUp Hierarchy.mkv
│ 07-Task - Build your Company ClickUp Spaces.mkv
│ 07-Task - Build Your Company ClickUp Structure.pdf
│ 08-Guide on How We Document SOPs.mkv
│ 09-Understanding Tasks vs Decision.mkv
│ 10-Escala Process Hierarchy Level 4 - Subtasks.mkv
│ 11-Escala Process Hierarchy Level 5 - Working Instructions.mkv
│ 12-Building your Escala Sprint Management (Master) Board.mp4
│ 12-Sample Sprints Management Board.pdf
│ 12-Task - Build Your Sprint Management Board.pdf
│ 13-Task - Add the L4 - Subtasks to your Wiki.pdf
│ 13-Task - Add the Subtasks to your Wiki.mkv
│ 14-Task - Conduct your Sprint Kick-Off.mp4
│ 14-Task - Conduct your Sprint Kick-Off.pdf
│ 14-[Company Name] - Sprint Kick Off.pptx
│ 15-Options for Working Instructions Documentation.mp4
│ 16-Task - Document your Working Instructions in the Wiki.mp4
│ 16-Task - Document your Working Instructions in the Wiki.pdf
│ 17-Task - Add the Subtasks to your Workflows.mp4
│ 17-Task - Add the Subtasks to your Workflows.pdf
│ 18-Resources.pdf
│ 18-Tool Hacks for Documenting SOPs.mp4
│ 19-Task - Link your Workflows to your Wiki.mp4
│ 19-Task - Link your Workflows to your Wiki.pdf
│ 20-Module 6 - Future State Implementation.pdf
│ 20-Sprint Summary and the Baseline.mp4
└─07-MODULE 7 - Summary and Next Steps
01-Updating & Maintaining your Business System.mkv
02-Using your Business System to Onboard Talent.mkv
03-Course Summary & Final Words.mkv
03-Module 7 - Summary and Next Steps.pdf
04-Escala Academy & Engagement - Are you Interested.mkv