由行业专家Michael Wong教授,这门课程非常适合中级学习者,希望加强他们的设计流程。





The Ultimate Figma Masterclass Course teaches advanced Figma skills, helping you design projects faster and work with developers easily.
The Ultimate Figma Masterclass Course equips you with the essential skills to master Figma and handle projects confidently.
Taught by industry expert Michael Wong, this course is perfect for intermediate-level learners looking to strengthen their design process.

You’ll explore advanced techniques like interactive prototyping, responsive design, and auto layout.
You’ll learn to build and extend design systems using variables, which speeds up design iterations.

You’ll become proficient in building responsive designs that adapt seamlessly across devices, a critical skill in today’s market.

By the end of the Ultimate Figma Masterclass Course, you’ll not only enhance your technical skills but also learn how to collaborate effectively with developers, using integrated code references to streamline project handovers.

  • 教程编号:0241140345
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:7.1GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

├─0241140345 Ultimate Figma Masterclass Course
│  └─Ultimate Figma Masterclass Course
│      │  Course Sales Page.png
│      │  
│      ├─Module 1- Welcome
│      │      1. A warm welcome to all students.mp4
│      │      2. Install Files.mp4
│      │      3. Install Figma Plugins.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─Module 2 - Figma Project Management (Real Project)
│      │      1. Welcome.ts
│      │      2. Overview.ts
│      │      3. Exploration.ts
│      │      4. Wireframes.ts
│      │      5. Moodboard.ts
│      │      6. Workspace.ts
│      │      7. Design feedback.ts
│      │      8. Final Designs.ts
│      │      9. Design Implementation.ts
│      │      
│      ├─Module 3 - Master Design Systems
│      │      1. Welcome.ts
│      │      10. Build a Drop Shadow System.ts
│      │      11. Master the BEM Model & Component Matrix.ts
│      │      12. Build a Dynamic & Scalable Button Set.ts
│      │      13. Publish a Design System.ts
│      │      14. Using Design Systems Across Multiple Projects.ts
│      │      14_1. What is BEM.png
│      │      15. Advanced Input Systems (Part 1).ts
│      │      16. Advanced Input Systems (Part 2).ts
│      │      17. Advanced Input Systems (Part 3).ts
│      │      2. Atomic Design Framework.ts
│      │      3. Build Style Guide (Neutrals).ts
│      │      4. Build a Scalable Colour System (Dark Mode).ts
│      │      5. Build a Responsive Typgography Scale.ts
│      │      6. Responsive Grid Layouts (320px to 1440px, Including Fixed Sidebars).ts
│      │      7. How to Use the 4pt Grid.ts
│      │      8. Create a Vertical 4pt Grid.ts
│      │      9. Build an Advanced Icon System (4 Sizes, 2 Colours).ts
│      │      
│      ├─Module 4 - Master Responsive UIDesign
│      │      1. Welcome.ts
│      │      10. Design a Responsive Footer.ts
│      │      11. Adding Prototype Interactions.ts
│      │      12. Managing the Design Feedback Process.ts
│      │      13. Responsive Views - 1152px.ts
│      │      14. Responsive Views - 768px.ts
│      │      15. Responsive Views - 320px.ts
│      │      16. Designing a Responsive Mobile Header.ts
│      │      17. Building a Responsive Prototype.ts
│      │      18. Preview designs with Figma Mirror.ts
│      │      2. Understanding the Box Model.ts
│      │      3. Understanding the CSS Flex box.ts
│      │      4. Attaching a Design System.ts
│      │      5. Design a Responsive Header.ts
│      │      6. Design a Responsive Hero Banner.ts
│      │      7. Design a Responsive Masonry Grid.ts
│      │      8. Design a Responsive Floating CTA.ts
│      │      9. Design a Responsive 4 Col Layout.ts
│      │      
│      ├─Module 5 - Master Figma Components
│      │      1. Welcome.ts
│      │      10. Master Components.ts
│      │      11. Prevent Master Components from Publishing.ts
│      │      2. When should you Componentize.ts
│      │      3. Global vs Local Components.ts
│      │      4. Creating Local & Global Components.ts
│      │      5. Deleting Component Variants.ts
│      │      6. Modifying a Component.ts
│      │      7. Creating a New Set of Component Variants.ts
│      │      8. Publishing Large Design Systems Workaround.ts
│      │      9. Detaching Main Components.ts
│      │      
│      ├─Module 6 - Design Implementation (Design Handover)
│      │      1. Welcome.ts
│      │      2. Compressing Images.ts
│      │      3. Compressing Images - FREE & High Quality Alternative.ts
│      │      4. How to Run a Design Implementation Walkthrough.ts
│      │      5. Preparing a File for Developers.ts
│      │      6. Documenting Designs for Developers.ts
│      │      7. Exporting SVG Icons.ts
│      │      8. Exporting PNG Icons.ts
│      │      
│      ├─Module 7- Bonus Challenges
│      │      1. Welcome.ts
│      │      2. Build a Responsive 2 Column Layout.ts
│      │      3. Build a Responsive Table.ts
│      │      4. Create a Grid Box.ts
│      │      5. Build a Scalable Progress Bar.ts
│      │      
│      ├─Module 8 - Prototypes & Animations
│      │      1. Chapter Overview.ts
│      │      10. Final Challenges (Part 3).ts
│      │      11. Intro to Part 2.ts
│      │      12. Design a Sidebar & Loading State.ts
│      │      13. Design a Dashboard.ts
│      │      14. Design the Customer View (Rows).ts
│      │      15. Design the Customer View (Grid).ts
│      │      16. Design the Add New Customer Modal.ts
│      │      17. Design the Success Message.ts
│      │      18. Plan your Prototype Sequence.ts
│      │      19. Build your Prototype.ts
│      │      2. Smart Animate Overview.ts
│      │      20. Interactive Components Challenge (Part 1).ts
│      │      21. Interactive Components Challenge (Part 2).ts
│      │      3. Animation Types.ts
│      │      4. Animation Type.ts
│      │      5. Easing the Easy Way.ts
│      │      6. Figma Animation Prototype.ts
│      │      7. Custom Figma Transitions.ts
│      │      8. Final Challenges (Part 1).ts
│      │      9. Final Challenges (Part 2).ts
│      │      Animations & Prototyping (Starter & Solutions File).zip
│      │      
│      └─Resourses
│          │  01. Getting Started.fig
│          │  02. Design System.fig
│          │  03. Project Exercise.fig
│          │  04. Bonus Challenges.fig
│          │  [RESOURCE] Design Implementation Walkthrough.fig
│          │  [RESOURCE] Project Starter Template.fig
│          │  [RESOURCE] Real Project File.fig
│          │  [SOLUTIONS] 03. Project Exercise.fig
│          │  [SOLUTION] 02. Design System.fig
│          │  
│          └─Designership-Design System
│                  Designership Design System v.1.3.1.fig
│                  Watch Me First.mp4
│                  _Designership Design System v.1.3.1.fig





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