


A step-by-step framework to pitch and *win* your dream clients
Get a proven step-by-step framework to send ethical cold pitches to your wishlist clients — without sounding sleazy, feeling annoying or coming off desperate — that will have prospects responding enthusiastically to get on your books.
You’ll come away with a reliable lead generation system you can use to consistently book up your calendar with wish list clients.
You’ll have a new understanding of what cold pitching can really do for your business as well as your clients

  • 教程编号:1837723170
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:2.24GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

│  └─Cold Pitch Masterclass
│      ├─01-Cold Pitch Masterclass
│      │      01-Cold Pitch Masterclass Workbook (Fillable).pdf
│      │      01-Welcome!! + a quick tour [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      02-The Power of Cold Pitching [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      03-Ethical vs Traditional Cold Pitching [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      04-Planning Your Cold Pitch Vision [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      05-Who to Pitch [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      06--What to Pitch [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      07-Write the Pitch [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      08-Personal Brand- Belinda Weaver Cold Pitch Teardown [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      08-Startup- SXSW Pitch Teardown [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      08-Tech Company- Run the World Pitch Teardown [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      09-Pitch Research Blueprint.pdf
│      │      09-Pitch Tracker.pdf
│      │      
│      └─02-Cold Pitch Playbook
│              01-Cold Pitch Playbook (PDF).pdf
│              02-Cold Pitch Playbook (Fillable).pdf
│              03-cold-pitch-playbook.zip





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