The WordPress Optimization and Security”course is designed to help you enhance your WordPress website’s performance and protect it from security threats. Here’s what you’ll learn:
Understand the vulnerabilities of WordPress and how to set up a secure hosting environment.
Discover the best security plugins to prevent spam and code execution, and learn how to manage plugins and themes effectively.
Learn how to add, remove, and update user accounts while implementing strong usernames and passwords.
Optimize your content for SEO, implement caching and content delivery networks (CDN), and protect your content directories from hotlinking.
Secure your WordPress internals by backing up and restoring your website, securing the database, using SSL for HTTPS, and hardening PHP for added security.
- 教程编号:2139193681
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
- 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
- 文件大小:632MB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
- 压缩软件:7ZIP
- 视频播放:完美解码
WordPress Optimization and Security
│ exercise.zip
│ playlist.m3u
├─03. Plugins and Themes
│ 01. Overview.mkv
│ 01. Overview.vtt
│ 02. WordPress Plugins.mkv
│ 02. WordPress Plugins.vtt
│ 03. Installing a Plugin.mkv
│ 03. Installing a Plugin.vtt
│ 04. Updating a Plugin.mkv
│ 04. Updating a Plugin.vtt
│ 05. Deactivating a Plugin.mkv
│ 05. Deactivating a Plugin.vtt
│ 06. Removing Unused Plugins.mkv
│ 06. Removing Unused Plugins.vtt
│ 07. Useful Security Plugins.mkv
│ 07. Useful Security Plugins.vtt
│ 08. WordPress Themes.mkv
│ 08. WordPress Themes.vtt
│ 09. Installing a WordPress Theme.mkv
│ 09. Installing a WordPress Theme.vtt
│ 10. Removing Unused Themes.mkv
│ 10. Removing Unused Themes.vtt
│ 11. Summary.mkv
│ 11. Summary.vtt
├─04. User Management
│ 01. Overview.mkv
│ 01. Overview.vtt
│ 02. User Management.mkv
│ 02. User Management.vtt
│ 03. Add a User.mkv
│ 03. Add a User.vtt
│ 04. Secure Usernames and Passwords.mkv
│ 04. Secure Usernames and Passwords.vtt
│ 05. Removing Users.mkv
│ 05. Removing Users.vtt
│ 06. Updating User Details.mkv
│ 06. Updating User Details.vtt
│ 07. Default Admin Username.mkv
│ 07. Default Admin Username.vtt
│ 08. Invalid Login Attempts.mkv
│ 08. Invalid Login Attempts.vtt
│ 09. Security Questions.mkv
│ 09. Security Questions.vtt
│ 10. Best Practices.mkv
│ 10. Best Practices.vtt
│ 11. Protect wp-admin.mkv
│ 11. Protect wp-admin.vtt
│ 12. Prevent Author Scan.vtt
│ 13. Summary.mp4
│ 13. Summary.vtt
├─05. Adding Content to WordPress
│ 01. Overview.mkv
│ 01. Overview.vtt
│ 02. Content on WordPress.mkv
│ 02. Content on WordPress.vtt
│ 03. Protecting against Spam.mkv
│ 03. Protecting against Spam.vtt
│ 04. Optimize for SEO.mkv
│ 04. Optimize for SEO.vtt
│ 05. Implement Caching.mkv
│ 05. Implement Caching.vtt
│ 06. Minify and Compress.mkv
│ 06. Minify and Compress.vtt
│ 07. Use CDN for Content Delivery.mkv
│ 07. Use CDN for Content Delivery.vtt
│ 08. Protect wp-content Directory.mkv
│ 08. Protect wp-content Directory.vtt
│ 09. Hotlink Prevention.mkv
│ 09. Hotlink Prevention.vtt
│ 10. Summary.mkv
│ 10. Summary.vtt
├─06. WordPress Internals
│ 01. Overview.mkv
│ 01. Overview.vtt
│ 02. Securing WordPress Internals.mkv
│ 02. Securing WordPress Internals.vtt
│ 03. Backup WordPress.mkv
│ 03. Backup WordPress.vtt
│ 04. Restore WordPress.mkv
│ 04. Restore WordPress.vtt
│ 05. Database Prefix.mkv
│ 05. Database Prefix.vtt
│ 06. Database Security.mkv
│ 06. Database Security.vtt
│ 07. Clean up Database.mkv
│ 07. Clean up Database.vtt
│ 08. Maintenance Mode.mkv
│ 08. Maintenance Mode.vtt
│ 09. Web Application Firewall.mkv
│ 09. Web Application Firewall.vtt
│ 10. Using SSL for HTTPS.mkv
│ 10. Using SSL for HTTPS.vtt
│ 11. Securing the .htaccess.mkv
│ 11. Securing the .htaccess.vtt
│ 12. Harden PHP for WordPress.mp4
│ 12. Harden PHP for WordPress.vtt
│ 13. Prevent File Modifications.mp4
│ 13. Prevent File Modifications.vtt
│ 14. Clean up WordPress Installation.mp4
│ 14. Clean up WordPress Installation.vtt
│ 15. Reinstall WordPress.mp4
│ 15. Reinstall WordPress.vtt
│ 16. Summary.mp4
│ 16. Summary.vtt
├─1. Course Overview
│ 1. Course Overview.mkv
│ 1. Course Overview.vtt
└─2. Secure WordPress Installation
1. Overview.mkv
1. Overview.vtt
2. WordPress CMS.mkv
2. WordPress CMS.vtt
3. Setting up WordPress.mkv
3. Setting up WordPress.vtt
4. Updating a WordPress Website.mkv
4. Updating a WordPress Website.vtt
5. Review Software Version.mkv
5. Review Software Version.vtt
6. WordPress Vulnerabilities.mkv
6. WordPress Vulnerabilities.vtt
7. Using a Secure WordPress Hosting.mkv
7. Using a Secure WordPress Hosting.vtt
8. Summary.mkv
8. Summary.vtt