允许任何人快速构建从 0 到 5,000 个订阅者的电子邮件列表。

5 个培训模块,
包含从头开始构建电子邮件列表到 5,000 个订阅者所需的一切。



  • 教程编号:1802035188
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:1.08GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文

   │  │  说明.txt
   │  │  
   │  └─Blog
   │      │  Installation Guide.pdf
   │      │  说明.txt
   │      │  
   │      ├─Install
   │      │      20170411_yourblogtitlehere_aa6f9c6cf50bcc396590170411090809_archive.zip
   │      │      installer.php
   │      │      video.mkv
   │      │      说明.txt
   │      │      
   │      └─Literatum Theme Documentation
   │          │  index.html
   │          │  说明.txt
   │          │  
   │          ├─assets
   │          │  │  说明.txt
   │          │  │  
   │          │  ├─css
   │          │  │      bootstrap-responsive.css
   │          │  │      bootstrap.css
   │          │  │      documenter_style.css
   │          │  │      说明.txt
   │          │  │      
   │          │  ├─images
   │          │  │      image_1.png
   │          │  │      image_2.png
   │          │  │      image_3.png
   │          │  │      image_4.png
   │          │  │      image_5.png
   │          │  │      image_6.png
   │          │  │      说明.txt
   │          │  │      
   │          │  ├─img
   │          │  │  │  glyphicons-halflings-white.png
   │          │  │  │  glyphicons-halflings.png
   │          │  │  │  说明.txt
   │          │  │  │  
   │          │  │  └─glyphicons
   │          │  │          glyphicons_009_magic.png
   │          │  │          glyphicons_042_group.png
   │          │  │          glyphicons_079_podium.png
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   │          │  │          glyphicons_214_resize_small.png
   │          │  │          glyphicons_266_book_open.png
   │          │  │          说明.txt
   │          │  │          
   │          │  └─js
   │          │      │  bootstrap-min.js
   │          │      │  jquery.easing.js
   │          │      │  jquery.js
   │          │      │  jquery.scrollTo.js
   │          │      │  README.md
   │          │      │  scripts.js
   │          │      │  说明.txt
   │          │      │  
   │          │      └─google-code-prettify
   │          │              prettify.css
   │          │              prettify.js
   │          │              说明.txt
   │          │              
   │          └─iconslist
   │              │  config.json
   │              │  demo.html
   │              │  LICENSE.txt
   │              │  README.txt
   │              │  说明.txt
   │              │  
   │              ├─css
   │              │      animation.css
   │              │      icons-codes.css
   │              │      icons-embedded.css
   │              │      icons-ie7-codes.css
   │              │      icons-ie7.css
   │              │      icons.css
   │              │      说明.txt
   │              │      
   │              └─font
   │                      icons.eot
   │                      icons.svg
   │                      icons.ttf
   │                      icons.woff
   │                      说明.txt
   ├─Module 0
   │      Welcome.jpg
   │      Welcome2.jpg
   │      说明.txt
   ├─Module 1
   │  │  Intro.jpg
   │  │  Lesson 1  Why do you need an email list _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
   │  │  Lesson 3  List growth strategy (part 2) _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
   │  │  Lesson 4  How to stay the course on your way to 5000 subscribers _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
   │  │  Lesson 5  How to setup your email service provider _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
   │  │  说明.txt
   │  │  
   │  ├─Lesson 2
   │  │      Age Group - YouTube.mkv
   │  │      Facebook Audience Insight - YouTube.mkv
   │  │      Lesson 2  List growth strategy (part 1) _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
   │  │      说明.txt
   │  │      
   │  └─Lesson 5
   │          Setup Aweber Account - YouTube.mkv
   │          说明.txt
   ├─Module 2
   │  │  Introduction _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
   │  │  Lesson 4.htm
   │  │  Lesson 5  How to craft a compelling call to action _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
   │  │  说明.txt
   │  │  
   │  ├─Lesson 1
   │  │      Add Subscribers Manually - YouTube.mkv
   │  │      Lesson 1  How to get your first 50 subscribers _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
   │  │      PeopleYouKnowContactList.xlsx
   │  │      说明.txt
   │  │      
   │  ├─Lesson 2
   │  │      Create Social Sharing Links - YouTube.mkv
   │  │      Lesson 2  How to get your subscribers to spread your content _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
   │  │      说明.txt
   │  │      
   │  └─Lesson 3
   │          Create Email Collection Form - YouTube.mkv
   │          Lesson 3  Create your email collection form _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
   │          说明.txt
   ├─Module 3
   │  │  Introduction _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
   │  │  Lesson 2  Create blog-wide lead magnet _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
   │  │  Lesson 7  How to share your story on Facebook groups _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
   │  │  Lesson 8  Five other types of posts that do well on Facebook groups _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
   │  │  说明.txt
   │  │  
   │  ├─Lesson 1
   │  │      How to Add an Image Into Blog Post - YouTube.mkv
   │  │      Lesson 1  Create your first remarkable content _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
   │  │      说明.txt
   │  │      
   │  ├─Lesson 3
   │  │      Lesson 3  Setup welcome gate _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
   │  │      Scroll Mat - YouTube.mkv
   │  │      说明.txt
   │  │      
   │  ├─Lesson 4
   │  │      Content Upgrade - YouTube.mkv
   │  │      Lesson 4  Setup blog-wide content upgrade _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
   │  │      说明.txt
   │  │      
   │  ├─Lesson 5
   │  │      Exit Intent Popup - YouTube.mkv
   │  │      Lesson 5  Setup exit intent popup _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
   │  │      说明.txt
   │  │      
   │  └─Lesson 6
   │          Lesson 6  Join Facebook groups related to your niche _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
   │          Locate and Join Facebook Groups - YouTube.mkv
   │          说明.txt
   ├─Module 4
   │  │  Introduction _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
   │  │  说明.txt
   │  │  
   │  ├─Lesson 1
   │  │      Buzzsumo - YouTube.mkv
   │  │      Lesson 1  How to create content so good they can’t say no _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
   │  │      说明.txt
   │  │      
   │  ├─Lesson 2
   │  │      Lesson 2  Make it dead simple to share _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
   │  │      Sumome - YouTube.mkv
   │  │      说明.txt
   │  │      
   │  ├─Lesson 3
   │  │      Find People Who'd Share - YouTube.mkv
   │  │      Lesson 3  How to find bloggers who’d share _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
   │  │      说明.txt
   │  │      
   │  ├─Lesson 4
   │  │      How to Find Bloggers Emails - YouTube.mkv
   │  │      Lesson 4  How to find bloggers emails _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
   │  │      说明.txt
   │  │      
   │  ├─Lesson 5
   │  │      Lesson 5  How to reach out to bloggers _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
   │  │      Pre outreach Steps - YouTube.mkv
   │  │      说明.txt
   │  │      
   │  └─Lesson 6
   │          Click To Tweet - YouTube.mkv
   │          Lesson 6  How to build your inner circle _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
   │          说明.txt
   └─Module 5
       │  Introduction _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
       │  Lesson 10  Start your ad campaign (Part 1) _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
       │  Lesson 14  Ad campaign optimization stage 3 (72 hours after launch) _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
       │  Lesson 17  Top 1% of marketers _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
       │  Lesson 3  How to create ads that draw clicks like a magnet _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
       │  说明.txt
       ├─Lesson 1
       │      How to Schedule The Lead Magnet Sent to FB Campaign Sign ups - YouTube.mkv
       │      Lesson 1  How to create lead magnet for your Facebook advertising _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
       │      Quora - YouTube.mkv
       │      说明.txt
       ├─Lesson 11
       │      Create Facebook Ad Campaign Using Power Editor - YouTube.mkv
       │      Lesson 11  Start your ad campaign (Part 2) _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
       │      说明.txt
       ├─Lesson 12
       │      Ad Campaign Optimization Stage 1 - YouTube.mkv
       │      Lesson 12  Ad campaign optimization stage 1 (24 hours after launch) _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
       │      说明.txt
       ├─Lesson 13
       │      Ad Campaign Optimization Stage 2 - YouTube.mkv
       │      Lesson 13  Ad campaign optimization stage 2 (48 hours after launch) _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
       │      说明.txt
       ├─Lesson 15
       │      Age Groups - YouTube.mkv
       │      Gender - YouTube.mkv
       │      Lesson 15  Ad campaign optimization stage 4 (96 hours after launch) _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
       │      Placement - YouTube.mkv
       │      说明.txt
       ├─Lesson 16
       │      Duplicating Adsets - YouTube.mkv
       │      Increase Daily Budget - YouTube.mkv
       │      Lesson 16  How to scale your ad campaign _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
       │      说明.txt
       ├─Lesson 2
       │      How To Find High EPC Numbers on JVZoo - YouTube.mkv
       │      How To Setup Email Series - YouTube.mkv
       │      Lesson 2  How to recover your Facebook ad spend _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
       │      tor-emails.zip
       │      说明.txt
       ├─Lesson 4
       │      Build a FB Compliance Mobile Optimized Lander - YouTube.mkv
       │      Lesson 4  How to create Facebook compliance landing page _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
       │      说明.txt
       ├─Lesson 5
       │      Lesson 5  Create minimal Facebook page _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
       │      Minimal Facebook Fan Page - YouTube.mkv
       │      说明.txt
       ├─Lesson 6
       │      Lesson 6  How to setup your Facebook ad account _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
       │      Setting Up Facebook Ads Account - YouTube.mkv
       │      说明.txt
       ├─Lesson 7
       │      Lesson 7  How to create and setup Facebook pixel _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
       │      Setup Facebook Pixel on Your Blog - YouTube.mkv
       │      说明.txt
       ├─Lesson 8
       │      Create Custom Audience - YouTube.mkv
       │      Create Lookalike Audience - YouTube [QQ_250075083].mp4
       │      Lesson 8  How to find your perfect audience on Facebook (part 1) _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm
       │      说明.txt
       └─Lesson 9
               Facebook Audience Insight Tool - YouTube.mkv
               Lesson 9  How to find your perfect audience on Facebook (part 2) _ Rapid 5K Subs.htm





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