你还在头疼于制作销售页面吗?Jon Benson的ChatGPT“即时”黑科技给你解决方案,让你轻松制作高收益的销售页面,一切都像123一样简单。



Jon Benson,赫赫有名的十亿美元级文案作家,现在给你揭晓如何轻松写出犀利文案的秘籍。




Your Ultimate Sales Page Solution! With Jon Benson’s ChatGPT ‘Pre-Prompting’ Hack, crafting high-profit sales pages is as easy as 1-2-3.
No more copywriting struggles; no more staring at a blank page.
In under an hour, you’ll master this revolutionary technique that ChatGPT to create sales letters that convert like a pro wrote them.Jon Benson, a $1B Copywriter, has uncovered the key to effortless copy.
Say goodbye to high-priced copywriters or endless writing. Pre-Prompting is the future, crafting conversational, persuasive copy tailored to your ideal customers.

  • 教程编号:0508498741
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:6.97GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

│  └─ChatLetters
│      ├─01-Your Buyers Blueprint
│      │      01- Buyers Blueprint- Part 1.rtf
│      │      01-Buyers Blueprint- Part 1.mp4
│      │      02-Buyers Blueprint- Part 2.mp4
│      │      02-Buyers Blueprint- Part 2.rtf
│      │      03-Buyers Blueprint- Part 3.mp4
│      │      03-Buyers Blueprint- Part 3.rtf
│      │      
│      ├─02-Long Form Sales Letters
│      │  │  01-Long Form- Headlines and Subheadlines.mp4
│      │  │  02-Long Form- The Lead.mp4
│      │  │  03-Long Form- Intro and Key Concept.mp4
│      │  │  04-Long Form- False Solutions.mp4
│      │  │  05-Long Form- Objections.mp4
│      │  │  06-Long Form- The Offer.mp4
│      │  │  07-Long Form- Testimonials.mp4
│      │  │  08-Long Form- Sales Bullets.mp4
│      │  │  09-Long Form- The Price.mp4
│      │  │  10-Long Form- Bonuses.mp4
│      │  │  11-Long Form- Guarantee and Scarcity.mp4
│      │  │  12-Long Form- Q and A.mp4
│      │  │  
│      │  └─Resources
│      │          01-Long Form- Headlines and Subheadlines.rtf
│      │          02-Long Form- The Lead.rtf
│      │          03-Long Form- Intro and Key Concept.rtf
│      │          04-Long Form- False Solutions.rtf
│      │          05-Long Form- Objections.rtf
│      │          06-Long Form- The Offer.rtf
│      │          07-Long Form- Testimonials.rtf
│      │          08-Long Form- Sales Bullets.rtf
│      │          10-Long Form- Bonuses.rtf
│      │          11-Long Form- Guarantee and Scarcity.rtf
│      │          12-Long Form- Q and A.rtf
│      │          
│      ├─03-Short Form Sales Letters
│      │  │  01- Short Form- Headlines and Subheadlines.mp4
│      │  │  02-Short Form- The Lead.mp4
│      │  │  03-Short Form- Objections.mp4
│      │  │  04-Short Form- Solution.mp4
│      │  │  05-Short Form- Offer.mp4
│      │  │  06-Short Form- Sales Bullets.mp4
│      │  │  07-Short Form- Call To Action.mp4
│      │  │  08-Short Form- Q and A.mp4
│      │  │  
│      │  └─Resources
│      │          01- Short Form- Headlines and Subheadlines.rtf
│      │          02-Short Form- The Lead.rtf
│      │          03-Short Form- Objections.rtf
│      │          04-Short Form- Solution.rtf
│      │          05-Short Form- Offer.rtf
│      │          06-Short Form- Sales Bullets.rtf
│      │          07-Short Form- Call To Action.rtf
│      │          08-Short Form- Q and A.rtf
│      │          
│      └─04-Assets & Bonuses
│          │  01-BONUS – ChatGPT Plugins For Buyers Roadmap and Scraper.mp4
│          │  02-1-BONUS – Rich Schefren – Short Form Letter.mp4
│          │  02-2-BONUS – Rich Schefren – Short Form Letter.mp4
│          │  03-BONUS – Buyers Roadmap From Existing Sales Page – Anthropic Demo – Chat Plugins.mp4
│          │  04-BONUS – Short Form – Strategy Session Close.mp4
│          │  05-BONUS Ad training – John Mulry.mp4
│          │  
│          └─Resources
│                  04-BONUS – Short Form – Strategy Session Close.rtf
│                  06-ChatLetters_-Jons-Completed-Buyers-Roadmap.pdf
│                  07-1-Jon’s Completed Long Form Sales Letter – Example.pdf
│                  07-2-Jon’s Completed Short Form Sales Letter – Example.pdf
│                  08-1-Jon’s Completed Short Form Sales Letter – Example – Jay Abraham – PDF.pdf
│                  08-2-Jon’s Completed Long Form Sales Letter – Example – Jay Abraham – PDF.pdf





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