





AI is going to both build and bankrupt businesses. Create new jobs, while demolishing others. And make new millionaires, while others watch their careers dissolve into nothing.
Right now, you still have a choice. In the future, you won’t.
You’re going to learn exactly what AI can currently do and not do for you and your business. You’re going to learn when to use AI and when to avoid it.

You’re going to learn how to easily control AI tools so they give you profitable results and save you months of time.

  • 教程编号:1905914955
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:749MB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

How To Profit From AI
  ├─1 - Start Here
  │      1. Watch Me First - This Course Is Already Obsolete (not really) - How To Profit From AI.mkv
  │      2. Watch Me Second - Beware of the AI Narratives - How To Profit From AI.mkv
  │      3. What AI Cannot Do (yet) - How To Profit From AI.mkv
  │      4. What AI Can Already Do (real life examples) - How To Profit From AI.mkv
  │      5. How AI Really Works (this might surprise you) - How To Profit From AI.mkv
  │      6. The Only AI Vocabulary You Need To Know - How To Profit From AI.mkv
  │      7. What's Free and What Do You Have To Pay For_ - How To Profit From AI.mkv
  │      8. What's Your 90%_ - How To Profit From AI.mkv
  └─2 - Everything You Need To Know About ChatGPT
          1. ChatGPT - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly - How To Profit From AI.mkv
          10. ChatGPT - How To Use It For Email - How To Profit From AI.mkv
          11. ChatGPT - How To Use It For Long Form Sales Pages - How To Profit From AI.mkv
          12. ChatGPT - How To Use It For Product Development - How To Profit From AI.mp4
          2. ChatGPT 101 - The Raw Basics - How To Profit From AI.mkv
          3. SUPREMELY IMPORTANT - It's All About the PROMPTS (this is your unfair advantage) - How To Profit From AI.mkv
          4. Prompt Chaining (prompts on steriods) - How To Profit From AI.mkv
          5. ChatGPT - How To Use It For Research - How To Profit From AI.mkv
          6. ChatGPT - How To Use It For Articles - How To Profit From AI.mkv
          7. ChatGPT - How To Use It For Video Scripts - How To Profit From AI.mkv
          8. ChatGPT - How To Use It For Social Media - How To Profit From AI.mkv
          9. ChatGPT - How To Use It For Ads - How To Profit From AI.mkv





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