- 教程编号:1245943704
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
- 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
- 文件大小:1.88GB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
- 压缩软件:7ZIP
- 视频播放:完美解码
└─The Freelance Writer's Guide to the Galaxy
├─01-Module One-Get Your Mind Right
│ 01-Introduction.mkv
│ 01-Module 1PDF-083710.pdf
│ 02-Lesson One- Prepare Your Workspace.mkv
│ 02-Module 1PDF-083727.pdf
│ 03-Lesson Two- Write Down Your Mission Statement.mkv
│ 03-Module 1PDF-083747.pdf
│ 04-Lesson Three- Create a Writing Routine.mkv
│ 04-Module 1PDF-083806.pdf
│ 05-Lesson Four- Develop (A Couple of) the 8 Habits of Success.mkv
│ 05-Module 1PDF-083816.pdf
│ 06-Module One Actionable Steps.mkv
│ 06-Module OneActionableStepsChecklist-084207.pdf
├─02-Module Two-Getting Started
│ 01-Lesson One- What is Copywriting-.mkv
│ 01-Module 2PDF-084356.pdf
│ 02-Lesson Two- Choose Your Services.mkv
│ 02-Module 2PDF-084413.pdf
│ 03-35FreelanceWritingNicheIdeas-114239.pdf
│ 03-Lesson Three- Choose Your Niche.mkv
│ 03-Module 2PDF-114247.pdf
│ 04-Lesson Four- Build Your Portfolio.mkv
│ 04-Module 2PDF-084444.pdf
│ 05-HowtoWriteaGreatBlogPost-090403.pdf
│ 05-Lesson Five- How to Write a Great Blog Post.mkv
│ 05-Module 2PDF-084456.pdf
│ 06-Module Two Actionable Steps.mkv
│ 06-Module TwoActionableStepsChecklist-084521.pdf
├─03-Module Three-Finding Your First Client
│ 01-Cold Email Pitch Tracker.xlsx
│ 01-Cold Pitch Templates.docx
│ 01-Lesson One- Cold Pitching.mkv
│ 02-Lesson Two- Apply for Freelance Writing Jobs.mkv
│ 02-Module 3PDF-084845.pdf
│ 03-Lesson Three- Other Ways to Find Freelance Writing Jobs.mkv
│ 04-Module Three Actionable Steps.mkv
│ 04-Module ThreeActionableStepsChecklist-084907.pdf
├─04-Module Four-The Business of Freelance Writing
│ 01-ColleenWelsch.com Freelance Writing Rate Calculator.xlsx
│ 01-Lesson One- Setting Your Rates.mkv
│ 02-Lesson Two- Building Out Your Services.mkv
│ 02-Lesson Two-Building Out Your Services.pdf
│ 03-2021-22 Content Calendar Template.xlsx
│ 03-Lesson Three- Defining Your Process.mkv
│ 04-Freelance Proposal Template.docx
│ 04-Lesson Four- Sales.mkv
│ 05-Freelance Contract Template.docx
│ 05-Lesson Five- Contracts.mkv
│ 06-Lesson Six- Sending Invoices and Collecting Payments.mkv
│ 06-Lesson Six-Sending Invoices and Collecting Payments.pdf
│ 06-Module 4PDF-220412-160016.pdf
│ 07-Lesson Seven- Managing Your Finances.mkv
│ 07-Module 4PDF-085143.pdf
│ 08-Lesson Eight- Taxes.mkv
│ 09-Lesson Nine- Insurance.mkv
│ 09-Module 4PDF-085200.pdf
│ 10-Module Four Actionable Steps.mkv
│ 10-Module Four Actionable Steps.pdf
│ 10-Module FourActionableStepsChecklist-085217.pdf
├─05-Module Five-Doing the Work
│ 01-Lesson One- SEO 101.mkv
│ 01-ODULE5PDF-085321.pdf
│ 01-SEOCopywritingChecklist-092629.pdf
│ 02-2021-22 Content Calendar Template.xlsx
│ 02-Lesson Two- How to Create a Content Calendar .mkv
│ 02-Module 5PDF-085333.pdf
│ 03-Lesson Three- How to Generate Blog Post Ideas.mkv
│ 03-Module 5PDF-085340.pdf
│ 04-Lesson Four- How Long Should a Blog Post Be-.mkv
│ 04-Module 5PDF-085350.pdf
│ 05-Lesson Five- How to Sharpen Your Writing Skills.mkv
│ 05-Module 5PDF-085359.pdf
│ 06-Lesson Six- How to Write Faster.mkv
│ 07-Module Five Actionable Steps.mkv
│ 07-Module FiveActionableStepsChecklist-085423.pdf
├─06-Module Six-Getting It All Done
│ 01-Lesson One- Managing Your Projects.mkv
│ 01-Project Tracking Spreadsheet.xlsx
│ 02-Lesson Two- Managing Your Time.mkv
│ 02-Module 6PDF-085532.pdf
│ 03-Module Six Actionable Steps.mkv
│ 03-Module SixActionableStepsChecklist-085553.pdf
├─07-Module Seven-Marketing Yourself
│ 01-Lesson One- Defining Your Ideal Client.mkv
│ 01-Module 7PDF-085639.pdf
│ 02-Lesson Two- Build Out Your LinkedIn Presence.mkv
│ 03-Lesson Three- Create Your Freelance Writer Website.mkv
│ 03-Lesson Three-Create Your Freelance Writer Website.pdf
│ 03-Module 7PDF-085657.pdf
│ 04-Lesson Four- In-Person Networking.mkv
│ 05-Lesson Five- Social Media.mkv
│ 06-Module Seven Actionable Steps.mkv
│ 06-Module SevenActionableStepsChecklist-085735.pdf
├─08-Module Eight-Transitioning to Full-Time Freelancing
│ 01-Lesson One- Creating an 'FU' Fund.mkv
│ 01-Module 8PDF-085823.pdf
│ 02-Lesson Two- When It's Time to Make the Leap.mkv
│ 03-Module Eight Actionable Steps.mkv
│ 03-Module EightActionableStepsChecklist-085847.pdf
├─09-Module Nine-Growing Your Business
│ 01-Asking for Higher Rates - Client Email Template.docx
│ 01-Lesson One- Raising Your Rates.mkv
│ 02-Lesson Two- When to Fire Clients.mkv
│ 02-Module 9PDF-085949.pdf
│ 03-Lesson Three- Hiring Subcontractors.mkv
│ 04-Lesson Four- Selling Digital Products.mkv
│ 05-Module Nine Actionable Steps.mkv
│ 05-Module NineActionableStepsChecklist-090030.pdf
01-Lesson One- Freelance Writing When English Isn't Your First Language.mkv
02-Lesson Two- Freelance Writing as a Digital Nomad.mkv
03-Lesson Three- Further Reading.mkv