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  • 教程编号:1127596821
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:2.3GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文

   ├─01-Day 1 - Omnipresence Overview
   │      01-Introduction to Program.mkv
   │      02-What is the R.O.I. Method.mkv
   │      03-The Origins of Omnipresence.mkv
   │      04-Why Omnipresence is So Important in Your Business.mkv
   │      05-How to Use Omnipresence in Your Business.mkv
   │      06-Platforms for Omnipresence.mkv
   │      07-The SSF Method and Omnipresence Matrix.mkv
   │      08-Amplification.mkv
   │      09-Omnipresence and Audience Size.mkv
   │      10-Doc-Cognitive Bias and Omnipresence.pdf
   │      10-The Psychology of Omnipresence.docx
   │      说明.txt
   ├─02-Day 2- Stage I Omnipresence
   │      01-Stage 1 Examples.docx
   │      01-Stage I Omnipresence Explained.mkv
   │      01-Stage I Omnipresence Explained.pdf
   │      说明.txt
   ├─03-Day 3- Content
   │      01-Doc-The Type of Content That Works for Omnipresence.pdf
   │      01-Types of Content for Omnipresence.docx
   │      02-Selecting Content for Your Omni Stack.mkv
   │      03-Developing Omni Content Quickly.mkv
   │      04-How to Magnetic in Your Content.mkv
   │      05-How to Mediate Attention.mkv
   │      06-Doc-Omni Content Guidelines.pdf
   │      06-Omnipresence Content Guidelines.docx
   │      07-TEMPLATE-Omnipresence Spreadsheet.mkv
   │      07-TEMPLATE-Omnipresence Spreadsheet.pdf
   │      08-Stage 1 Examples.docx
   │      08-SWIPE FILE-Omnipresence Examples.pdf
   │      08-Trigger Examples.docx
   │      说明.txt
   ├─04-Day 4- Omnipresence Platforms
   │      01-Day 4 _).docx
   │      01-Omnipresence Platforms.mkv
   │      说明.txt
   ├─05-Day 5- Paid Ad Implementation
   │      01-Access Notes.docx
   │      01-Building Social Proof on your ads.mkv
   │      01-Customer Conversions vs. Standard Events.mkv
   │      01-Facebook Ads - Audience Naming Conventions.mkv
   │      01-Facebook Pixel Setup.mkv
   │      01-Granting Access to Ad Account.mkv
   │      01-Granting Facebook Access To Your Page.mkv
   │      01-Naming Conventions.mkv
   │      02-Omnipresence Breakdown %.docx
   │      03-Omnipresence Budgeting.docx
   │      04-Audiences for Omni Ads.mkv
   │      05-The 4 Types of Campaign Objectives for Omni Ads.mkv
   │      06-Setting Up Omni Ads on Facebook and Instagram.mkv
   │      07-Setting Up Omni Ads on Youtube.mkv
   │      说明.txt
   ├─06-Day 6- Optimization
   │      01-Optimizing Your Ads.mkv
   │      说明.txt
   ├─07-Day 7- Next Steps
   │      01-What's Next.mkv
   │      说明.txt
   ├─08-BONUS- The Mindset of Omnipresence
   │      01-Invisible ROI.mkv
   │      02-You Can't Do the Wrong Thing.mkv
   │      03-The Strongest CTA.mkv
   │      04-What You Know About Marketing is Wrong.mkv
   │      05-The #1 Reason You WON'T Use Omnipresence.mkv
   │      说明.txt
   ├─09-BONUS- The Daily Shift with Scott and Libby
   │      01-39 Days of Daily Shifts.pdf
   │      说明.txt
   ├─10-BONUS- Omnipresence for Webinars
   │      01-Omnipresence for Webinars.pdf
   │      01-Webinar Omnipresnece Planning.docx
   │      说明.txt
   └─11-BONUS- Unreleased FB Ads Masterclass
           01-Unreleased Fb Ads Masterclass.pdf





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