包含Bob Serling深度6周教练计划的所有培训材料和现场录音。


This newly updated version of Ultimate Leverage Licensing gives you ALL the training materials and recordings of the live calls from Bob Serling’s in-depth, 6-week coaching program.
You get all the training, tools and coaching call recordings needed to use other peoples’ assets to broker lucrative licensing deals.

And because you use other peoples’ assets, this can all be done with no cost and no risk – even if you have no previous licensing experience.

  • 教程编号:1448721037
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:124MB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

─Ultimate Leverage Licensing Express
  │  00-Program Agenda.pdf
  ├─01-Section 1
  │  │  00-Introduction to Brokering Licensing Deals.pdf
  │  │  
  │  └─Ultimate Leverage Traffic Generation
  │          01-Read this FIRST - Accelerated list building.pdf
  │          02-ULTG Main training.pdf
  │          03-ULTG Podcast Traffic.pdf
  │          04-ULTG Marketing Toolkit.docx
  │          05-10-Minute Business Success.pdf
  ├─02-Section 2
  │      01-Gaining the Use and Control of Your Client’s List.pdf
  │      02-Example 02-01 – Prospecting email for existing business contacts.docx
  │      03-Example 02-02 – Prospecting email to your list, direct pitch.docx
  │      04-Example 02-03 – Prospecting email to your list, fractional pitch.docx
  │      05-Example 02-04 – Article email with Resource Box.docx
  │      06-Example 02-05 – Sales presentation script.docx
  │      07-Example 02-06 – Shortened sales presentation script.docx
  │      08-Example 02-07 – Client Licensing Agreement.docx
  ├─03-Section 3
  │      01-Selling Other Companies’ Products to Your Client’s List.pdf
  │      02-Example 03-01 – Sideways Survey email #1.docx
  │      03-Example 03-02 – Sideways Survey email #2.docx
  │      04-Example 03-03 – Product Solicitation email.docx
  │      05-Example 03-04 – Partnership Agreement.docx
  │      06-Example 03-05 – 'Quick Hit' email.docx
  │      07-Example 03-06 – Grouped Offers email.docx
  │      08-Example 03-07 – Resource Center page.docx
  ├─04-ULL2 Advanced Strategies and Tactics
  │      01-ULL2 Advanced Training.pdf
  │      02-Example 01 – New offer structure email.docx
  │      03-Example 02 – New offer follow-up emai.docx
  │      04-Example 03 – Next level email #1.docx
  │      05-Example 04 – Next level email #2.docx
  │      06-Example 05 – Next level email #3.docx
  │      07-Example 06 – Added value appointment email.docx
  │      08-Example 07 – 20-minute sales script.docx
  │      09-Example 08 – Welcome Sequence Email #1.docx
  │      10-Example 09 – Welcome Sequence Email #2.docx
  │      11-Example 10 – Welcome Sequence Email #3.docx
  │      12-Example 11 – Resource Center Blurb.docx
  │      13-Example 12 – Your Welcome Sequence Email #1.docx
  │      14-Example 13 – Your Welcome Sequence Email #2.docx
  └─05-Coaching Calls
          01-Call 1 - Q&A for Section 1 materials.mp3
          02-Call 2 - Q&A for Section 2 materials.mp3
          03-Call 3 - Q&A for Section 3 materials.mp3





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