本.本博士将为你解读动画代理机构销售漏斗的工作原理,展示它如何将简单的Facebook Messenger联系转化为快速的销售会议。
掌握销售会议流程,让客户感到舒适,并使用动画代理机构销售漏斗为高价值或长期服务达成交易。A powerful tool to help your digital agency grab attention and secure high-ticket and recurring clients.
Dr. Ben walks you through how the Animated Agency Funnel works, showing how it transforms simple Facebook Messenger reach-outs into quick sales meetings.
Learn the secrets to finding great clients open to high-ticket and recurring services using the Animated Agency Funnel.
Discover how to create amazing animated social posts from scratch that are impossible to ignore, making them the perfect entry point using the Animated Agency Funnel.
Get the exact message template that grabs prospects’ attention, secures meetings, and keeps you on their radar using the Animated Agency Funnel.
Master the sales meeting process, make clients comfortable, and close deals for high-ticket or recurring services using the Animated Agency Funnel.
- 教程编号:1103320505
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
- 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
- 文件大小:746MB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
- 压缩软件:7ZIP
- 视频播放:完美解码
│ ├─01-Dr. Ben Adkins Animated Agency Funnel
│ │ 01-IntroAduction.mp4
│ │ 02-Part 1 The Full Animated Agency Funnel Explained .mp4
│ │ 03-Part 2 Top Tier Prospecting on Facebook.mp4
│ │ 04-Part 3 How we Create our Animated Attention Getters.mp4
│ │ 05-Part 4 The Prospect outreach Message that gets Meetings.mp4
│ │ 06-Part 5 The Meeting Hook and Selling over Zoom.mp4
│ │ Resources.txt
│ │
│ └─02-Dr. Ben Adkins Animated Agency Funnel Advanced
│ 01-IntroBduction.mp4
│ 02-Part 6 Get Dr. Ben x27 s Favorite 10 DFY Animated Agency Funnel Graphics .mp4
│ 02-Part 6 Get Dr. Ben x27 s Favorite 10 DFY Animated Agency Funnel Graphics .pdf
│ 03-Part 7 Learn How to Turn 10 Animated Templates into your Agency x27 s Perfect Social Bait.mp4
│ Resources.txt