



  • 教程编号:1096868520
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:14.06GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文

   ├─01 Overview - Start Here
   │  │  Unit One Lesson 01.mkv
   │  │  Unit One Lesson 02.mkv
   │  │  Unit One Lesson 03.mkv
   │  │  Unit One Lesson 04.mkv
   │  │  Unit One Lesson 05.mkv
   │  │  
   │  └─Doc
   │          screencapture-members-internetmarketing-gold-posts-the-multi-profit-site-program-basic-do-you-already-have-a-site-2020-09-23-15_20_49.png
   │          screencapture-members-internetmarketing-gold-posts-the-multi-profit-site-program-basic-do-you-already-have-a-site-2020-09-23-15_21_24.png
   │          screencapture-members-internetmarketing-gold-posts-the-multi-profit-site-program-basic-mps-unit-1-lesson-2-2020-09-23-15_24_36.png
   │          screencapture-members-internetmarketing-gold-posts-the-multi-profit-site-program-basic-mps-unit-1-lesson-3-2020-09-23-15_24_51.png
   │          screencapture-members-internetmarketing-gold-posts-the-multi-profit-site-program-basic-mps-unit-1-lesson-5-2020-09-23-15_26_16.png
   │          screencapture-members-internetmarketing-gold-posts-the-multi-profit-site-program-standard-mps-unit-1-lesson-1-2020-09-23-15_24_05.png
   │          screencapture-members-internetmarketing-gold-posts-the-multi-profit-site-program-standard-mps-unit-1-lesson-4-2020-09-23-15_25_54.png
   │          screencapture-members-internetmarketing-gold-posts-the-multi-profit-site-program-standard-unit-1-overview-start-here-2020-09-23-15_23_12.png
   │          Worksheet_for_Unit_1_2.pdf
   ├─02 Choosing a Niche
   │      Keyword Golden Ratio Calculator - Ezoic.xlsx
   │      Lesson 1 - Brainstorming.mkv
   │      Lesson 1 - Getting Ideas From Amazon.mkv
   │      Lesson 2 - Primer Keyword.mkv
   │      Lesson 3 - KGR Demo and Template.mkv
   │      Lesson 3 - KW Search Volume Ranges and Tools.mkv
   │      Lesson 4 - Anwer The Public.mkv
   │      Lesson 4 - Keyword Everywhere Demo.mkv
   │      Lesson 4 - Keyword Finder Demo.mkv
   │      Lesson 5 - My Niches.mkv
   │      MPS Unit 2 Lesson 3 (contd)_2.mkv
   ├─03 Competition Analysis
   │      Example 1 - MPS - First Page Competition Worksheet (1).xlsx
   │      Example 2 - MPS - First Page Competition Worksheet (1).xlsx
   │      Lesson 1 - Competition Analysis Intro.mkv
   │      Lesson 2 - Competition Analysis Tools.mkv
   │      Lesson 3 - Competition Analysis Worksheet.mkv
   │      Lesson 3 - Demo of First Page Competition Analysis Worksheet.mkv
   │      Lesson 3 - Using KWFinder Keywords Everywhere and How Doug Interates on Keywords_2.mkv
   │      Lesson 3 - Wrap Up_2.mkv
   │      Lesson 4 - My Niche_2.mkv
   │      MPS - First Page Competition Worksheet - Template (1).xlsx
   │      screencapture-members-internetmarketing-gold-posts-the-multi-profit-site-program-basic-lesson-3-competition-analysis-worksheet-2020-09-23-15_33_12.png
   │      screencapture-members-internetmarketing-gold-posts-the-multi-profit-site-program-basic-unit-3-competition-analysis-2020-09-23-15_32_44.png
   │      Unit 3 - Competition Analysis Checklist - ver 1 (1).docx
   ├─04 Setting Up Your Website
   │      Lesson 1 - Choosing a Domain Name.mkv
   │      Lesson 2 - Over the Shoulder Hosting.mkv
   │      Lesson 3 - Plugins and Required Pages.mkv
   │      Lesson 4 - Over the Shoulder - Install Theme and Plugins.mkv
   │      Lesson 5 - Over the Shoulder - Setting Up Carbonate.mkv
   │      MPS Unit 4 - WordPress Quickstart Guide (1).docx
   │      screencapture-members-internetmarketing-gold-posts-the-multi-profit-site-program-basic-lesson-2-hosting-wordpress-and-themes-2020-09-23-15_35_28.png
   │      screencapture-members-internetmarketing-gold-posts-the-multi-profit-site-program-basic-lesson-3-plugins-and-base-pages-2020-09-23-15_35_54.png
   │      screencapture-members-internetmarketing-gold-posts-the-multi-profit-site-program-basic-unit-4-setting-up-your-site-2020-09-23-15_35_10.png
   │      Site Setup Checklist (1).docx
   ├─05  Conetnt And Launching
   │      Content Cluster or Virtual Silo Template (1).jpg
   │      Last video - My Site and Content.mkv
   │      Lesson - Perfect Product Template Walk Through.mkv
   │      Lesson 1 - Intro to Content.mkv
   │      Lesson 10- Content Architecture and Clusters.mkv
   │      Lesson 3 - Product Reviews.mkv
   │      Lesson 5 - Where to get content.mkv
   │      Lesson 6- Home Page Walk Through.mkv
   │      Lesson 7- Posting a Job on Upwork - Over the Shoulder.mkv
   │      Lesson 8- Sorting thru Proposals on Upwork - Over the shoulder.mkv
   │      Lesson 9- Checking for Plagiarism.mkv
   │      screencapture-members-internetmarketing-gold-posts-the-multi-profit-site-program-basic-lesson-2-nuts-and-bolts-of-content-2020-09-23-15_39_44.png
   │      screencapture-members-internetmarketing-gold-posts-the-multi-profit-site-program-basic-lesson-3-product-reviews-2020-09-23-15_40_03.png
   │      screencapture-members-internetmarketing-gold-posts-the-multi-profit-site-program-basic-lesson-4-informational-content-7289441-2020-09-23-15_40_50.png
   │      screencapture-members-internetmarketing-gold-posts-the-multi-profit-site-program-basic-lesson-5-where-to-get-content-2020-09-23-15_41_20.png
   │      screencapture-members-internetmarketing-gold-posts-the-multi-profit-site-program-basic-lesson-on-page-seo-checklist-2020-09-23-15_42_50.png
   │      screencapture-members-internetmarketing-gold-posts-the-multi-profit-site-program-basic-unit-5-content-and-launching-2020-09-23-15_37_58.png
   │      Templates-20200923T154015Z-001.zip
   ├─06 Monetizing
   │      Lesson 1 - Monetizing Overview and Applying to Amazon Associates
   │      Lesson 3 - Other Affiliate Programs_2.mkv
   │      Lesson 3B - Working With Acceleration Partners.mkv
   │      Lesson 5 - Direct Ads Deals.mkv
   │      Sample Privacy Policy.docx
   │      screencapture-members-internetmarketing-gold-posts-the-multi-profit-site-program-basic-lesson-2-adding-affiliate-links-2020-09-23-15_43_52.png
   │      screencapture-members-internetmarketing-gold-posts-the-multi-profit-site-program-basic-lesson-3-other-affiliate-programs-2020-09-23-15_44_18.png
   │      screencapture-members-internetmarketing-gold-posts-the-multi-profit-site-program-basic-lesson-3b-working-with-acceleration-partners-2020-09-23-15_44_40.png
   │      screencapture-members-internetmarketing-gold-posts-the-multi-profit-site-program-basic-lesson-4-adsense-and-other-ad-networks-2020-09-23-15_45_03.png
   │      screencapture-members-internetmarketing-gold-posts-the-multi-profit-site-program-basic-lesson-5-direct-ads-deals-2020-09-23-15_45_39.png
   │      screencapture-members-internetmarketing-gold-posts-the-multi-profit-site-program-basic-lesson-6-email-templates-2020-09-23-15_45_48.png
   │      screencapture-members-internetmarketing-gold-posts-the-multi-profit-site-program-basic-unit-6-monetizing-2020-09-23-15_43_31.png
   ├─07 Promotion & Link Building
   │      Commenting and Outreach Sheet TEMPLATE.xlsx
   │      Lesson 1 - Promotion and Link Building Goals and Overview.mkv
   │      Lesson 2 - Blog Commenting And Social Profiles.mkv
   │      Lesson 2B - Over the Shoulder Blog Commenting and CommentLuv.mkv
   │      Lesson 5 - Summary.mkv
   │      MPS Unit 7 Lesson 3_ [Link To] Guest Post Outreach Templates.docx
   │      screencapture-members-internetmarketing-gold-posts-the-multi-profit-site-program-basic-lesson-3-outreach-and-guest-posting-2020-09-23-15_47_32.png
   │      screencapture-members-internetmarketing-gold-posts-the-multi-profit-site-program-basic-unit-7-promotion-link-building-2020-09-23-15_46_06.png
   ├─08 Scaling and Growing
   │      Lesson 1 - Scaling Options.mkv
   │      Lesson 2 - Thinking Like a Manager and CEO.mkv
   │      Lesson 3 - Wrap Up.mkv
   │      screencapture-members-internetmarketing-gold-posts-the-multi-profit-site-program-basic-unit-8-scaling-and-growing-2020-09-23-15_48_38.png
   ├─09 Outsourcing Content with Scaling Mind
   │      Content Manager  - Editor Job Aid Template.docx
   │      Lesson 1 - Planning to Scale Content.mkv
   │      Lesson 2 - Hiring and Trial jobs.mkv
   │      Lesson 3 - Content Manager.mkv
   ├─10 What to Do When You're stuck
   │      Lesson 1 - You Are Stuck Now What.mkv
   │      Lesson 4 - Build More Links.mkv
   ├─11 Email Marketing Quickstart
   │      Lesson 1 - Why Build An Email List_2.mkv
   │      Lesson 3 - Email Service Providers and Tools_2 (2).mkv
   │      Lesson 3 - Email Service Providers and Tools_2.mkv
   └─12 Selling A Site Over 6 Figure
           Lesson 1 - Why Sell and Prereqs to Sell.mkv
           Lesson 2 - Maximize Value and Timeline.mkv
           Lesson 3 - Where to Sell, Offers, and Negotiation.mkv





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