


How To Buy a Small Business will equip you with the tools and network to source, evaluate, and negotiate acquisitions.
Discover secrets to financing deals with little money down and explore templates to close successful deals.
This step-by-step course guides you through the entire process of How To Buy a Small Business, from finding businesses to evaluating, negotiating, and ensuring a smooth transition.
With creative finance options and newfound confidence from How To Buy a Small Business, you’ll be ready to buy your first small business and secure wealth and freedom.

  • 教程编号:0712122057
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:2.21GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

─How To Buy a Small Business
  ├─01-Getting Started
  │      01-Why Buy then Build.mkv
  │      02-Setting Up a Legal Entity (US).pdf
  │      03-Choosing Your Niche .mkv
  │      04-Q&A - Do I Search Solo or With a Partner.pdf
  │      05-Q&A - Do I Need a Technical Co-Founder.pdf
  │      06-Q&A - Uneven Capital Contributions with a Partner.pdf
  │      01-Sourcing Overview.mkv
  │      02-Dealflow Sources - List of Marketplaces, Brokers, etc..pdf
  │      03-Proprietary Sourcing - List Building & Emailing Guide.pdf
  │      04-Outbound Email Scripts.pdf
  │      05-Paying Finder's Fees.pdf
  │      06-Building Outbound Target List Example Live.mkv
  │      07-Building Outbound Target List Notes.pdf
  │      08-Outbound Acquisition Targets Template.pdf
  │      09-How to Find a Local Business to Buy.pdf
  │      10-Live Sourcing Session + Q&A .mkv
  │      01-Qualitative Diligence.mkv
  │      02-Qualitative Deal Analysis Template.pdf
  │      03-Financial - Quantitative Diligence .mkv
  │      04-Financial Terms to Know.pdf
  │      05-Financial Model Template (Quantitative Deal Analysis).pdf
  │      06-Due Diligence Questions.pdf
  │      07-Legal Templates - NDA, LOI, APA, etc..pdf
  │      08-Diligence Checklist (Asset Sale).pdf
  │      09-Diligence Checklist (Equity Sale).pdf
  │      10-Due Diligence Q&A .mkv
  │      11-Good Reasons for Selling.pdf
  │      12-Green & Red Flags in a Deal.mkv
  │      13-Live Deal Analysis & Growth Planning.mkv
  │      14-Q&A - How Do I Protect Myself Against Fraud.pdf
  ├─04-Valuation & Negotiation
  │      01-Negotiation Walkthrough.mkv
  │      02-Negotiation Flowchart.pdf
  │      03-Valuing a Business .mkv
  │      04-How to Value a Software Business .mkv
  │      05-Revenue vs Profit Multiples.mkv
  │      06-Valuation by Company Size .mkv
  │      07-Managing Seller Expectations.mkv
  │      08-Negotiation & Deal Structure Q&A  .mkv
  │      09-Deal Breakdown Ottomatik .mkv
  │      10-Deal Breakdown Scout .mkv
  │      11-Margin of Safety.mkv
  │      12-SaaS at a Low Price.mkv
  │      13-Q&A - Seller Wants a Crazy High Price. How to Talk Them Down.pdf
  │      14-Q&A - Should I Renegotiate After Learning Something in Diligence.pdf
  │      15-Q&A - How Do You Value a Business With No Revenue.pdf
  │      16-Q&A - How Do You Factor Technical Debt Into Your Valuation.pdf
  │      17-Q&A -  How Do I Buy a Cash-Heavy Business.pdf
  │      18-Q&A Should I Make a Deposit for the LOI.pdf
  │      19-Q&A - Should I Personally Guarantee a Seller Note.pdf
  ├─05-Financing & Closing
  │      01-Structuring a Deal.mkv
  │      02-Structuring a Deal with Outside Investors.pdf
  │      03-How to Find Investors.pdf
  │      04-Building a Track Record .mkv
  │      05-Private Equity Deal Structures Real Life Examples (No Video).xlsx
  │      06-Transfer Worksheet Template Walkthrough.mkv
  │      07-Transfer Worksheet Template.xlsx
  │      08-Closing Mechanics & Escrow.pdf
  │      09-General Transition Guide.pdf
  │      10-How to Get a SBA Loan .mkv
  │      11-How to Get Non-Dilutive Acquisition Financing (Guest Lecture).mkv
  │      12-SBA Loan for SaaS.mkv
  │      13-Asset Purchase vs Equity Purchase.mkv
  │      14-Planning to Exit.mkv
  │      15-Financial Modeling for an Acquisition Deal (Guest Lecture).pdf
  │      15-Financial Modeling for an Acquisition Deal Templates & Slides-20230630T113558Z-001.zip
  │      15-Tutorial- Live Modeling an Example Self-Funded Deal & Key Factors Involved.vtt
  │      01-Hiring & Managing Developers - Product Team.mkv
  │      02-Hiring SEO Writers.pdf
  │      03-SEO Writer Sample Job Description & Form.pdf
  │      04-Constellation Software - Largest SaaS HoldCo  .mkv
  │      05-Minimizing Taxes on Exit.mkv
  │      06-Structuring a Holding Company.mkv
  │      07-Finding Your Competitive Advantage.mkv
  │      08-Q&A - Should All Companies Be Separate or Together.pdf
  │      09-Q&A - Berkshire Inspired Private Equity Models.pdf
  │      10-Partner Deals & Discounts.pdf
  │      11-Supercharge Your Growth.pdf
  └─07-Thank You and Community
          01-Thank You! Free $$$.pdf
          02-Join our Alumni Community!.pdf





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