ClickMinded SOP库是数字营销策略模板的集合,


  • 教程编号:0743349757
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:809MB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

  └─The ClickMinded SOP Library
      ├─1. SEO SOPs
      │      SOP 002_ Perform an On-Page Optimization Audit on an existing page_.docx
      │      SOP 011_ SEO Keyword Research and Mapping_.docx
      │      SOP 012_ Launching a Guest-Blogging Link-Building Campaign_.docx
      │      SOP 018_ Create an SEO-Friendly Blog Post_.docx
      │      SOP 019_ Launching an Guestographic Link Building Campaign_.docx
      │      SOP 020 - Setting up Google Search Console_.docx
      │      SOP 022 - Youtube Video Optimization_.docx
      │      SOP 026 -  Resources Page Link-Building Outreach_.docx
      │      SOP 027 - How to perform a URL audit on your site_.docx
      │      SOP 032_ Create an automated search query report_.docx
      │      SOP 041 -  Find on-page optimization opportunities on a website_.docx
      │      SOP 050_ Migrating an existing WordPress website towards SEO-friendly URLs_.docx
      │      SOP 051 - How to Implement and verify 301 Redirects on a WordPress website_.docx
      │      SOP 057 - How to Setup the Perfect Robots.txt File_.docx
      │      SOP 071_ How to launch a link building campaign for your existing content_.docx
      │      SOP055 - How to Setup and Optimize an XML Sitemap_.docx
      │      SOP076 - How to perform a backlink audit on your website_.docx
      │      SOP080 - How to disavow harmful links to clean your backlink profile _.docx
      │      SOP084 - How to Map Your Sales Funnel _.docx
      ├─10. Content Marketing SOPs
      │      SOP 016_ How to create awesome blog posts outlines_.docx
      │      SOP 034 - Start and manage your editorial calendar_.docx
      │      SOP 052_ How to create editorial guidelines for guest bloggers_.docx
      ├─2. Paid Acquisition SOPs
      │      SOP 005_ Install the Facebook Pixel in Your Site_.docx
      │      SOP 006_ Creating UTM URLs to Track Your Campaigns_.docx
      │      SOP 007_ Creating a Cart-Abandonment Remarketing Campaign Using Facebook Ads_.docx
      │      SOP 010_ Create a Facebook Ads Account using Business Manager_.docx
      │      SOP 013_ Adding Google Ads Global Site Tag to a site (using GTM)_.docx
      │      SOP 014_ Creating a Google Ads Account_.docx
      │      SOP 017_ Setting up Facebook Conversion Tracking_.docx
      │      SOP 025_ Adding Google Ads conversion tracking to a site (using Google Tag Manager)_.docx
      │      SOP 031_ How to create a Lookalike audience on Facebook_.docx
      │      SOP 038_ Setting up an abandoned-cart campaign with Google Display Network_.docx
      │      SOP061 - How to launch a lead generation campaign with Facebook Lead Ads _.docx
      │      SOP062 - How to manage user roles for Facebook Assets (Ad Accounts, Pages, Pixels, etc) _.docx
      │      SOP063 - How to perfectly manage user access for Google Ads accounts_.docx
      │      SOP068 - How to add a Facebook Pixel to a Shopify Store_.docx
      │      SOP069 - How to structure your Facebook Ad Account_.docx
      │      SOP070 - How to select your Facebook Ads Campaign Objective_.docx
      │      SOP073 - How to apply a naming convention to your Facebook Ads Account_.docx
      │      SOP074 - How to select your Facebook Ads Targeting_.docx
      │      SOP075 - How to plan your Facebook Ads Campaign_.docx
      ├─3. Analytics and Tracking SOPs
      │      SOP 009_ Adding Google Analytics to a site (using GTM)_.docx
      │      SOP 015_  Excluding own traffic from Google Analytics_.docx
      │      SOP 021_ Setting up Conversion Goals in Google Analytics_.docx
      │      SOP 033_ Verifying that you’re tracking subdomains correctly in Google Analytics_.docx
      │      SOP 035_ Displaying subdomains in your Google Analytics Reports_.docx
      │      SOP 036_ Setting up cross-domain tracking with GTM_.docx
      │      SOP 046_ How to add Google Analytics Annotations to keep track of business events_.docx
      │      SOP 049_ Implementing and Analyzing Heatmaps on your Website_.docx
      │      SOP067 - How to add Google Analytics to a Shopify Store_.docx
      │      SOP077 - How to Configure Search Console data in Google Analytics_.docx
      │      SOP079-Create Quick and Beautiful Google Data Studio Dashboards and Reports_.docx
      │      SOP082-Set up Google Analytics alerts to monitor your main KPIs _.docx
      │      SOP089-How to Reverse Engineer Your Competitor_s Traffic Sources_.docx
      ├─4. Social Media SOPs
      │      SOP 028_ Add social sharing links to your site_.docx
      │      SOP 040_ Automate sharing your latest WordPress blog on social media_.docx
      │      SOP 042 - How to get traffic from Quora_.docx
      │      SOP 043 - Performing a social media audit_.docx
      │      SOP 044_ Starting a Social Media Calendar_.docx
      │      SOP 056_ How to Setup a Social Listening Campaign_.docx
      │      SOP 23_ How to create social posts from a blog post_.docx
      ├─5. Operation SOPs
      │      SOP 004_ Add Google Tag Manager to a WordPress Site.docx
      │      SOP 008_ Initial WordPress setup_.docx
      │      SOP 024_ Install Sumo in any site using GTM_.docx
      │      SOP 037_ Getting started with team password management_.docx
      │      SOP 053_ How to backup and restore your WordPress website_.docx
      │      SOP 058 - How to Optimize WordPress to Speed Up your Website_.docx
      │      SOP064 - How to manage user access for Google Analytics 360 Suite Products (Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager and Google Optimize)_.docx
      │      SOP065 - How to add Google Tag Manager to a Shopify Store_.docx
      │      SOP066 - How to add Google Tag Manager to a Squarespace site_.docx
      │      SOP083-How to install third-party tools on your site using GTM_.docx
      ├─6. Email Marketing SOPs
      │      SOP 001_ Basic Email Testing_.docx
      │      SOP 029 - Set up an amazing welcome email with MailChimp_.docx
      │      SOP 030_ Grow your email list with a content upgrade popup_.docx
      │      SOP 039 - Sending bulk outreach emails with Gmail_.docx
      │      SOP 048 -  Creating an email address with your own domain name_.docx
      │      SOP086-How to Reverse Engineer Competitor_s Email Marketing Strategy_.docx
      ├─7. Sales Funnels SOPs
      │      SOP 047_ How to Create a Lead Generation Landing Page_.docx
      │      SOP 059 - How to Setup Google Optimize to Run A_B Tests on Your Website_.docx
      │      SOP 072 - How to prioritize your funnel experiments_.docx
      │      SOP060_ How to Structure, Run, and Analyze an A_B Test on your Website_.docx
      ├─8. Tools
      │      ClickMinded  - UTM Builder Template_.xlsx
      │      ClickMinded - Editorial Guidelines Template _.xlsx
      │      ClickMinded - Landing Page Creation Briefing Template_.xlsx
      │      ClickMinded SOP Library - SOP073 - Naming Convention Generator _ Cheatsheet_.xlsx
      │      Link Opportunities Worksheet_.xlsx
      │      SOP Library - ClickMinded Facebook Ads Campaign Planner_.xlsx
      └─9. SOP Recipes
              R001-Writing SEO Friendly Blog posts that Convert_.docx
              R002- Boost the ranking of an existing page on search engines_.docx
              R003 - Get ready to run paid ads on Facebook_.docx
              R004 - Launching a new Facebook Ads Campaign_.docx
              R005 - Set up an A_B test tool on your website_.docx
              R006 - Quickly generate leads without a website_.docx
              R007 - Add a lead generating popup to your website_.docx
              R008 - Set up Google Analytics tracking from scratch _.docx
              R009 - Launch a WordPress blog for your business_.docx
              R010-Send bulk personalized outreach emails through Gmail_.docx
              R011 - Kick-off your content engine_.docx
              R012 - Setup the basic SEO technical foundations for your website_.docx
              R013 - Build links for existing content_.docx
              R014 - Get ready to run paid ads on Google_.docx
              R015-Generate leads with a landing page and Facebook Ads_.docx
              R016 - Create a Facebook Ads Strategy_.docx
              R017 - Apply a naming convention to your marketing data_.docx
              R018 - Prioritize and Run A_B tests on your site_.docx
              R019 - Tighten up your account security _.docx
              R020-Kickstart your social media presence_.docx
              R021-Perform on-page optimization on your website_.docx
              R022-Recover abandoned carts through paid ads_.docx





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