





  • 教程编号:1076365872
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:13.6GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

  └─7 Figure Email Machine
      ├─01-The Main Videos
      │      01-Main Video 1 - 'Why  When' These Emails.mp4
      │      02-Emails Drafts.pdf
      │      02-Main Video 2 - Writing Examples Live.mp4
      │      03-Main Video 3 - Editing, From Names, & Subject Lines.mp4
      │      03-Subject Line Templates.pdf
      │      04-Main Video 4 - How To Test For Massive Wins.mp4
      │      04-Testing.pdf
      │      05-Main Video 5 - The Different Types of Direct Response Images & How To Test Them.mp4
      │      06-Main Video 6 - Putting The 'Machine' Together, And How To Modify It To Your Needs.mp4
      ├─02-The Million-Dollar PWAT Email Formula
      │      01-The Minimalist Million-Dollar Email Formula (Slides).pdf
      │      01-The Minimalist Million-Dollar Email Formula (Video).mp4
      │      01-The PWAT Formula In The Wild (PDF).pdf
      │      02-Writing A PWAT Email Live With Michael Rochin (Video).mp4
      ├─03-Bonus 1 - The Email Expert Roundtables
      │      01-Expert Roundtable 1 - Jimmy Parent.mp4
      │      02-Expert Roundtable 2 - Justin Goff.mp4
      │      03-Expert Roundtable 3 - Kim Krause Schwalm.mp4
      │      04-Expert Roundtable 4 - Joey Percia.mp4
      │      05-Expert Roundtable 5 - Dan Ferrari.mp4
      ├─04-Bonus 2 - Get Paid $10k For ONE Email
      │      01-Get Paid $10K For 1 Email - Part 1.mp4
      │      02-Get Paid $10K For 1 Email - Part 2.mp4
      ├─05-Bonus 3 - The Click-Driver Email Swipe File
      │      01-Jimmy Parent - RMBC Series - Email 1.pdf
      │      02-Jimmy Parent - RMBC Series - Email 2.pdf
      │      03-Jimmy Parent - RMBC Series - Email 3.pdf
      │      04-Jimmy Parent Random Swipes.pdf
      │      05-Joey-Percia-1.pdf
      │      06-Joey-Percia-2.pdf
      │      07-Joey-Percia-3.pdf
      │      08-Justin-Goff-1.pdf
      │      09-Justin-Goff-2.pdf
      │      10-Justin-Goff-3.pdf
      │      11-Justin-Goff-4.pdf
      │      12-Jerrod-Harlan-1.pdf
      │      13-Jerrod-Harlan-2.pdf
      │      14-Jerrod-Harlan-3.pdf
      │      15-Jerrod-Harlan-4.pdf
      │      16-Jerrod-Harlan-5.pdf
      ├─06-Bonus 4 - Live Email Critiques
      │      01-Email Critiques.docx
      │      01-Live Email Critiques (Video).mp4
      ├─07-Bonus 5 - Learnings From An Email BOMB
      │      01-Learnings From An Email Bomb.mp4
      └─08-Bonus 6 - How To Add 7-Figures Annually To A Product Business (With ONE Email Series)
              01-How To Add 7-Figures Annually To A Product Business (With ONE Email Series).mp4





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