



A game-changing strategy designed to secure three clients in just 30 days.
This program, born out of a 7-figure profit machine, focuses on mastering lead generation for effortless scaling.

Key benefits include insider access to top-performing agencies’ tools, techniques, and proven frameworks for email and Instagram outreach.
Imagine a calendar consistently filled with high-quality sales calls, putting you ahead in a fiercely competitive market.

  • 教程编号:1052063376
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:1.48MB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

  └─Lead Gen Mastery
      │      01-What's lead gen and how do you get clients.pdf
      │      01-What's lead gen and how do you get clients.rtf
      │      02-Before-getting-clients_-you-need-to-lay-the-foundations.pdf
      │      03-Market-Niche.pdf
      │      03-Market-Niche.rtf
      │      04-Ecom Niche.rtf
      │      04-Ecom-Niche.pdf
      │      05-Local Businesses.rtf
      │      05-Local-Businesses.pdf
      │      06-Marketing Agencies (Niche).rtf
      │      06-Marketing-Agencies-_Niche_.pdf
      │      07-SaaS Businesses.rtf
      │      07-SaaS-Businesses.pdf
      │      08-The Offer.rtf
      │      08-The-Offer.pdf
      │      09-The Offer 2.rtf
      │      09-The-Offer-2.pdf
      │      10-The Different Outreach Channels.pdf
      │      10-The Different Outreach Channels.rtf
      ├─02-Full Cold Email SOP
      │      01-Intro.pdf
      │      01-Intro.rtf
      │      02-Setting up the domain records %26 forwarding-1.pdf
      │      02-Setting up the domain records %26 forwarding.rtf
      │      03-Setting up the email accounts.pdf
      │      03-Setting up the email accounts.rtf
      │      04-Connecting email accounts to Instantly.pdf
      │      04-Connecting email accounts to Instantly.rtf
      │      05-Warm up %2B Custom tracking domains.pdf
      │      05-Warm up %2B Custom tracking domains.rtf
      │      06-Buying the domains.pdf
      │      06-Buying the domains.rtf
      │      07-Setting up your calendar.pdf
      │      07-Setting up your calendar.rtf
      │      08-Crafting your cold email scripts.pdf
      │      08-Crafting your cold email scripts.rtf
      │      09-Example of a cold email script.pdf
      │      09-Example of a cold email script.rtf
      │      10-Lead Scraping (eCom).pdf
      │      10-Lead Scraping (eCom).rtf
      │      11-Preparing %26 Organising Leads.pdf
      │      11-Preparing %26 Organising Leads.rtf
      │      12-Sending volume %26 how to scale it.pdf
      │      12-Sending volume %26 how to scale it.rtf
      │      13-Launching your campaign.pdf
      │      13-Launching your campaign.rtf
      │      14-What to do if your account gets disconnected in Instantly.pdf
      │      14-What to do if your account gets disconnected in Instantly.rtf
      │      15-Loom Automation Strategy.pdf
      │      15-Loom Automation Strategy.rtf
      │      16-Inbox Management General Guidelines.pdf
      │      16-Inbox Management General Guidelines.rtf
      │      17-Inbox Management- Prospect Is Interested Now.pdf
      │      17-Inbox Management- Prospect Is Interested Now.rtf
      │      18-Inbox Management- Prospect Is Interested But Not Right Now.pdf
      │      18-Inbox Management- Prospect Is Interested But Not Right Now.rtf
      │      19-Inbox Management- Prospect Is Not Interested.pdf
      │      19-Inbox Management- Prospect Is Not Interested.rtf
      │      20-Inbox Management- Prospect Already Has This Covered.pdf
      │      20-Inbox Management- Prospect Already Has This Covered.rtf
      │      21-Inbox Management- Other Objections.pdf
      │      21-Inbox Management- Other Objections.rtf
      │      22-Data Analysis %26 Optimising.pdf
      │      22-Data Analysis %26 Optimising.rtf
      │      23-FAQ.pdf
      │      23-FAQ.rtf
      ├─03-Instagram Outreach
      │      01-Instagram Outreach.rtf
      │      01-Instagram-Outreach.pdf
      │      02-IG Script Idea.pdf
      │      02-IG Script Idea.rtf
      ├─04-Brick Outreach SOP
      │      Brick Outreach SOP.pdf
      │      Brick Outreach SOP.rtf
      └─05-Final Thoughts
              Tips- notes- advice.pdf
              Tips- notes- advice.rtf





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