





  • 教程编号:0954024973
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:2.35G
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文

  ├─01 Introduction
  │  │  001 Here Is What This Program Will Do For Your Business.avi
  │  │  002 How To Get The Most Out Of This Program.avi
  │  │  003 Please Introduce Yourself.avi
  │  │  004 The Connection Between Psychology And Marketing.avi
  │  │  005 Top 3 Mindsets That Will Help You Succeed.avi
  │  │  006 Join Our FB Community.html
  │  │  说明.txt
  │  │  
  │  └─attached_files
  │      │  说明.txt
  │      │  
  │      ├─002 How To Get The Most Out Of This Program
  │      │      How-To-Get-The-Most-Out-Of-This-Program.pdf
  │      │      说明.txt
  │      │      
  │      ├─004 The Connection Between Psychology And Marketing
  │      │      The-Connection-Between-Psychology-And-Marketing.pdf
  │      │      说明.txt
  │      │      
  │      └─005 Top 3 Mindsets That Will Help You Succeed
  │              Top-3-Mindsets-That-Will-Help-You-Succeed.pdf
  │              说明.txt
  ├─02 The Psychology Of Digital Information Product Creation
  │  │  007 Why Do Businesses Need Info Products.avi
  │  │  008 The Name Of Your Program.avi
  │  │  009 Quality Content - Your Competitive Advantage.avi
  │  │  010 The APE Model Revealed - Teach For Behavioral Change.avi
  │  │  011 Communication Mastery - 4 Learning Styles.avi
  │  │  012 Increase The Value Of Your Ideas Instantly By A Factor Of 10.avi
  │  │  013 General Recap - The Psychology Of Digital Information Product Creation.avi
  │  │  014 Action Steps - The Psychology Of Digital Information Product Creation.avi
  │  │  说明.txt
  │  │  
  │  ├─attached_files
  │  │  │  说明.txt
  │  │  │  
  │  │  ├─007 Why Do Businesses Need Info Products
  │  │  │      Why-Do-Businesses-Need-Info-Products.pdf
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  ├─008 The Name Of Your Program
  │  │  │      The-Name-Of-Your-Program.pdf
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  ├─009 Quality Content - Your Competitive Advantage
  │  │  │      Quality-Content-Your-Competitive-Advantage.pdf
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  ├─010 The APE Model Revealed - Teach For Behavioral Change
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  ├─011 Communication Mastery - 4 Learning Styles
  │  │  │      Communication-Mastery-4-Learning-Styles.pdf
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  ├─012 Increase The Value Of Your Ideas Instantly By A Factor Of 10
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  └─013 General Recap - The Psychology Of Digital Information Product Creation
  │  │          说明.txt
  │  │          
  │  └─quizzes
  │          001 Quiz The Psychology Of Digital Information Product Creation.html
  │          说明.txt
  ├─03 The Psychology Of Pricing
  │  │  015 Pricing Overview - How To Price Correctly.avi
  │  │  016 How To Make A 500 Product Look Like A Real Bargain - Part 1.avi
  │  │  017 How To Make A 500 Product Look Like A Real Bargain - Part 2.avi
  │  │  018 Top Pricing Tactics - Part 1.avi
  │  │  019 Top Pricing Tactics - Part 2.avi
  │  │  020 Top Pricing Tactics - Part 3.avi
  │  │  021 How To Do Discounts - The Right Way.avi
  │  │  022 Pricing Your Product Line.avi
  │  │  023 General Recap - The Psychology Of Pricing.avi
  │  │  024 Action Steps - The Psychology Of Pricing.avi
  │  │  说明.txt
  │  │  
  │  ├─attached_files
  │  │  │  说明.txt
  │  │  │  
  │  │  ├─015 Pricing Overview - How To Price Correctly
  │  │  │      Pricing-Overview-How-To-Price-Correctly.pdf
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  ├─016 How To Make A 500 Product Look Like A Real Bargain - Part 1
  │  │  │      How-To-Make-A-500-Product-Look-Like-A-Real-Bargain-Part-1.pdf
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  ├─017 How To Make A 500 Product Look Like A Real Bargain - Part 2
  │  │  │      How-To-Make-A-500-Product-Look-Like-A-Real-Bargain-Part-2.pdf
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  ├─018 Top Pricing Tactics - Part 1
  │  │  │      Top-Pricing-Tactics-Part-1.pdf
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  ├─019 Top Pricing Tactics - Part 2
  │  │  │      Top-Pricing-Tactics-Part-2.pdf
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  ├─020 Top Pricing Tactics - Part 3
  │  │  │      Top-Pricing-Tactics-Part-3.pdf
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  ├─021 How To Do Discounts - The Right Way
  │  │  │      How-To-Do-Discounts-The-Right-Way.pdf
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  ├─022 Pricing Your Product Line
  │  │  │      Pricing-Your-Product-Line.pdf
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  └─023 General Recap - The Psychology Of Pricing
  │  │          General-Recap-The-Psychology-Of-Pricing.pdf
  │  │          说明.txt
  │  │          
  │  └─quizzes
  │          002 The Psychology Of Pricing.html
  │          说明.txt
  ├─04 The Psychology Of Conversion
  │  │  025 Conversion 101 And Why It Matters.avi
  │  │  026 Three Brains One Decision Maker.avi
  │  │  027 Customer Behavior - Pain  Pleasure.avi
  │  │  028 The Power Of Anticipation Launch Secret.avi
  │  │  029 The Urgency Principle.avi
  │  │  030 Decision Fatigue - Stop Decreasing Your Conversions.avi
  │  │  031 Not All Bonuses Are Created Equal.avi
  │  │  032 Social Proof - This must be the right thing to do....avi
  │  │  033 Attack The EMOTIONS Of Your Prospects.avi
  │  │  034 Your Guarantee.avi
  │  │  035 General Recap - The Psychology Of Conversion.avi
  │  │  036 Action Steps - The Psychology Of Conversion.avi
  │  │  说明.txt
  │  │  
  │  ├─attached_files
  │  │  │  说明.txt
  │  │  │  
  │  │  ├─025 Conversion 101 And Why It Matters
  │  │  │      Conversion-101-And-Why-It-Matters.pdf
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  ├─026 Three Brains One Decision Maker
  │  │  │      Three-Brains-One-Decision-Maker.pdf
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  ├─027 Customer Behavior - Pain  Pleasure
  │  │  │      Customer-Behavior-Pain-Pleasure.pdf
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  ├─028 The Power Of Anticipation Launch Secret
  │  │  │      The-Power-Of-Anticipation-Launch-Secret.pdf
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  ├─029 The Urgency Principle
  │  │  │      URGENCY.pdf
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  ├─030 Decision Fatigue - Stop Decreasing Your Conversions
  │  │  │      Decision-Fatigue-Stop-Decreasing-Your-Conversions.pdf
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  ├─031 Not All Bonuses Are Created Equal
  │  │  │      Not-All-Bonuses-Are-Created-Equal.pdf
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  ├─032 Social Proof - This must be the right thing to do
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  ├─033 Attack The EMOTIONS Of Your Prospects
  │  │  │      Attack-The-EMOTIONS-Of-Your-Prospects.pdf
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  ├─034 Your Guarantee
  │  │  │      YOUR-GUARANTEE.pdf
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  └─035 General Recap - The Psychology Of Conversion
  │  │          General-Recap-The-Psychology-Of-Conversion.pdf
  │  │          说明.txt
  │  │          
  │  └─quizzes
  │          003 The Psychology Of Conversion.html
  │          说明.txt
  ├─05 The Psychology Of Your Marketing Funnel
  │  │  037 What Is A Marketing Funnel Hint Your Sales Engine.avi
  │  │  038 Who Are You Serving  The 1 Question To Ask.avi
  │  │  039 Who Are You Serving  Demographics  Psychographics.avi
  │  │  040 What Is A High-Converting Squeeze Page 6 Elements.avi
  │  │  041 High-Converting Squeeze Page From 0 To Over 1000000 in 24 Months.avi
  │  │  042 High-Converting Squeeze Page Your First 1K.avi
  │  │  043 Lead Magnets - Dont Create Any Lead Magnets Before You Watch This.avi
  │  │  044 The Tools For Creating Your Lead Magnet.html
  │  │  045 Marketing Funnel 1 Use For Selling Products Under 100.avi
  │  │  046 Marketing Funnel 2 Use For Selling Products From 397 to 2997.avi
  │  │  047 Email 1 - Welcome  Lead Magnet Delivery.html
  │  │  048 Email 2 - Value-Based Email.html
  │  │  049 Email 3 - Value-Based Email.html
  │  │  050 Email 4 - Value-Based Email.html
  │  │  051 Email 5 - Building Value Before Asking For A Sale.html
  │  │  052 Email 6 - Building Value Before Asking For A Sale.html
  │  │  053 Email 7 - Authority Play.html
  │  │  054 Email 8 - Enrollment Is Opened Day 1.html
  │  │  055 Email 9 - Please Be Patient With Me Day 1.html
  │  │  056 Email 10 - Enrollment Is Opened Day 2.html
  │  │  057 Email 11 - Enrollment Is Opened Day 3.html
  │  │  058 Email 12 - Enrollment Is Opened Day 4 Urgency.html
  │  │  059 Email 13 - Enrollment Is Opened Day 5 12 Hours Left.html
  │  │  060 Email 14 - Enrollment Is Opened Day 5 4 Hours Left.html
  │  │  061 Example Value-Based Video 1.avi
  │  │  062 Example Value-Based Video 2.avi
  │  │  063 Example Value-Based Video 3.avi
  │  │  064 Marketing Automation - The Email Service Provider I Use And Why.avi
  │  │  065 The First Email Of Your Sequence.avi
  │  │  066 What Should You Write In These Value-Based Emails.avi
  │  │  067 The Secret Formula Behind Videos That Sell 12 Steps.avi
  │  │  068 Example Sales Video 1 Main Offer.avi
  │  │  069 Example Sales Video 2 Low-Dollar Offer.avi
  │  │  070 FAQ - Objection Killing Device.avi
  │  │  071 Quality Assurance The Importance Of Testing Dont Skip.html
  │  │  072 General Recap - The Psychology Of Your Marketing Funnel.avi
  │  │  073 Action Steps - The Psychology Of Your Marketing Funnel.avi
  │  │  说明.txt
  │  │  
  │  ├─attached_files
  │  │  │  说明.txt
  │  │  │  
  │  │  ├─037 What Is A Marketing Funnel Hint Your Sales Engine
  │  │  │      What-Is-A-Marketing-Funnel-Hint-Your-Sales-Engine.pdf
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  ├─038 Who Are You Serving  The 1 Question To Ask
  │  │  │      Who-Are-You-Serving.pdf
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  ├─039 Who Are You Serving  Demographics  Psychographics
  │  │  │      Who-Are-You-Serving-2.pdf
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  ├─040 What Is A High-Converting Squeeze Page 6 Elements
  │  │  │      The-Ultimate-Squeeze-Page-Checklist.pdf
  │  │  │      What-Is-A-High-Converting-Squeeze-Page-6-Elements.pdf
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  ├─041 High-Converting Squeeze Page From 0 To Over 1000000 in 24 Months
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  ├─042 High-Converting Squeeze Page Your First 1K
  │  │  │      High-Converting-Squeeze-Page-Your-First-1K.pdf
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  ├─043 Lead Magnets - Dont Create Any Lead Magnets Before You Watch This
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  ├─045 Marketing Funnel 1 Use For Selling Products Under 100
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  ├─046 Marketing Funnel 2 Use For Selling Products From 397 to 2997
  │  │  │      MY-EMAIL-SEQUENCE.jpg
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  ├─065 The First Email Of Your Sequence
  │  │  │      First-Email.pdf
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  ├─066 What Should You Write In These Value-Based Emails
  │  │  │      Value-Based-Emails.pdf
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  ├─067 The Secret Formula Behind Videos That Sell 12 Steps
  │  │  │      Sales-Video-Formula.pdf
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  ├─070 FAQ - Objection Killing Device
  │  │  │      FAQ.pdf
  │  │  │      说明.txt
  │  │  │      
  │  │  └─072 General Recap - The Psychology Of Your Marketing Funnel
  │  │          说明.txt
  │  │          
  │  └─quizzes
  │          004 The Psychology Of Your Marketing Funnel.html
  │          说明.txt
  └─06 The Psychology Of Great Customer Service
      │  074 Great Customer Service - Your Winning Strategy.avi
      │  075 Speed Matters 1046 Customers Surveyed - Top 2 Key Findings.avi
      │  076 What Your Competitor Doesnt Do But You Will.avi
      │  077 Implement An Onboarding Sequence.avi
      │  078 Steal My Onboarding Sequence.html
      │  079 Effective Listening.avi
      │  080 General Recap - the Psychology Of Great Customer Service.avi
      │  081 Take Action - The Psychology Of Great Customer Service.avi
      │  082 Bonus Lecture Master Copywriting.html
      │  说明.txt
      │  │  说明.txt
      │  │  
      │  ├─074 Great Customer Service - Your Winning Strategy
      │  │      Great-Customer-Service.pdf
      │  │      说明.txt
      │  │      
      │  ├─075 Speed Matters 1046 Customers Surveyed - Top 2 Key Findings
      │  │      说明.txt
      │  │      
      │  ├─076 What Your Competitor Doesnt Do But You Will
      │  │      What-Your-Competitor-Doesnt-Do-But-You-Will.pdf
      │  │      说明.txt
      │  │      
      │  ├─077 Implement An Onboarding Sequence
      │  │      Onboarding.pdf
      │  │      说明.txt
      │  │      
      │  ├─078 Steal My Onboarding Sequence
      │  │      Onboarding.jpg
      │  │      说明.txt
      │  │      
      │  ├─080 General Recap - the Psychology Of Great Customer Service
      │  │      说明.txt
      │  │      
      │  └─082 Bonus Lecture Master Copywriting
      │          Bonus-Lectire.pdf
      │          说明.txt
              005 The Psychology Of Great Customer Service.html





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