SEO Checklist 是您的高效、分步式 SEO 框架课程,
您可以立即使用这些策略来显着提高您网站的排名并将其带到它所属的位置:在 Google 的第一页上。

  • 教程编号:0618987890
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:8.33GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文

   ├─01-The Foundation
   │      01-How to Install Google Analytics - The SEO Checklist.mkv
   │      02-Set Up Google Search Console - The SEO Checklist.mkv
   │      03-Check & Install an SEO Solution for The Website - TSC.mkv
   │      04-How To Configure Uptime Robot.mkv
   │      05-Set Up Keyword Rank Tracking - The SEO Checklist.mkv
   │      说明.txt
   ├─02-User Experience
   │      01-ba607489dec5f9d56de30980ad1bb954.png
   │      01-Set Up Pretty Permalinks - The SEO Checklist.mkv
   │      02-Check the Site is Mobile Friendly - The SEO Checklist.mkv
   │      03-Check the Site Loads Fast - The SEO Checklist.mkv
   │      04-The Hidden Benefits of A Short URL for Google SEO.mkv
   │      07-How to Manage (Multiple) Social Media Accounts.mkv
   │      08-Record User Sessions & Heatmaps  - How to install Hotjar and why you Use Hotjar vs Google Analytics.mkv
   │      说明.txt
   │      01-Our Experience- Web Hosting with Siteground vs Cloudways vs Flywheel.mkv
   │      02-Check The Server is Located Close to Your Service Area.png
   │      03-Use a CDN.mkv
   │      03-Use a CDN.png
   │      04-Check for Gzip Compression - The SEO Checklist.mkv
   │      04-Check for GZIP Compression.png
   │      05-Check for HTTP.png
   │      06-How to Properly Install and Setup WP Rocket in WordPress.mkv
   │      06-How to Properly Install and Setup WP Rocket in WordPress.png
   │      06.01-How to Properly Install and Setup WP Rocket in WordPress.png
   │      07-Minify JS-CSS Files.png
   │      08-Resize Large Images at Upload.png
   │      09-Compress and Optimize images.png
   │      09-Wordpress Image Optimization with ShortPixel.mkv
   │      10-Lazy Load Images & Iframes.png
   │      11-How To Manage Multiple WordPress Websites With ManageWP.mkv
   │      11-Update Technology - The SEO Checklist.mkv
   │      11-Update Technology.png
   │      12-Optimize Database.png
   │      说明.txt
   ├─04-Technical SEO
   │      01-Switch to Https.png
   │      02-Check for One Single www Version.png
   │      03-Fix mixed content.png
   │      04-Create a Sitemap & Add it to Google Search Console.png
   │      04-How to Create a Sitemap & Add It to GSC - The SEO Checklist.mkv
   │      05-Create a robots.txt File - The SEO Checklist.mkv
   │      05.01-Create a robots.txt File.png
   │      05.02-Create a robots.txt File.png
   │      06-Check for Canonical Tags and Slashes - The SEO Checklist.mkv
   │      06-Check that URLs.png
   │      06-SEO Best Practices for Canonical URLS + the Rel=Canonical Tag - Whiteboard Friday.mkv
   │      07-Check and Fix Broken Links.png
   │      07-How To Find Broken Links.mkv
   │      08-How To Find Redirect Chains and Increase Link Equity for SEO.mkv
   │      08-How To Find Redirect Chains.png
   │      09-Fix Missing and Duplicate Meta Titles and Descriptions.png
   │      10-What's the Difference Between a 301 and 302 Redirect-.mkv
   │      10.01-Use Redirects Properly.png
   │      10.02-Use Redirects Properly.png
   │      11-Check for Index Coverage Issues - The SEO Checklist.mkv
   │      11-Coverage Issues Google Search Console- How To Fix Them All (Guide).mkv
   │      12-Check for Manual Penalties.png
   │      13-Keep Pages at Maximum 3 Clicks from Reach.png
   │      14-Here's Why You Need to Understand the Noindex SEO Tag.mkv
   │      14-Use noindex and nofollow Tags Properly.png
   │      15-Disable Irrelevant Content from Being Indexed - TSC.mkv
   │      15-Disable Irrelevant Content from Being Indexed.png
   │      说明.txt
   │      01.01-Do Keyword Research.png
   │      01.02-Do Keyword Research.png
   │      02-How to Do Keyword Research for a NEW Website (Full Tutorial).mkv
   │      02-How to Write a Blog Post From Start to Finish - Neil Patel.mkv
   │      03-Create 10x Content.png
   │      03-How to Create 10x Content - Whiteboard Friday.mkv
   │      04-How to Find Keyword Cannibalization Issues with Ahrefs and Google Sheets [AMS-07 by Joshua Hardwick].mkv
   │      05-How to Find Keyword Cannibalization Issues with Ahrefs and Google Sheets [AMS-07 by Joshua Hardwick].mkv
   │      05-Identify & Fix Content Cannibalization.png
   │      06-Identify & Fix Duplicate Content.png
   │      06-Siteliner - Website Duplicate Content Checker Tool - SEO tools - Part 48.mkv
   │      07-Cornerstones, Skyscrapers, 10x Content, and Pillar Pages- What's the Difference-.mkv
   │      07-Create Content Hubs.png
   │      08-Topic Clusters- The Next Evolution of Content Strategy.mkv
   │      09-How To Refresh Old Content - Update Blog Posts To Increase Traffic and Improve SEO.mkv
   │      09-Update Content on a Regular Basis.png
   │      10-Add Unique Content to Category Pages - TSC.mkv
   │      11.01-Build Up E-A-T.png
   │      11.02-Build Up E-A-T.png
   │      说明.txt
   ├─06-On-Page SEO
   │      01-Write for People, not for Search Engines.png
   │      02-Check the Target Keyword Matches User Intent.png
   │      03-Have the target keyword in URL, Title and Heading.png
   │      04-Use Focus Keyword in 1st Paragraph.png
   │      05-Multiple H1 Headings- How to Handle Them for SEO & Accessibility- #AskGoogleWebmasters.mkv
   │      06-How to Write the Perfect Title Tag to Increase Your Click Through Rate (CTR).mkv
   │      07-SEO Meta Description- How to Write the Perfectly Optimized Meta Description For More Traffic.mkv
   │      08-How to Use Headings and Subheadings for SEO and Improved Readability in Your Web Content.mkv
   │      09-Using the Readability Tool in Yoast SEO for WordPress.mkv
   │      10-Should SEOs Care About Internal Links - Whiteboard Friday.mkv
   │      11-Internal and External Linking - Whiteboard Friday.mkv
   │      12.01-Never Link to a Page.png
   │      12.02-Never Link to a Page.png
   │      13-Name Your Images Properly.png
   │      14-Image Optimization With Alt Tags- How to Do Image SEO for More Traffic (Fast).mkv
   │      15-WordPress Yoast SEO Social Tab - Designating Right-Sized Graphics for Pages & Posts on FB & Twitter.mkv
   │      16-.Check Dwell Time and Optimize It.png
   │      17-Strike for the Featured Snippet .png
   │      18-Don’t Over-Optimize.png
   │      18-How to Stop Over Optimizing and Start Creating for SEO - Whiteboard Friday.mkv
   │      说明.txt
   ├─07-Off-Page SEO
   │      01-Have a Solid Link Building Strategy.png
   │      01-Link Building Strategies on Steroids- How to Get Backlinks FAST!.mkv
   │      02-Link Building for a New Website- 5 Actionable Ways to Get More Backlinks.mkv
   │      03-Interlink Social Networks.png
   │      04-Guest Posting at Scale- Get Tons of High Quality Backlinks.mkv
   │      05-4 Ways to Build Links for Local Businesses to Boost Your SEO Ranking.mkv
   │      06-Link Reclamation SEO Tutorial - How to Claim Brand Mentions as Links.mkv
   │      06-Turn Brand Mentions into Links.png
   │      07-Use Social Signals to Boost your Page Rankings.png
   │      08-Getting started with OneUp.mkv
   │      08-Schedule Social Posting.png
   │      说明.txt
   └─08-Local SEO
           01-How to add or claim your business on Google.mkv
           01.01-Claim your Google My Business Listing.png
           01.02-Claim your Google My Business Listing.png
           02-Yelp - How to claim + fully populate this important directory listing.mkv
           03-Bing Places - How to setup Bing Places for your Local Business.mkv
           04-Google My Business Optimisation - How to Turn Your Listing into a Client Magnet in 2020.mkv
           05-Get on General Relevant Directories.png
           06-Get on Niche-specific Directories.png
           07-Include keywords in Google Reviews for Higher Rankings - YouTube(1).mkv
           07-Include keywords in Google Reviews for Higher Rankings - YouTube.mkv
           08-How to Get Google Reviews For My Business.mkv
           08-Reach Out for Reviews.png
           09-Create Posts on Google My Business.mkv
           10-Check for Site-wide NAP Details.png
           11-Have Consistent NAP Details Across the Site.png
           12-SEO NAP Consistency - Boost Your Local SEO Rankings.mkv
           13-Fast-Track Your local Content Marketing With On Page SEO Signals.mkv
           14-BrandMentions How-To on AppSumo.mkv
           15-Add Local Business Markup  to your Homepage.png





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