“完美的广告公式”是人们无法抗拒的高转化率 Facebook 广告的大师班。

几乎可以保证您获得成功的 Facebook 广告活动。


19 个指导您完成实施过程的深度视频,

  • 教程编号:0845084401
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件
  • 培训机构:未知
  • 文件大小:6.01GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文

   │  ├─01 - Introduction
   │  │      Black Friday Playbook - Introduction.mkv
   │  │      
   │  ├─02 - Step 1 - Plan Your Irresistible Offer
   │  │  ├─2.1 The Irresistible Offer
   │  │  │      The Irresistible Offer.mkv
   │  │  │      
   │  │  ├─2.2 Product Positioning
   │  │  │      Product Positioning.mkv
   │  │  │      
   │  │  ├─2.3 Your Goals
   │  │  │      Your Goals.mkv
   │  │  │      
   │  │  ├─2.4 Plan Your Deal
   │  │  │      Plan Your Deal.mkv
   │  │  │      
   │  │  └─2.5 Tips To Improve
   │  │          Tips To Improve.mkv
   │  │          
   │  ├─03 - Step 2 - Build Your Campaign
   │  │  ├─3.1 Building The Campaign
   │  │  │      Building the Campaign.mkv
   │  │  │      
   │  │  ├─3.2 Map Your Campaign
   │  │  │      Map Your Campaign.mkv
   │  │  │      
   │  │  ├─3.3 Our Checklist
   │  │  │      Black Friday Checklist.pdf
   │  │  │      Our Checklist.mkv
   │  │  │      
   │  │  ├─3.4 Managing The Promotion
   │  │  │      Managing the Promotion.mkv
   │  │  │      
   │  │  └─3.5 Creating Your Sales Page
   │  │          Create Your Sales Page.mkv
   │  │          
   │  ├─04 - Step 3 - Build Anticipation
   │  │  ├─4.1 Building Anticipation
   │  │  │      Building Anticipation.mkv
   │  │  │      
   │  │  ├─4.2 Two Ways To Build Anticipation
   │  │  │      2 Ways to Build Anticipation.mkv
   │  │  │      
   │  │  ├─4.3 Ways To Do This
   │  │  │      Ways To Do This.mkv
   │  │  │      
   │  │  └─4.4 Early Bird Opt-In
   │  │          Early Bird Opt-in.mkv
   │  │          
   │  ├─05 - Step 4 - Promotion
   │  │  ├─5.1 Promoting Your Offer
   │  │  │      Promoting Your Offer.mkv
   │  │  │      
   │  │  ├─5.2 Channels We Use
   │  │  │      Channels We Use.mkv
   │  │  │      
   │  │  └─5.3 Examples
   │  │          Black Friday _ Cyber Monday Examples.pdf
   │  │          Examples.mkv
   │  │          
   │  └─06 - Step 5 - Repeat For Profit
   │      │  Repeat for Profit.mkv
   │      │  
   │      ├─6.1 $300K Case Study
   │      │      $300k Case Study.mkv
   │      │      
   │      └─6.2 Resources
   │          │  Landing Page Checklist.mkv
   │          │  
   │          └─Resources
   │              │  Black Friday Checklist.docx
   │              │  Black Friday _ Cyber Monday Examples.docx
   │              │  Landing Page _ Compliance Cheatsheet.docx
   │              │  
   │              ├─Affiliate Invite Emails
   │              │      Swipe - Affiliate Invite 1.docx
   │              │      Swipe - Affiliate Invite 2.docx
   │              │      Swipe - Affiliate Invite 3.docx
   │              │      Swipe - Affiliate invite 4.docx
   │              │      Swipe - Affiliate invite 5.docx
   │              │      
   │              ├─Engagement Email
   │              │      Engagement - How to prepare a booming Black Friday (Resend).docx
   │              │      
   │              ├─Promotional Emails
   │              │      Swipe - ConnectExplore Promotion - Email 1.docx
   │              │      Swipe - ConnectExplore Promotion - Email 2.docx
   │              │      Swipe - ConnectExplore Promotion - Email 3.docx
   │              │      Swipe - ConnectExplore Promotion - Email 4.docx
   │              │      Swipe - ConnectExplore Promotion - Email 5.docx
   │              │      Swipes - UpViral Promotion (2017).docx
   │              │      
   │              └─Sales Pages
   │                      example-connectexplore-black-friday.pdf
   │                      example-UpViral-black-friday.pdf
       ├─01 - The Perfect Ad (Introduction)
       │      Perfect Ad.mkv
       ├─02 - Elements of a Facebook Ad
       │      Elements of a FB Ad.pdf
       │      Elements Of An Ad.mkv
       ├─03 - The Opportunity
       │      Opportunity.mkv
       │      Opportunity.pdf
       ├─04 - Ad Types
       │      Ad Types.mkv
       │      Ad Types.pdf
       ├─05 - Competitor Research
       │      Competitor Research (Additional).mkv
       │      Competitor Research.mkv
       │      Competitor-Research.pdf
       ├─06 - Story Based Ads
       │      Story Based Ads.pdf
       │      Story-based Ads.mkv
       ├─07 - Offer Ads
       │      Offer Ad.pdf
       │      Offer Ads.mkv
       ├─08 - Social Proof Ads
       │      Social Proof Ads.mkv
       │      Social Proof Ads.pdf
       ├─09 - Scarcity Ads
       │      Scarcity Ads.mkv
       │      Scarcity.pdf
       ├─10 - Image Ads
       │      Image Ads.mkv
       │      Image Ads.pdf
       ├─11 - Video Ads Introduction
       │      video ads intro.pdf
       │      Video Ads.mkv
       ├─12 - Recording Video Ads
       │      record video ads.pdf
       │      Recording Videos.mkv
       ├─13 - Editing Video Ad (Demonstration)
       │      Editing Videos.mkv
       ├─14 - Generated Video Ads
       │      Generated Video Ads.mkv
       │      generated videos.pdf
       ├─15 - Adding subtitles
       │      Adding Subtitles.mkv
       ├─16 - Video Meme Trick
       │      Meme Trick.mkv
       ├─17 - Whatsapp Trick
       │      Whatsapp Trick.mkv
       ├─18 - Creating your ads
       │      Creating Your Ads.mkv
       ├─19 - Keep your social stats intact
       │      Social Stats.mkv
       ├─20 - Most Common Mistakes
       │      Common Mistakes.pdf
       │      Most Common Mistakes.mkv
       ├─21 - Bonus #1 - Ad Multiplier Method
       │      Ad Multiplier Method.mkv
       │      Dynamic Creatives and Manual Testing.mkv
       ├─22 - Bonus #2 - High Engagement Ad Formula
       │      High Engagement Ads.mkv
       │      Social Engagement for New Ads.mkv
       └─23 - Bonus #3 - Facebook Friendly Ads
               Compliance Cheatsheet.pdf
               Secrets of Writing “Facebook Friendly” Ads.mkv





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