如何使用我最喜欢的 6 种研究方法找到 5 位数和 6 位数的产品。
- 教程编号:0667937169
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件
- 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
- 文件大小:7.45GB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
├─Live 1
│ Mother_s Day Sprint - Call 1.jpeg
│ Mother_s Day Sprint - Call 1.mkv
│ 说明.txt
│ 说明.txt
├─1. Introduction
│ MO1 - Case Study.mp4.mkv
│ MO1 Mindset, Books _ Meditation.mp4.mkv
│ MO1LE1 - Move Fast _ Break Things.mp4.mkv
│ MO1LE2 - Legal Disclaimer.mp4.mkv
│ Platfrom vs Shopify Store.mp4.mkv
│ 说明.txt
├─2. How to Build the Foundations of a Memorable Brand
│ MO2LE1 - The Importance of a Killer Business Name.mkv
│ MO2LE2 - Making Money with Color.mp4.mkv
│ MO2LE3 - Crafting a Million $ Logo.mp4.mkv
│ MO2LE4 - Get Legit With a Phone Number _ Voice Message.mp4.mkv
│ MO2LE5 - Over the Shoulder - Logo Creation.mp4.mkv
│ 说明.txt
├─3. Creating a Killer Store Step by Step Shopify Tutorial
│ MO3LE1 - Business Name Searches _ Registration.mp4.mkv
│ MO3LE2 - Creating Your First Shopify Store.mp4.mkv
│ MO3LE2.5 - Premium Theme - Focal Setup.mp4.mkv
│ MO3LE3 - Domain Name and Email Setup.mp4.mkv
│ 说明.txt
├─4. How to Become an Expert Moneymaker (Phrase Building)
│ │ Mother's Day Phrase Builing Sheet.xlsx
│ │ 说明.txt
│ │
│ ├─Growing Your Business
│ │ MO5LE1 - Scheduling for Weekly Designs.mp4.mkv
│ │ 说明.txt
│ │
│ ├─Niche Selection
│ │ MO4LE0.5 - Scheduling Consistency in Niches.mp4.mkv
│ │ MO4LE2.5 - Niche Breakdown and Selection.mkv
│ │ 说明.txt
│ │
│ └─Over the Shoulder Researching
│ MO4LE1 - The Elements of a 6 Figure Winner.mp4.mkv
│ MO4LE2 - Moneymaker Research.mp4.mkv
│ MO4LE3 - Over the shoulder Etsy research.mp4.mkv
│ Viral Product Research.mp4.mkv
│ 说明.txt
├─5. Facebook Ads for Jewelry Juggernauts
│ │ 说明.txt
│ │
│ ├─Facebook Ads The Scale
│ │ MO6LE3 - Facebook Viral Ad Setup.mp4.mkv
│ │ MO6LE4 - Scaling with Lookalikes.mp4.mkv
│ │ MO6LE5.5 - BONUS LIVE 1st Scale Out.mp4.mkv
│ │ MO6LE6 - The Full Scale Out.mp4.mkv
│ │ MO6LE7 - The Jewelry Juggernaut Ads - Cost Cap Setup.mp4.mkv
│ │ 说明.txt
│ │
│ ├─Facebook Ads Setup Step 1
│ │ ad rules 720p.mkv
│ │ pixel event pair 720p.mkv
│ │ 说明.txt
│ │
│ ├─Retargeting
│ │ MO6LE8 - Retargeting.mkv
│ │ 说明.txt
│ │
│ └─Verifying Target-ability - How to Use Audience Insights + Ads Manager to Find Targetable Interests
├─6. How to Handle Sudden Success
│ MO6LE6-The-Full-Scale-Out.pdf
│ Module 7 - How to Handle Success.mp4.mkv
│ Mother's Day Phrase Builing Sheet.xlsx
│ 说明.txt
├─7. BONUS Content
│ │ 说明.txt
│ │
│ ├─Google Shopping Foundations with Nik Armenis
│ │ 1. Introduction to Google Ads For Ecommerce.mp4.mkv
│ │ 2. Account Set Up - Linking For Google Shopping.mkv
│ │ 3. Proper Conversion Tracking Set Up.mp4.mkv
│ │ 4. The Merchant Center Feed Set Up.mp4.mkv
│ │ 5. Google Shopping Campaign Set Up _ Testing Strategy.mp4.mkv
│ │ 6. Scaling With Single Product Shopping Campaigns.mp4.mkv
│ │ 6. Scaling With Single Product Shopping Campaigns.mp4_2.mkv
│ │ 7.Google Shopping Optimization.mp4.mkv
│ │ 说明.txt
│ │
│ └─The Elite 7 Email Flows You Must Have with Dan Nikas
│ MO8LE1 - The Elite 7 Email Flows.mp4.mkv
│ 说明.txt
└─8. Conclusion