揭开微妙销售技巧的秘密,并通过Paul Ross的突破性培训革新你的销售方式。






Unlock the Secrets Of Subtle Sales Mastery and revolutionize your approach to selling with this breakthrough training from Paul Ross, the former “pick-up artist” turned Subconscious Sales Guru.

Divided into four comprehensive parts, this training provides you with the tools and techniques needed to dominate your sales game:

The Subtle Art Of Superior Mindset: Conquer self-sabotage and align yourself for success.
Foundations For Your Fortune: Master the four gold-key secrets that power subtle selling success.
How To Double Or Triple The Effectiveness Of Your Sales Presentations: Learn word-for-word scripts and techniques to close deals across any platform.
The Subtle Art Of Smashing Objections: Turn objections into reasons to buy with verbal “Jiu-Jitsu” techniques.

With testimonials showcasing dramatic increases in sales and commissions, this training promises to transform your sales results in record time.

  • 教程编号:0610288995
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:3.03GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

Secrets Of Subtle Sales Mastery
  └─Secrets Of Subtle Sales Mastery
      ├─01-The Complete Secrets Of Subtle Sales Mastery
      │      01-Introduction to Subtle Words That Sell.mp3
      │      01-Introduction to Subtle Words That Sell.mp4
      │      02-Maximize And Master Your Subtle Sales Success Mindset Part 1.mp3
      │      02-Maximize And Master Your Subtle Sales Success Mindset Part 1.mp4
      │      03-Maximize And Master Your Subtle Sales Success Mindset Part 2.mp3
      │      03-Maximize And Master Your Subtle Sales Success Mindset Part 2.mp4
      │      04-The Foundational Principles of Subtle Selling.mp3
      │      04-The Foundational Principles of Subtle Selling.mp4
      │      05-Commands And Suggestions The Building Blocks Of Subtle Selling.mp3
      │      05-Commands And Suggestions The Building Blocks Of Subtle Selling.mp4
      │      06-Use the Power of Presuppositions to Massively Increase Your Bottom-Line Sales.mp3
      │      06-Use the Power of Presuppositions to Massively Increase Your Bottom-Line Sales.mp4
      │      07-Three More Powerful Tools That Double (Or Even Triple) Your Bottom-Line Sales.mp3
      │      07-Three More Powerful Tools That Double (Or Even Triple) Your Bottom-Line Sales.mp4
      │      08-The Power Of The Pattern Interrupt And 3 Fundamental Axioms.mp3
      │      08-The Power Of The Pattern Interrupt And 3 Fundamental Axioms.mp4
      │      09-Crushing Your Prospect’s Objections With Counter-Examples And Meaning Reframes.mp3
      │      09-Crushing Your Prospect’s Objections With Counter-Examples And Meaning Reframes.mp4
      │      10-Crushing Objections With Agreement Frames And “Compare And Contrast”.mp3
      │      10-Crushing Objections With Agreement Frames And “Compare And Contrast”.mp4
      │      11-Crushing Objections Using The “Of Course” Method And Artful Confusion.mp3
      │      11-Crushing Objections Using The “Of Course” Method And Artful Confusion.mp4
      └─02-The Secrets Of Subtle Sales Mastery DELUXE Modules
              01-1-Secrets Of Subtle Subconscious Selling And Street-Fight NLP?.mp3
              01-1-Secrets Of Subtle Subconscious Selling And Street-Fight NLP?.mp4
              01-2-Secrets Of Subtle Subconscious Selling And Street-Fight NLP?.mp3
              01-2-Secrets Of Subtle Subconscious Selling And Street-Fight NLP?.mp4
              01-3-Secrets Of Subtle Subconscious Selling And Street-Fight NLP?.mp3
              01-3-Secrets Of Subtle Subconscious Selling And Street-Fight NLP?.mp4
              01-4-Secrets Of Subtle Subconscious Selling And Street-Fight NLP?.mp3
              01-4-Secrets Of Subtle Subconscious Selling And Street-Fight NLP?.mp4
              02-1-Subtle Sales Mastery DELUXE Training Series.mp3
              02-1-Subtle Sales Mastery DELUXE Training Series.mp4
              02-2-Subtle Sales Mastery DELUXE Training Series.mp3
              02-2-Subtle Sales Mastery DELUXE Training Series.mp4
              02-3-Subtle Sales Mastery DELUXE Training Series.mp3
              02-3-Subtle Sales Mastery DELUXE Training Series.mp4
              03-Subtle Sales Inner Game Trance.mp3
              03-Subtle Sales Inner Game Trance.mp4
              04-Subtle Secrets Of Super Rapport.mp3
              04-Subtle Secrets Of Super Rapport.mp4
              05-Subtle Words For Super Sales.mp3
              05-Subtle Words For Super Sales.mp4





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