


  • 教程编号:0433655356
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:7.2G
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

 ├─00-Module 0 - Foundations
  │      01-Course Walkthrough (Welcome!).mkv
  │      02-Scale With SEO Framework.mkv
  │      03-SEO Monthly Progress Tracker [Template].xlsx
  │      03-Tracking SEO Progress.mkv
  │      04-[Must-Watch] Ahrefs vs. UberSuggest.mkv
  │      05-Ahrefs 7-Day Trials (Lessons to Complete).docx
  │      05-[Important] Ahrefs Lessons To Complete.mkv
  │      06-UberSuggest Lessons to Complete.docx
  │      06-[Important] Your UberSuggest Subscription.mkv
  ├─01-Module 1 - Undercover Keyword Method (Part I)
  │      01-Intro To Competitor Research.mkv
  │      02-Why Competitor Research Is Best.mkv
  │      03-Competitor Analysis [Ahrefs Template].xlsx
  │      03-Competitor Analysis [UberSuggest Template].xlsx
  │      03-Setting Up Your Competitor Analysis Spreadsheet.mkv
  │      04-Resources.pdf
  │      04-Understanding Domain Rating.mkv
  │      05-Brainstorming Your Initial Competitors.mkv
  │      05-Note.pdf
  │      06-[Ahrefs] Finding Competitors With Ahrefs.mkv
  │      07-[UberSuggest] Finding Competitors With UberSuggest.mkv
  │      08-[Ahrefs] Finding Competitors Searching High-DR Sites.mkv
  │      09-[UberSuggest] Finding Competitors Searching High-DA Sites.mkv
  │      10-Finding Competitors Using Google.mkv
  │      11-Domain Rating Cheat Sheet.docx
  │      11-[Ahrefs] Filtering Out High-DR Sites.mkv
  │      12-Domain Authority Cheat Sheet.docx
  │      12-Resources.pdf
  │      12-[UberSuggest] Filtering Out High-DA Sites.mkv
  │      13-Finalizing Your Competitors.mkv
  ├─02-Module 2 - Undercover Keyword Method (Part II)
  │      01-The Framework - Undercover Keyword Method (Part II).mkv
  │      02-[Ahrefs] Finding Your Competitors Top Pages & Keywords.mkv
  │      03-[UberSuggest] Finding Your Competitors Top Pages & Keywords.mkv
  │      04-Note.pdf
  │      04-[Ahrefs] Merging Your Keyword Spreadsheets.mkv
  │      05-Resource.pdf
  │      05-[UberSuggest] Merging Your Keyword Spreadsheets.mkv
  │      06-Formulas.docx
  │      06-[Ahrefs] Organizing & Sorting Your Spreadsheets.mkv
  │      07-Formulas.docx
  │      07-[UberSuggest] Organizing & Sorting Your Spreadsheets.mkv
  │      08a-Analyzing Your Keyword Data.mkv
  │      08a-Note.pdf
  │      08b-Screen Recording.mkv
  │      09-Blog Post Ideas [Template].xlsx
  │      09-Developing A Content Strategy.mkv
  │      10-[Ahrefs] Finding Content Ideas With Ahrefs Content Explorer.mkv
  ├─03-Module 3 - Strategic Content Formula (Part I)
  │      01-The Framework - Strategic Content Formula (Part I).mkv
  │      02-Satisfying User Intent.mkv
  │      03-Primary Intent vs. Secondary Intent.mkv
  │      04-Understanding User Experience.mkv
  │      05-Pop-Ups, Aggressive Ads, & Bad User Experience.mkv
  ├─04-Module 4 - Strategic Content Formula (Part II)
  │      01-The Framework - Strategic Content Formula (Part II).mkv
  │      02-Your Goal - 'Epic' Content.mkv
  │      03-Determining Keyword Competitiveness.mkv
  │      03-Resources.pdf
  │      04-Researching & Outlining Content.mkv
  │      05-Finding Long Tail & Related Keywords.mkv
  │      06-Determining Word Count.mkv
  │      07-Creating Content That Ranks.mkv
  │      08-How To Add Internal Links.mkv
  │      09-Intro To On-Page SEO.mkv
  │      10-On-Page SEO Checklist.docx
  │      10-Setting Up Your On-Page SEO.mkv
  │      11-Resources.pdf
  │      11-Setting Up The Yoast SEO Plugin.mkv
  │      11-Yoast SEO Cheat Sheet.docx
  │      12-Moving On To The Next Post.mkv
  ├─05-Module 5 - The Content Audit
  │      01-Intro To Content Audits.mkv
  │      02-Content Audit [Template].xlsx
  │      02-Exporting Google Analytics Data.mkv
  │      03-What About 'Pinterest Content'.mkv
  │      04-Deleting Dead Weight Content.mkv
  │      05-Updating Under-Performing Content.mkv
  │      06-Redirecting Similar Content.mkv
  ├─06-Module 6 - Expertise, Authority, and Trust
  │      01-E-A-T - The Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines.mkv
  │      01-Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines.pdf
  │      02-Content Quality & The QEGs.mkv
  │      03-E-A-T & YMYL Pages.mkv
  │      04-Why Your 'About' Page Matters.mkv
  │      05-Tips For Optimizing Your Blog For E-A-T.mkv
  ├─07-Module 7 - Introduction To Backlinks
  │      01-Backlinks 101.mkv
  │      02-Characteristics Of A Good Backlink.mkv
  │      03-Avoiding 'Spammy' Links.mkv
  │      04-Link Building Expectations.mkv
  │      05-'DA' Is Not The Goal!.mkv
  ├─08-Module 8 - Building Links With Guest Posting
  │      01-The Guest Posting Framework.mkv
  │      02-Introduction To Guest Posting.mkv
  │      03-Guest Posting On 'Business' Websites.mkv
  │      04-Getting Organized For Guest Post Campaigns.mkv
  │      04-Guest Post Prospecting Spreadsheet [Template].xlsx
  │      05-Finding Guest Post Opportunities.mkv
  │      06-Guest Posting Email Templates.docx
  │      06-Sending Your Guest Post Pitches.mkv
  │      07-Tips For Writing & Sending Your Guest Posts.docx
  │      07-Writing Your Guest Post.mkv
  ├─09-Module 9 - Help A Reporter Out Link Building
  │      01-Introduction To HARO.mkv
  │      02-Getting Set Up With HARO.mkv
  │      03-Cheat Sheet For Replying To HARO Requests.docx
  │      03-Responding To HARO Requests.mkv
  ├─10-Bonus 1 - Six-Figure Affiliate Marketing Formula
  │      01-SEO + Affiliate Marketing.mkv
  │      02-Affiliate Marketing & User Intent.mkv
  │      03-Finding Affiliate Keywords.mkv
  │      04-Resource.pdf
  │      04-Tips For Creating 'Best' Affiliate Content.mkv
  │      05-Tips For Creating 'Review' Affiliate Content.mkv
  │      06-Formatting Affiliate Content For Conversions.mkv
  │      07-AAWP Plugin Walkthrough.mkv
  │      07-AAWP Shortcodes.docx
  ├─11-Bonus 2 - Mastering Mediavine Ads
  │      01-Mastering Mediavine Ads.mkv
  ├─12-Bonus 3 - Site Speed For Bloggers
  │      01-Site Speed For Bloggers.mkv
  ├─13-Bonus 4 - Scale With Sponsored Posts
  │      01-Scale With Sponsored Posts.mkv
  ├─14-Bonus 5 - Credit Takeoff Niche Site Explosion
  │      01-Six Figure Blog - Behind The Scenes.mkv
  ├─15-Bonus 6 - Site Structure Mini-Class
  │      01-Site Structure Mini-Class.mkv
  ├─16-Bonus 7 - Low-Cost Keyword Tool (KeySearch)
  │      01-Introduction To KeySearch.mkv
  │      01-Resource.pdf
  │      02-Finding Competitors With Keysearch.mkv
  │      02-KeySearch Competitor Analysis [Template].xlsx
  │      03-Finding Competitor Top Pages.mkv
  │      04-Finding Keyword 'Gap' Opportunities.mkv
  │      05-Finding Guest Posting Opportunities.mkv
  │      06-Tracking Your Keyword Rankings.mkv
  ├─17-Bonus 8 - Google Search Console
  │      01-Identifying Keyword Opportunities With GSC.mkv
  │      02-Finding New Keyword Ideas With GSC.mkv
  │      03-Troubleshooting Traffic Decline With GSC.mkv
  ├─18-Bonus 9 - Using a VA & Freelance Writer to Grow Your SEO
  │      01-Using a VA & Freelance Writer to Grow Your SEO.mkv
  ├─19-Bonus 10 - Advanced Ahrefs Lessons
  │      01-Introduction To The Bonus Ahrefs Lessons.mkv
  │      02-Finding 'Content Gaps' With Ahrefs.mkv
  │      03-Finding Competitor Affiliate Networks.mkv
  │      04-Finding Popular Pinterest Content.mkv
  │      05-Finding Keyword Ideas With Forums.mkv
  │      06-Finding Long Tail Keywords.mkv
  ├─20-Bonus 11- Competitor Backlink Analysis
  │      01-Introduction To Competitor Backlinks.mkv
  │      02-Spying On Your Competitors' Links.mkv
  │      03-Analyzing Competitor Backlinks.mkv
  └─21-Bonus 12 - How To Sell Your Site (For Life-Changing Money)
          01-How To Sell Your Site (For Life-Changing Money).mkv





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