

为本地客户提供Adwords培训(建立Google Ads)

  • 教程编号:0401805555
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:15GB+7.86GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文

   ├─1-Lead Generation Fundamentals - Section 1
   │      1-Section 1 Introduction.mkv
   │      2-Pay Per Lead Model.mkv
   │      3-Hybrid Model.mkv
   │      4-Niche Selection.mkv
   │      5-Niching Down.mkv
   │      说明.txt
   │      Pay Per Lead Business Building Crash Course _ Webinar 1 _ Mark Luckenbaugh & David Longacre.mkv
   │      Pay Per Lead Business Building Crash Course _ Webinar 2 _ Nate Fischer & David Longacre.mkv
   │      Pay Per Lead Over The Shoulder Training Course _ Webinar 3 _ Nate Fischer & David Longacre.mkv
   │      说明.txt
   ├─11-Lead Ascension - Under Construction
   │      001-The Leads Ascension Intro Part 1.mkv
   │      2-The Lead Ascension Intro Part 2.mkv
   │      说明.txt
   ├─2-Partner List Building - Section 2
   │      1-Section 2 Introduction.mkv
   │      2-Google Adwords Prospecting.mkv
   │      3-Home Advisor.mkv
   │      4-Yellow Pages.mkv
   │      5-Email Extraction.mkv
   │      6-Hiring List Builders.mkv
   │      说明.txt
   ├─3-Outbound Sales - Section 3
   │      1-Section 3 Introduction [QQ_250075083].mp4
   │      10-Virtual Close.mkv
   │      11-Sales Scripts.mkv
   │      2-Cold Sales Emails.mkv
   │      3-Cold Call Blueprint.mkv
   │      4-Turn Your Fear of Failure Into Fearlessness.mkv
   │      5-Present Solutions, Not Failures.mkv
   │      6-How To Qualify Prospects.mkv
   │      7-Managing Objections.mkv
   │      8-Negotiating.mkv
   │      9-Follow-Up Formula.mkv
   │      说明.txt
   ├─4-Partner Outreach - Section 4
   │      1-Section 4 Introduction.mkv
   │      10-Agreement Signed.mkv
   │      2-CRM System.mkv
   │      3-Outreach Cold Call.mkv
   │      4-AdWords Cold Call.mkv
   │      5-Home Advisor Cold Call.mkv
   │      6-Leads In Your Area Cold Call.mkv
   │      7-Follow-Up Email.mkv
   │      8-Landing Page.mkv
   │      9-Closing Call.mkv
   │      说明.txt
   ├─5-Landing Pages For Local Lead Generation
   │      1-Introduction.mkv
   │      10-Conversion Tracking.mkv
   │      11-Optimization.mkv
   │      12-Landing Page Extras.mkv
   │      13-Specificity.mkv
   │      2-Anatomy Of A Landing Page.mkv
   │      3-Headlines.mkv
   │      4-Lead Capture Forms.mkv
   │      5-CTAs.mkv
   │      6-Benefits And Supporting Content.mkv
   │      7-Social Proof.mkv
   │      8-Trust Symbols.mkv
   │      9-Thank You Page.mkv
   │      说明.txt
   ├─6-Building Local Leadgen Landing Pages In Unbounce
   │      1-Unbounce OTS 1 - Part 1.mkv
   │      2-Unbounce OTS 1 - Part 2.mkv
   │      3-Unbounce OTS 1 - Part 3.mkv
   │      4-Managing Unbounce Leads.mkv
   │      5-Confirmation Pages.mkv
   │      6-Unbounce OTS 2 - Part 1.mkv
   │      7-Unbounce OTS 2 - Part 2.mkv
   │      8-Unbounce OTS 3 - Part 1.mkv
   │      9-Unbounce OTS 3 - Part 2.mkv
   │      说明.txt
   ├─7-Adwords For Local Lead Generation
   │      1-Introduction.mkv
   │      10-Location Extensions.mkv
   │      11-Other Ad Extensions.mkv
   │      12-Adwords Scripts.mkv
   │      13-Exact Match Close Variants.mkv
   │      14-Cloning To Bing.mkv
   │      15-Campaign Optimization.mkv
   │      16-Negative Keywords.mkv
   │      17-Call Conversion Tracking.mkv
   │      2-What Is A SKAG.mkv
   │      3-Initial Research.mkv
   │      4-Keyword Research With Competitors.mkv
   │      5-Adwords Overview.mkv
   │      6-SKAG Set Up.mkv
   │      7-Create Your First SKAG.mkv
   │      8-Ad Creation & Split Testing.mkv
   │      9-Variations & Things To Test.mkv
   │      说明.txt
   ├─8-Rapid And Unfortunately Technical Lead Gen Campaign Creation
   │      1-Introduction.mkv
   │      10-Campaign Scaling Intro.mkv
   │      11-Campaign Scaling Overview.mkv
   │      12-Linux Crash Course.mkv
   │      13-Getting Your Server.mkv
   │      14-Uploading Via FTP-mp4 [QQ_250075083].mkv
   │      15-Uploading Via SCP.mkv
   │      16-Geo Scaling Example.mkv
   │      17-Niche Expansion.mkv
   │      2-Getting Started.mkv
   │      3-Choosing A Target.mkv
   │      4-Cloning The Lander.mkv
   │      5-Modifying The Lander.mkv
   │      6-Modifying The Thank You Page.mkv
   │      7-Wiring Up Jensen.mkv
   │      8-Deploying The Lander.mkv
   │      9-Pitfalls To Avoid.mkv
   │      说明.txt
   └─9-SEO For Leadgen
           1-SEO Testing Sucks.mkv
           1-The Leads Ascension Intro Part 1.mkv
           10-Keyword Densities Simplified.mkv
           11- Building JSON Schema.mkv
           12-Site Inter-linking Optimization.mkv
           13-Optimizing Images.mkv
           14-Basic On Page Optimization.mkv
           15-ImportXML Function for Meta Data Analysis.mkv
           16-Competitive Intelligence Sheet for Meta Data.mkv
           18-Offsite Optimization Intro.mkv
           19-Competitor Backlink Strategy.mkv
           2-Forensic SEO.mkv
           20-Extracting Competitor Backlinks.mkv
           21-Identifying Situational Optimization Strategies.mkv
           22-Extracting Competitor Anchors.mkv
           23- Anchor Text Classification.mkv
           3-Initial Research.mkv
           4-KW Clustering and Site Hierarchy.mkv
           5-Know What Google Wants.mkv
           6-Reverse Engineering w - Screaming Frog.mkv
           7-Avoiding Anomalies.mkv
           8-Creating a Site Workbook.mkv
           9-Creating your Content.mkv





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