




Get dozens of detailed templates from prospecting to outreach to the interview process as well as unconventional strategies to truly stand out from the crowd.
This material is for those that plan to break into the Top Sales Organizations in the world (mostly tech) where entry-level can clear +100k in year one.
The standards are much higher but I will teach you how to breeze through the process.
The truth is, following my 3-Step process and having a sales background will put you *way* ahead of the pack.
My commitment to you is simple: help you land your $100k sales job.

  • 教程编号:4229155311
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:530MB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

    └─Zero to $100k
        ├─01-Watch This or NGMI (Not Gonna Make It)
        │      The Genesis Pipeline Formula [imjmj.com].mp4
        ├─02-PART I - The Garden of Eden- Building a Lead List of Hypergrowth Sales Organizations
        │      01-Lesson 1- Starting with the Secret to a Fierce Sales Career - Follow the Money! [imjmj.com].mp4
        │      02-Lesson 2- The Platter of Gold [imjmj.com].mp4
        │      03-Lesson 3- Referrals on Steroids [imjmj.com].mp4
        │      04-Lesson 4- Referral Meeting Set, now what [imjmj.com].mp4
        │      05-Quick Recap [imjmj.com].mp4
        ├─03-PART II - Tech Sales Resume Writing (CV + Cover Letter)
        │      01-Lesson 1- The Basic Rules [imjmj.com].mp4
        │      02-Lesson 2- The Secret 8 Frames to Supercharge Conversion [imjmj.com].mp4
        │      03-Lesson 3- Top 15 Most Converting CVs and Cover Letters [imjmj.com].mp4
        ├─04-PART III - The 6-Step Cocoon Method To Nailing The Interview
        │      01-Lesson 1- Hard Truths Behind Recruitment Process [imjmj.com].mp4
        │      02-Lesson 2- The 6-Step Cocoon Method [imjmj.com].mp4
        │      03-Step 1 - Territory Plan [imjmj.com].mp4
        │      04-Step 2 - Sourcing a Lead List Of Potential Accounts [imjmj.com].mp4
        │      05-Step 3 - Breaking into Accounts And Booking a Meeting [imjmj.com].mp4
        │      06-Step 4 - Qualifying And Pitching Prospects [imjmj.com].mp4
        │      07-Step 5 - Bringing Everything Together [imjmj.com].mp4
        │      08-Step 6 - Hack the Final Round [imjmj.com].mp4
        │      Conclusion And Next Steps [imjmj.com].mp4
        │      01-Sales Language 101.pdf
        │      02-SDR And SMB AE Interview Assessment Case from a F500 company (with solution).pdf
        │      03-The Quick and Dirty Math of a $100,000 US Token Sales Job.pdf
        ├─07-PART 1 - Bonus Downloads
        │      01-Tracking System (Your Business Book).xlsx
        │      02-Platter of Gold by BowtiedCocoon - Top 250 Sales Orgs SDR And AE SMB_MM_ENT.xlsx
        │      03-ABC to vet hyper growth organizations on your own.pdf
        │      04-Meeting set for referral, now what.pdf
        │      05-3+ Strategies to Get Referrals.pdf
        │      06-5+ Referral Outreach Templates.pdf
        │      07-Unconventional Method to Get Referrals at F500 companies.pdf
        ├─08-PART 2 - Bonus Downloads
        │      Top 15 Most Converting CVs and Cover Letters (Before And After).pdf
        └─09-PART 3 - BONUS DOWNLOADS
                01-BowtiedCocoon Interview Prep.pdf
                02-Lethal Questions to Ask Hiring Managers and Qualify THEM_.pdf
                03-Step 1 - Territory Plan Template (30d, 60d, 6m, 1y).pdf
                04-Step 2 - Scraping Decision Maker Information [imjmj.com].mp4
                05-[Your CRM MVP] - Lead List of Decision Makers.xlsx
                06-Step 3 - Templates to Break into Accounts And Book a Meeting (3+ Prospecting Strategies).pdf
                07-Step 4(a) - Plug And Play Pitch Script.pdf
                08-Step 4(b) - Secret Method to Get the Pitch Script of Any Company in 20mn and for FREE.pdf
                09-Step 5 The Ultimate Sequence To Win a Sales Hiring Managers.pdf
                10-Step 6 - Talk Track Final Interview Round w Sales Leadership (VP And Director).pdf





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