《Courses That Scale》课程提供了一个完整的系统,帮助你打造一门高收入的课程,带领你从最初的创意到实现超过100万美元的销售收入。
这个课程提供了帮助你将创意转化为盈利课程的工具和策略,帮助你建立通向持续成功的道路。Courses That Scale offers a complete system to create a high-earning course, guiding you from idea to making over $1 million in sales.
You’ll learn key steps, including shaping a profitable course concept, building credibility, and creating a traffic engine to attract buyers.Past students praise the life-changing insights and supportive coaching they received, attributing their success to this program.
This program provides tools and strategies to transform your ideas into profitable courses, helping you build a path to consistent success.
- 教程编号:1943240601
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
- 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
- 文件大小:206MB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
- 压缩软件:7ZIP
- 视频播放:完美解码
│ └─Courses That Scale
│ ├─01-Course That Scale Phase 4 - The Traffic Engine Blueprint
│ │ ├─01-Start Here
│ │ │ 01-Welcome to Courses that Scale Phase 4 The Traffic Engine Blueprint.pdf
│ │ │ 01-Welcome to Courses that Scale.pdf
│ │ │
│ │ ├─02-Module 1 Creating The Webinar Presentation
│ │ │ 01-What Should Your Webinar Be About.pdf
│ │ │ 01-What Should Yt.pdf
│ │ │ 02-How to Create Your Sales .pdf
│ │ │ 02-How to Create Your Sales Video.pdf
│ │ │ 03-How to Build Trust and Respect.pdf
│ │ │ 03-How to Build Trust.pdf
│ │ │ 04-How to Keep Them Hooked for an Hour.pdf
│ │ │ 05-How to Make Them Buy like Crazy.pdf
│ │ │ 06-A Crash Course in Slide Design.pdf
│ │ │ 07-Assignment 1 Define the Dream Outcome.pdf
│ │ │ 08-Assignment 2 Create Your Webinar Introduction.pdf
│ │ │ 09-Assignment 3 Build Your Counterintuitive Process.pdf
│ │ │ 10-Assignment 4 Map out Your Webinar Close.pdf
│ │ │ 11-Assignment 5 Build Your Slide Deck.pdf
│ │ │
│ │ ├─03-Module 2 The Webinar Tech Stack
│ │ │ 01-How to Build Your Automated Webinar Funnel.pdf
│ │ │ 02-How to Collect Payments.pdf
│ │ │ 03-Assignment 1 Build Your Webinar Funnel.pdf
│ │ │ 04-Assignment 2 Set up Your Stripe Account.pdf
│ │ │
│ │ ├─04-Module 3 Facebook Ads To Warm Audiences
│ │ │ 02-Targeting 101 Creating Warm Audiences on Facebook.pdf
│ │ │ 04-Crafting Effective Text Ads Best Practices and Key Principles.pdf
│ │ │ 05-Launching Your First Ad Campaign A Step-by-Step Guide.pdf
│ │ │ 06-Budgeting Basics Allocating Daily Spend for Maximum Impact.pdf
│ │ │ 07-Assignment 1 Set up Business Manager.pdf
│ │ │ 08-Assignment 2 Install Facebook Pixel.pdf
│ │ │ 09-Assignment 3 Set up Ad Campaign.pdf
│ │ │ 10-Assignment 4 Spend 10 a Day.pdf
│ │ │ 11-Assignment 5 Create a Simple Facebook Ad.pdf
│ │ │
│ │ ├─05-Module 4 Cold Facebook Ads
│ │ │ 01-Expanding Your Reach Understanding Cold Audiences on Facebook.pdf
│ │ │ 02-Engaging Your Audience with Content Crafting Impactful Videos.pdf
│ │ │ 03-Maximizing Engagement Launching a Video Views Campaign.pdf
│ │ │ 04-Retargeting Strategies Transitioning Video Viewers to Warm Audiences.pdf
│ │ │ 05-Advanced Targeting Creating Look-Alike Audiences from Application Completions.pdf
│ │ │ 06-Scaling for Success Increasing Content Output and Ad Spend.pdf
│ │ │ 07-Assignment 1 Set up Cold Audiences.pdf
│ │ │ 08-Assignment 2 Record 5 Content Videos.pdf
│ │ │ 09-Assignment 3 Set up Video Views Campaign 40 20 a Day 41 .pdf
│ │ │ 10-Assignment 4 Add Video Viewers to Warm Campaign.pdf
│ │ │ 11-Assignment 5 Create Application Completion Audience Look-Alike.pdf
│ │ │ 12-Assignment 6 Ramp up Content and Budgets.pdf
│ │ │
│ │ ├─06-Module 5 Setting Up An Appointment Funnel
│ │ │ 01-How to Create Your Sales Video.pdf
│ │ │ 02-How a Questionnaire Protects Your Time.pdf
│ │ │ 03-Doubling Your Sales with Stragtetic Email Sequences.pdf
│ │ │ 04-Managing Your Appointments.pdf
│ │ │ 05-Getting Ready for Video Calls.pdf
│ │ │ 06-Assignment 1 Duplicate Clickfunnels Funnel.pdf
│ │ │ 07-Assignment 2 Record Your Sales Video.pdf
│ │ │ 08-Assignment 3 Set up Questionnaire.pdf
│ │ │ 09-Assignment 4 Set up Your Email Sequences.pdf
│ │ │ 10-Assignment 5 Set up Calendly.pdf
│ │ │ 11-Assignment 6 Setting up Zoom.pdf
│ │ │
│ │ └─07-Module 6 The Sales Script
│ │ 01-Everything You Know About Sales is Probably Wrong.pdf
│ │ 02-The Listening Phase Making Them Feel Understood.pdf
│ │ 03-The Solution Phase Prescribing Your Course.pdf
│ │ 04-The Commitment Phase Getting Buy-in.pdf
│ │ 05-Assignment 1 Write Your Sales Script.pdf
│ │ 06-Assignment 2 Practice Your Pitch with a Friend.pdf
│ │ 07-Assignment 3 Practice Stripe Orders.pdf
│ │
│ ├─02-Courses That Scale Phase 1 - Your Million-Dollar Course Idea
│ │ ├─01-Start Here
│ │ │ 01-Welcome to Phase 1 Your Million-Dollar Course Idea.pdf
│ │ │ 02-Campus Layout and Suggested Schedule.pdf
│ │ │ 02-Campus Layout and Suggested Schedule[ aixinshou.com ].mp4
│ │ │ 02-Copy of CTS Your Million-Dollar Course Idea Suggested Schedule.xlsx
│ │ │ 03-How to Get the Best Results From This Course.pdf
│ │ │
│ │ └─02-Million-Dollar Course Idea Core Content
│ │ 01-Lesson 1 The Danger of Choosing the Wrong Idea.pdf
│ │ 03-Assignment Choosing Your Course Topic.pdf
│ │ 03-Copy of MDC A-1 Choosing Your Course Topic.docx
│ │ 05-Assignment Finding Your Perfect Customer.pdf
│ │ 05-Copy of MDC A-2 Finding Your Perfect Customer.docx
│ │ 07-Assignment Complete Your Customer Avatar Grid.pdf
│ │ 07-Copy of MDC A-3 Complete Your Customer Avatar.docx
│ │ 09-Assignment Completing the Value Equation.pdf
│ │ 09-Copy of MDC A-4 Completing the Value Equation.docx
│ │ 10-Lesson 6 How to Price Your Course.pdf
│ │ 11-Assignment Decide the Price of Your Course.pdf
│ │ 11-Copy of MDC A-5 Decide the Price of Your Course.docx
│ │ 12-Lesson 7 Next Steps The Journey is Just Beginning.pdf
│ │
│ ├─03-Courses That Scale Phase 2 - My $10 Million Course Creation Blueprint
│ │ ├─01-Start Here
│ │ │ 01-Welcome to Courses that Scale Phase 2 My 10 Million Course Creation Blueprint.pdf
│ │ │ 02-Common Questions.pdf
│ │ │
│ │ ├─02-Module 1 How To Be A Good Teacher - Lessons In Course Outlining
│ │ │ 01-How to Map Your Course.pdf
│ │ │ 03-Outlining Your Course.pdf
│ │ │ 05-Assignment Outlining.pdf
│ │ │ 07-Lesson Outlining.pdf
│ │ │
│ │ ├─03-Module 2 Get Students To Take Action - A Playbook For Lesson And Assignment Design
│ │ ├─04-Module 3 Course Platforms - An Overview Of The Digital Homes For Your New Course
│ │ └─05-Bonus Module How To Setup Kajabi, Our Recommended Platform For Your Online Course
│ │ 03- Optional.pdf
│ │
│ └─04-Courses That Scale Phase 3 - The Credibility Engine Blueprint
│ ├─01-Start Here
│ │ 01-Welcome to Courses That Scale Phase 3 The Credibility Engine Blueprint.pdf
│ │
│ ├─02-Module 1 Building Your Onboarding Sequence To Help Students Start Strong
│ │ 03-Copy of CTS-P3-A1 .docx
│ │
│ └─03-Module 2 Reviews & Testimonials - The Fuel For Your Credibility Engine
│ 01-How to Collect Student Reviews.pdf