
这本指南汇集了 10 多种 详细的实操方法,教你如何利用 AI 和 AI 生成艺术 赚钱!
你还将获得 15,000 条 ChatGPT 提示词,无论你身处哪个领域,都能用它们轻松变现。

这些方法几乎 零成本启动,教程手把手带你完成每个步骤。此外,你还能获得 资源支持 和 专家建议,大幅提升成功率!

课程还提供 50 款顶级 AI 工具 以及 180+ AI 艺术家数据库,让你可以直接借鉴和提升自己的 AI 创作技能。
你将学会如何 让 AI 作品在社交媒体上爆火,并探索各种 线上赚钱新方式。

此外,你还能直接与 Planet AI 团队 交流,获得专业解答和策略优化建议。

This guide includes 10+ step-by-step methods that show you how to earn money using AI and AI art.
You’ll receive 15,000 ChatGPT prompts designed to help you make money in any niche.
These methods require little to no upfront cost, and tutorials simplify every step. You’ll also gain access to resources and expert advice to boost your chances of success.

The course gives you access to 50 of the best AI tools and a 180+ AI artist database to copy and improve your skills.
Learn how to go viral on social media using AI art and explore new ways to earn online. With direct access to the Planet AI team, you can get answers to your questions and refine your strategy.
The sky’s the limit when you follow these strategies step by step.

  • 教程编号:1934975030
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:3.37MB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

│  └─How to make money with AI and AI art
│      │  How to make money with AI and AI art.pdf
│      │  
│      ├─Bonus
│      │      Ai Artist List (Planet AI).xlsx
│      │      Google_Docs_Links.txt
│      │      
│      └─Discord HTML Export
│          │  Note.txt
│          │  
│          ├─ai playground
│          │      Planet Ai - ----ai playground---- - aixel-generator [1184702517649625228].html
│          │      Planet Ai - ----ai playground---- - bluewillow [1113046552915759174].html
│          │      Planet Ai - ----ai playground---- - dall-e [1108678042676625408].html
│          │      Planet Ai - ----ai playground---- - erin-personal-assistant [1110180769726480415].html
│          │      Planet Ai - ----ai playground---- - image-generator [1109116280994271362].html
│          │      Planet Ai - ----ai playground---- - mid-journey [1107595128694112326].html
│          │      Planet Ai - ----ai playground---- - wombot [1107594082349494292].html
│          │      Planet Ai - ----ai playground---- - ??create-art-here [1109715989077164052].html
│          │      Planet Ai - ----ai playground---- - ??|chat-gpt [1107595192250421381].html
│          │      
│          ├─Learning Hub
│          │      Planet Ai - ----LEARNING HUB---- - ?|ai-jobs [1107467791633752167].html
│          │      Planet Ai - ----LEARNING HUB---- - ??|how-to-make-ai-art [1107468469659766824].html
│          │      Planet Ai - ----LEARNING HUB---- - ??|useful-resources [1107608615478628413].html
│          │      
│          └─text channels
│                  Planet Ai - ----Text Channels---- - ??|shill [1123959230798495784].html
│                  Planet Ai - ----Text Channels---- - ??|video-ideas [1115087821967999076].html
│                  Planet Ai - ----Text Channels---- - ??|general [1107465069928927234].html
│                  Planet Ai - ----Text Channels---- - ??|share-art [1107466531178283058].html
│                  Planet Ai - ----Text Channels---- - ??|share-nsfw [1108349078137491497].html





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