

由经验丰富的作家 Tim Denning 和 Todd Brison 呈现。



Revolutionize your writing game with The 10X Writing Speed Blueprint by Bad-Assery Academy.
Break free from the grind and discover how to publish faster, build an audience, and boost your earnings.
Unleash the power of the 10X Method, a modern twist on the century-old Smart Notes technique, presented by seasoned writers Tim Denning and Todd Brison.
This blueprint, spanning 12 comprehensive lessons, transforms your writing process, helping you produce quality content efficiently.
Say goodbye to sluggish productivity and hello to a method that saves time on brainstorming, ideation, research, and editing.

  • 教程编号:2099466547
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:4.73GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

        └─The 10X Writing Speed Blueprint
            ├─01-Before you Start (Read this First)
            │      01-Read Me.pdf
            ├─02--Getting Started
            │      01-Lesson 1 - Why the _normal_ way of reading and writing is broken.mp4
            │      02-Lesson 2 - 10X Notes 101 Never start with a blank page again..mp4
            │      03-Lesson 3 - (Part 1) The 5 Elements of 10X Notes.mp4
            │      04-Lesson 3 - (Part 2) How 10X Notes Turn into Articles.mp4
            ├─03-Smart Notes Enhanced
            │      01-Lesson 4 - Setting Up Evernote for Smart Notes.mp4
            │      02-Lesson 5 (Part 1) - Smart Notes in Evernote Explained.mp4
            │      03-Lesson 5 (Part 2) - How to take ONE good note using Evernote.mp4
            │      04-Lesson 6 (Part 1) - Making a First Draft with Smart Notes.mp4
            │      05-Lesson 6 (Part 2) - Finishing a First Draft with Smart Notes.mp4
            ├─04-Introduction to Roam Research (Lesson 7)
            │      01-Why Bother Using Roam - Bad-Assery Academy - 1920x1080 3189K.mp4
            │      02-How to Download Roam Research - Bad-Assery Academy - 1920x1080 487K.ts
            │      03-How to Use Pages and Tags in Roam - Bad-Assery Academy - 1920x1080 536K.mp4
            │      04-What Can You Put in Roam Research - Bad-Assery Academy - 1920x1080 468K.ts
            ├─05-Unleashing the Power of AI with Roam Research
            │      01-Lesson 8 - Setting Up Roam Research to capture your reading.mp4
            │      02-Lesson 9 - Setting Up Roam Research for Smart Notes.mp4
            │      03-Lesson 10 (Part 1) - Fleshing Out a Literature Note in Roam Research.mp4
            │      04-Lesson 10 (Part 2) - Tapping Into Your Inner Genius By Squeezing Out Each Note.mp4
            │      05-Lesson 10 (Part 3) - Adding Related Notes for an Element of Surprise.mp4
            │      06-Lesson 11 (Part 1) - Pulling All Together With an Article In Roam Research.mp4
            │      07-Lesson 11 (Part 2) - Finalizing, Formatting, and Moving on to the Next Article.mp4
            ├─06-Next Steps - Running to infinity and beyond with 10X Notes
            │      01-Lesson 12 (Part 1) - Practical Tips to Writing Faster Drafts.mp4
            │      02-Lesson 12 (Part 2) - Practical Tips to Writing Faster Drafts.mp4
            │      03-Final Thoughts - It's Time To Write Faster Today.mp4
            ├─07-Bonus Content
            │      01.pdf
            │      02-Taking meeting notes in Roam for easy tracking and stories.pdf
            │      03-Plug-and-play CSS formats to further improve smart notes.pdf
            │      04-Starter for ONE good note in Evernote.pdf
            │      05-Bonus Lesson Todd Shows Nina How to Start an Empty Notes Bucket.mp4
            ├─08-Audio Version
            │      01-Lesson 1 - Why The Normal Way of Reading and Writing is Broken - Bad-Assery Academy.mp3
            │      02-Lesson 2 - Building a Second Brain with Smart Notes - Bad-Assery Academy.mp3
            │      03-Lesson 3 - (Part 1) The 5 Elements of Smart Notes - Bad-Assery Academy.mp3
            │      04-Lesson 4 - Setting Up Evernote for Smart Notes - Bad-Assery Academy.mp3
            │      05-Lesson 5 (Part 1) - Introduction to Roam Research - Bad-Assery Academy.mp3
            │      06-Lesson 5 (Part 1) - Smart Notes in Evernote Explained - Bad-Assery Academy.mp3
            │      07-Lesson 5 (Part 2) - How to take ONE good note using Evernote - Bad-Assery Academy.mp3
            │      08-Lesson 5 (Part 2) Why Bother Using Roam Research_ - Bad-Assery Academy.mp3
            │      09-Lesson 6 - Setting Up Roam Research to capture your reading - Bad-Assery Academy.mp3
            │      10-Lesson 7 (Part 1) - Setting Up Roam Research for Smart Notes - Bad-Assery Academy.mp3
            │      11-Lesson 7 (Part 2) - What Can You Put in Roam Research - Bad-Assery Academy.mp3
            │      12-Lesson 7 (Part 3) - How to Use Pages and Tags in Roam - Bad-Assery Academy.mp3
            │      13-Lesson 8 (Part 1) - Making a First Draft with Smart Notes - Bad-Assery Academy.mp3
            │      14-Lesson 8 (Part 2) - Finishing a First Draft with Smart Notes - Bad-Assery Academy.mp3
            │      15-Lesson 9 (Part 1) - Practical Tips to Writing Faster Drafts - Bad-Assery Academy.mp3
            │      16-Lesson 9 (Part 2) - Practical Tips to Writing Faster Drafts - Bad-Assery Academy.mp3
            │      17-Tech Check - How to Download Roam Research - Bad-Assery Academy.mp3
            └─09-Cheat Sheets
                    01-The 10X Writing Blueprint Cheat Sheet  Lesson 1.pdf
                    02-The 10X Writing Blueprint Cheat Sheet Lesson 2.pdf
                    03-The 10X Writing Blueprint Cheat Sheet Lesson 3.pdf
                    04-The 10X Writing Blueprint Cheat Sheet Lesson 4.pdf
                    05-The 10X Writing Blueprint Cheat Sheet Lesson 5.pdf
                    06-The 10X Writing Blueprint Cheat Sheet Lesson 6.pdf
                    07-The 10X Writing Blueprint Cheat Sheet Lesson 7.pdf
                    08-The 10X Writing Blueprint Cheat Sheet Lesson 8.pdf





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