Discover the Finding Trending Products Formula – a game-changing course that redefines eCommerce success.
The Trending Products Formula stands out with its unconventional strategies, guaranteeing a hero product’s long-term success, even if others are in the market.
This comprehensive course breaks away from traditional advice, providing a step-by-step, repeatable process for beginners and early-stage entrepreneurs.
The creators, Manny and James, demystify the myth of guesswork, sparing you wasted funds and the fear of overwhelming competition.
The Finding Trending Products Formula empowers you to build a highly profitable enterprise from anywhere in the world.
- 教程编号:1902848168
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
- 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
- 文件大小:12.33GB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
- 压缩软件:7ZIP
- 视频播放:完美解码
└─Finding Trending Products
├─01-Core Module
│ 01-A Message from Nathan Chan.mp4
│ 02-C1L1-The-Foundations-of-a-Hero-Product.txt
│ 02-The Foundations of a Hero Product.mp4
│ 03-C1L2-Your-Hero-Product-Idea-Scorecard.txt
│ 03-Trending-Products-Research-Benchmarks.docx
│ 03-Trending-Products-Scorecard.xlsx
│ 03-Your Hero Product Scorecard.mp4
│ 04-C1L3-Problem-Solving-and-Profitability.txt
│ 04-Problem Solving and Profitability.mp4
│ 05-Avoiding Being Too Late to Market.mp4
│ 05-C1L4-Avoid-Being-Too-Late-to-the-Market.txt
│ 06-C1L5-How-to-Guarantee-It-Will-Sell.txt
│ 06-How to Guarantee Your Product Sells.mp4
│ │ 01-Bonus 1- Product Sourcing Secrets.mp4
│ │ 02-Bonus 2- The “Instagram Domination” Formula.mp4
│ │ 03-Bonus 3- Content Strategy - How to Create Yours.mp4
│ │ 04-Bonus 4- Copycat-Proof Your Product.mp4
│ │ 06-Bonus 6- Designing Your Perfect Customer Checklist.mp4
│ │
│ │
│ └─Resources
│ 01-M1L3-v2.txt
│ 01-PSB-Costings-Calculator-.xlsx
│ 01-PSB-Purchase-Order-Template.xlsx
│ 01-TPSB_Shipping-Container-Sizes.pdf
│ 02-IGDOM_workbook_M1_L2.pdf
│ 02-Instagram Domination Transcript M1L1 The “Instagram Domination” Formula.pdf
│ 03-Instagram Domination Transcript M2L1 Content Strategy How to Create Yours .pdf
│ 04-M6L3.txt
│ 05-Customer-Validation-Outreach-Template.docx
│ 05-Module 1 Lesson 9 .pdf
│ 05.pdf
│ 06-M3L2-Creating-your-Customer-Personas.pdf
│ 07-Bonus 7- Profitable Hero Product Niche List.pdf
│ 07-ECommerce-Niche-Product-Guide.pdf
└─03-Bonus- Million-Dollar Mindsets
01-Bonus- Nathan Hirsch Transcript.pdf
01-Dropshipping and White-Labeling Your Products to Generate Millions with Nathan Hirsch.mp4
01-Interview with Nathan Hirsch.mp3
02-Bonus-Simone Wilkins Transcript.pdf
02-How To Build A MASSIVE Swimwear - Fashion Label with Simone Wilkins of Eau Paix Vie.mp4
02-Interview with Simone Wilkins (Eau Paix Vie).mp3
03-Bonus-Andy Hnilo Transcript.pdf
03-Interview with Andy Hnilo.mp3
03-Making a Skin Care Product- Exclusive I.mp4