

  • 教程编号:1108115378
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件
  • 培训机构:未知
  • 文件大小:8.66GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文

   ├─01-Overview of the Email10k System
   │      01-Introduction - Start Here - Email10K.mkv
   │      02-How to use this course - Email10K.mkv
   │      03-First Things First - Warm up your inbox - Email10K.mkv
   │      04-Overview - What is this Business- Whitelabeling- Including examples of major brands who do this - Email10K.mkv
   │      05-To those who’ve tried the other courses - Email10K.mkv
   │      06-This System Works - Our results from cold email - Email10K.mkv
   │      07-What you’ll learn in this course (besides cold email) - Email10K.mkv
   │      说明.txt
   ├─02-Finding a Winning Business Idea
   │      01-How to Find a Niche to Test in the Market - Email10K.mkv
   │      01-Niche Worksheet - Email10k.xlsx
   │      01-Partnership Cold Call Q&A - Email10k.docx
   │      02-10 most popular target customers.pptx
   │      02-Top 10 Target Customers - Email10K.mkv
   │      03-How to Identify the Perfect Prospect - Email10K.mkv
   │      03-Niche Worksheet - Email10k.xlsx
   │      04-How to Attract High-End Clients - Email10K.mkv
   │      05-How to position your current case studies for Cold Email - Email10K.mkv
   │      06-Don’t Lie to Clients - Email10K.mkv
   │      07-How to Establish Authority and Credibility Within Your Market - Email10K.mkv
   │      08-Need Help- - Email10K.mkv
   │      09-No partners after a dozen calls. What to do- - Email10K.mkv
   │      说明.txt
   ├─03-Lead Generation
   │      01-All About Lead Buckets - Email10K.mkv
   │      02-Lead Bucket Examples - Email10k.pdf
   │      02-Lead Buckets Examples - One for Each of the Popular Niches - Email10K.mkv
   │      03-Where to Find Leads - Email10K.mkv
   │      04-How to Build the Initial Lead List - Email10K.mkv
   │      04-Lead List - Email10k.xlsx
   │      说明.txt
   ├─04-Finding Your Target Customer
   │      01-Job Titles - Email10k.pdf
   │      01-What Are We Selling- Looking At Your Case Studies - Email10K.mkv
   │      02-Portfolio Best Practices - 3 Amazing Portfolio Examples… and One Terrible One - Email10K.mkv
   │      03-Who is the Right Contact & Where to Find Them - Email10K.mkv
   │      说明.txt
   ├─05-Setting Up Your Inbox
   │      01-Free Tools to Find Emails.mkv
   │      02-How to Get An Email Address That Doesn't Bounce Back.mkv
   │      03-Tools You Need To Get Started.mkv
   │      04-Setting Up The Tools.mkv
   │      说明.txt
   ├─06-Creating A Cold Email Campaign
   │      01-How to Create a Super Personalized Cold Email Script.mkv
   │      02-How to properly tweak a cold email script - how often to improve.mkv
   │      03-How to Write Custom First Lines.mkv
   │      04-Don’t be lazy - send 20 tweaks 20 if not working.mkv
   │      05-Sections of a Cold Email + Questions to Ask for Each Section.mkv
   │      06- Industry Specific Email In-Depth- B2B SaaS.mkv
   │      07-Email Script 1_ Instagram Management.pdf
   │      08-Email Script 2_ App Development.pdf
   │      09-Email Script 3_ Google Ads.pdf
   │      10-Email Script 4_ Online Course Development.pdf
   │      11-Email Script 5_ Marketing for Ecommerce.pdf
   │      12-Email Script 6_ Local Business Marketing.pdf
   │      13-Email Script 7_ PPC for Startups.pdf
   │      14-Email Script 8_ Job Search.pdf
   │      15-Email Script 9_ Lead Generation with No Brainer.pdf
   │      16-Email Script 10_ Recruiting.pdf
   │      17-Bonus_ Cold Calling Script.pdf
   │      18-Getting marked as spam- Try this - Email10K.mkv
   │      说明.txt
   ├─07-Following Up
   │      01-Why Follow up- - Email10K.mkv
   │      02-Follow Up Sequence Overview.mkv
   │      03-How to write your own follow-ups-.mkv
   │      04-Additional Followup Scripts to Use.pdf
   │      05-Sending Your First Cold Email Experiment.mkv
   │      06-Benchmarks You Need to Hit- Open Rate, Reply Rate, Meeting Rate and Cold Email Optimization.mkv
   │      说明.txt
   ├─08-Outsourcing 101
   │      01-Overview - how to outsource your lead generation - what roles are needed-.mkv
   │      02-Hiring assistant_project manager (including script) - Email10K.mkv
   │      03-Hiring lead generator (including script) - Email10K.mkv
   │      04-Hiring first line writer (including script) - Email10K.mkv
   │      05-Hiring sales (including job posting) - Email10K.mkv
   │      说明.txt
   ├─09-Pricing & Offer Creation
   │      01-Pricing 101- How to Find Out The Initial Price for Your Services - Email10K.mkv
   │      02-How to Create a -No-Brainer Offer- - Email10K.mkv
   │      03-How to improve your offer based on customer feedback - Email10K.mkv
   │      04-Other types of no-brainer offers - Email10K.mkv
   │      05-Case Study- How We Increased Our Prices from 2k to Over 100k in 6 Months - Email10K.mkv
   │      06-How to Structure Payments - Email10K.mkv
   │      07-How to Take Payments - Email10K.mkv
   │      说明.txt
   ├─10-The Sales Process
   │      01-How to Take Payments - Email10K.mkv
   │      02-Case study 1 - actual emails that lead to $2,000 - Email10K.mkv
   │      03-Case study 2 - actual emails that lead to $29,000 - Email10K.mkv
   │      04-Case study 3 - actual email back and forths that lead to $152,000 - Email10K.mkv
   │      05-Discovery Call Script __ Email10k.docx
   │      05-How to Approach A Discovery Call + Structure - Email10K.mkv
   │      06-Negotiating the price - how to make sure customers can pay - Email10K.mkv
   │      07-How to Approach A Proposal Review Call + Structure - Email10K.mkv
   │      07-Proposal __ Email10k.docx
   │      08-How to Push The Deal Forward, Contract & Next Steps - Email10K.mkv
   │      说明.txt
   ├─11-Scaling from Here
   │      01-Congratulations! Scaling to 100k and Beyond - Email10K.mkv
   │      说明.txt
           01-First QnA - Dec 4, 2019 - Email10K.mkv
           02-Second QnA - Dec 18, 2019 - Email10K [QQ_250075083].mp4





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