
这是一门由著名的行为研究者Vanessa Van Edwards开发的14天课程,



In under two weeks, Magnetic Charisma promises a transformation into someone who can effortlessly inspire and influence others.
This 14-day program by Vanessa Van Edwards, a renowned behavioral investigator, guarantees to unlock Magnetic Charisma hidden within you.

By mastering the art of human interaction, you’ll radiate Magnetic Charisma that fosters deep connections and a memorable presence.
You’re not just improving your social skills but elevating every aspect of your life, including your career, through powerful presence and persuasive abilities.

  • 教程编号:1092578289
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:5.42GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

│      └─Magnetic Charisma
│          ├─00-Preparation
│          │      01-Resources.pdf
│          │      02-Magnetic Charisma Workbook.pdf
│          │      03-Social Meditation.mp3
│          │      Magnetic Charisma - Lesson 1 - Welcome to Magnetic Charisma.mp4
│          │      Magnetic Charisma - Lesson 2 - What to Expect From This Quest.mp4
│          │      
│          ├─01-Part 1 - Build a Presence That Turns Heads
│          │      02-Notes.pdf
│          │      03-Notes.pdf
│          │      04-Notes.pdf
│          │      Magnetic Charisma - Lesson 1 - How to Be Authentically Charismatic~ -2941K.mp4
│          │      Magnetic Charisma - Lesson 2 - Create Your Charisma Goals -2931K_2.mp4
│          │      Magnetic Charisma - Lesson 3 - Bonus Content -2998K_2.mp4
│          │      Magnetic Charisma - Lesson 3 - How to Be Memorable -2962K_2.mp4
│          │      Magnetic Charisma - Lesson 4 - Creating a Charismatic Presence -2935K_2.mp4
│          │      
│          ├─02-Part 2 - How to Rapidly Understand Other People and Appeal to Their Needs
│          │      01-Resource.pdf
│          │      02-Notes.pdf
│          │      03-Notes.pdf
│          │      04-Notes.pdf
│          │      05-Notes.pdf
│          │      Magnetic Charisma - Lesson 5 - How to Quickly Connect With Anyone -2926K_2.mp4
│          │      Magnetic Charisma - Lesson 6 - How to Be Effective With Anyone -2884K_2.mp4
│          │      Magnetic Charisma - Lesson 7.mp4
│          │      Magnetic Charisma - Lesson 8 - How to Deal With Social Anxiety -2953K_2.mp4
│          │      Magnetic Charisma - Lesson 8 - How to Deal With Social Anxiety~ -2998K.mp4
│          │      Magnetic Charisma - Lesson 9 - Becoming a Great Team Player -2756K_2.mp4
│          │      
│          └─03-Part 3 - Make You and Your Business Magnetic
│                  01-Notes.pdf
│                  02-Notes.pdf
│                  03-Notes.pdf
│                  04-Notes.pdf
│                  05-Notes.pdf
│                  Magnetic Charisma - Lesson 10 - Present Your Ideas With Charisma~ -3004K.ts
│                  Magnetic Charisma - Lesson 11 - How to Sound Powerfully Confident -2945K_2.ts
│                  Magnetic Charisma - Lesson 12 - How to Bring Out the Best in People -2988K_2.ts
│                  Magnetic Charisma - Lesson 13 - Be More Inspiring, Influential and Impactful -2949K_2.ts
│                  Magnetic Charisma - Lesson 14 - Activate Your Charisma Plan -2915K_2.ts
│                  Magnetic Charisma - Lesson 14 - Activate Your Charisma Plan~ -3022K.ts





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