


Acuff, a renowned sales expert, reveals that successful selling isn’t about being pushy but understanding that people hate to be sold, yet love to buy.
By adopting the mindset of the customer, sales interactions become purposeful and meaningful.

Learn essential skills to uncover customer perspectives, ask engaging questions, and influence buying decisions effectively.
With unparalleled resources, anticipate impactful sales interactions and improved sales numbers.

While tailored for sales professionals, the principles apply universally, making this knowledge invaluable for parents, teachers, and entrepreneurs alike.
Enroll now to enhance your sales prowess, communication skills, and ability to influence others, whether in business or daily life.

  • 教程编号:1000917631
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:5.31GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

  └─Selling Excellence by Thinking Like a Customer
      ├─01-Superstar Sales Person
      │  │  00-Superstar Sales Person.pdf
      │  │  
      │  │  
      │  │  
      │  ├─01-Essential Fundamentals
      │  │      01-1-Essential Fundamentals.mp4
      │  │      01-2-Beliefs and Behaviors.mp4
      │  │      01. Essential Fundamentals.pdf
      │  │      
      │  ├─02-What Is Selling
      │  │      02-0-What Is Selling.pdf
      │  │      02-1--What Is Selling.mp4
      │  │      02-2-What It Is and What It Is Not.mp4
      │  │      02-3-Definition of Selling.mp4
      │  │      02-4-My Selling Philosophy.mp4
      │  │      02-5-How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling.mp4
      │  │      
      │  ├─03. Thinking Like a Customer
      │  │      03-0-Thinking Like a Customer.mp4
      │  │      03-0-Thinking Like a Customer.pdf
      │  │      03-1-The 4 Pillars Overview.mp4
      │  │      03-2-Mindset (KMR and Intent).mp4
      │  │      03-3-Words Matter.mp4
      │  │      03-4-Safe Environment.mp4
      │  │      03-5-Meaningful Dialogue.mp4
      │  │      
      │  ├─04-Introduction to the Big 8
      │  │      04-0-Introduction to the Big 8.pdf
      │  │      04-1-Introduction to the Big 8.mp4
      │  │      04-2-The Big 8 Overview.mp4
      │  │      
      │  ├─05-Big 8- Goal Setting
      │  │      05-0-Big 8- Goal Setting.mp4
      │  │      05-0-Big 8- Goal Setting.pdf
      │  │      05-1-You Can not Hit a Target You Do not Have.mp4
      │  │      05-2-Rules for Setting and Achieving Goals.mp4
      │  │      
      │  ├─06-The Big 8- Planning
      │  │      06-0-The Big 8- Planning.mp4
      │  │      06-0-The Big 8- Planning.pdf
      │  │      06-1-Planning Overview.mp4
      │  │      06-2-Planning for the Interaction that May Go Short.mp4
      │  │      
      │  ├─07-Big 8- Relationship Edge
      │  │      07-0-Big 8- Relationship Edge.mp4
      │  │      07-1-LTA (Listen, Think, Act).mp4
      │  │      07-2-Relationship Edge? Overview.mp4
      │  │      07-3-6 Key Concepts.mp4
      │  │      07. Big 8- Relationship Edge.pdf
      │  │      
      │  ├─08-The Big 8- Opening the Call
      │  │      08-0-The Big 8- Opening the Call.mp4
      │  │      08-1-Opening the Call Overview.mp4
      │  │      08-2-Capture Interest Quickly.mp4
      │  │      08-3-2 Reasons Someone Listens to You.mp4
      │  │      08-4-Relationship Building.mp4
      │  │      08-5-Open Minds.mp4
      │  │      08-6-Mystery, Surprise, and Curiosity.mp4
      │  │      08. The Big 8- Opening the Call.pdf
      │  │      
      │  ├─09-Big 8- Asking Questions
      │  │      09-0-Big 8- Asking Questions.mp4
      │  │      09-0-Big 8- Asking Questions.pdf
      │  │      09-1-Asking Questions Overview.mp4
      │  │      09-2-The Power of Questions.mp4
      │  │      09-3-ICC (Intent, Content, Condition).mp4
      │  │      09-4-The 5 Questions You Need to Ask Your Customers.mp4
      │  │      09-5-Listen to Sell More.mp4
      │  │      
      │  ├─10-Big 8- Telling the Product Story
      │  │      10-0-Big 8- Telling the Product Story.mp4
      │  │      10-0-Big 8- Telling the Product Story.pdf
      │  │      10-1-Telling the Product Story Overview.mp4
      │  │      10-2-Unassailable Truths.mp4
      │  │      10-3-Logic and Emotion.mp4
      │  │      10-4-Keeping the Mind Open - The Power of Soft Words.mp4
      │  │      
      │  ├─11-Big 8- Handling Objections and Customer Feedback
      │  │      11-0-Big 8- Handling Objections and Customer Feedback.mp4
      │  │      11-0-Big 8- Handling Objections and Customer Feedback.pdf
      │  │      11-1-Handling Objections and Customer Feedback Overview.mp4
      │  │      11-2-ACRC (Acknowledge, Clarify, Respond, Confirm).mp4
      │  │      
      │  ├─12-Big 8- Closing for Commitment
      │  │      12-0-Big 8- Closing for Commitment.mp4
      │  │      12-0-Big 8- Closing for Commitment.pdf
      │  │      12-1-Closing Overview.mp4
      │  │      12-2-The 5-Step Process.mp4
      │  │      
      │  ├─13-Putting it All Together with Role Plays
      │  │      13-0-Putting it All Together with Role Plays.mp4
      │  │      13-0-Putting it All Together with Role Plays.pdf
      │  │      13-1-Introduction to Role Plays.mp4
      │  │      
      │  ├─14-Role Play- Opening to Capture Attention
      │  │      14-0-Role Play- Opening to Capture Attention.mp4
      │  │      14-0-Role Play- Opening to Capture Attention.pdf
      │  │      14-1-Opening Scenario 1.mp4
      │  │      14-2-Opening Scenario 2.mp4
      │  │      14-3-Opening Scenario 3.mp4
      │  │      14-4-Opening Scenario 4.mp4
      │  │      
      │  ├─15-Role Play- Questioning to Engender Thinking
      │  │      15-0-Role Play- Questioning to Engender Thinking.mp4
      │  │      15-0-Role Play- Questioning to Engender Thinking.pdf
      │  │      15-1-Questioning, Scenario 1.mp4
      │  │      15-2-Questioning, Scenario 2.mp4
      │  │      15-3-Questioning, Scenario 3.mp4
      │  │      15-4-Questioning, Scenario 4.mp4
      │  │      
      │  ├─16-Role Play- Telling the Product Story
      │  │      16-0-Role Play- Telling the Product Story.mp4
      │  │      16-0-Role Play- Telling the Product Story.pdf
      │  │      16-1-Product Story. Scenario 1.mp4
      │  │      16-2-Product Story. Scenario 2.mp4
      │  │      16-3-Product Story. Scenario 3.mp4
      │  │      16-4-Product Story. Scenario 4.mp4
      │  │      16-5-Product Story. Scenario 5.mp4
      │  │      
      │  ├─17-Role Play- Handling Objections
      │  │      17-0-Role Play- Handling Objections.mp4
      │  │      17-0-Role Play- Handling Objections.pdf
      │  │      17-1-Objections, Scenario 1.mp4
      │  │      17-2-Objections, Scenario 2.mp4
      │  │      17-3-Objections, Scenario 3.mp4
      │  │      17-4-Objections, Scenario 4.mp4
      │  │      
      │  ├─18-Role Play- Closing for Commitment
      │  │      18-0-Role Play- Closing for Commitment.mp4
      │  │      18-0-Role Play- Closing for Commitment.pdf
      │  │      18-1-Closing Scenario.mp4
      │  │      18-2-Closing Scenario 2.mp4
      │  │      18-3-Closing Scenario 3.mp4
      │  │      18-4-Closing Scenario 4.mp4
      │  │      
      │  ├─19-Conclusion- Final Words on Selling Excellence
      │  │      19-0-Conclusion- Final Words on Selling Excellence.pdf
      │  │      19-1-Final Words on Selling and Thinking Like a Customer.mp4
      │  │      
      │  └─20-File Vault- Superstar Sales Person
      │          00-File Vault- Superstar Sales Person.pdf
      │          01-Vault Content.pdf
      │          02-Transcripts.zip
      │          03-Delta Points Dev Lessons.zip
      │          04-White Papers.zip
      │          05-Audio.zip
      │          06-Video.zip
      ├─02-Business Relationship Blueprint
      │  │  01-1-Why Is Relationship Building So Importantr.mp4
      │  │  01-2-The Importance of Business Relationships.mp4
      │  │  02-1-What Is the Relationship Edge.mp4
      │  │  02-2-What is the Relationship Edge and Why It Matters.mp4
      │  │  03-1-What Is a Valuable Business Relationship.mp4
      │  │  03-2-Defining a Valuable Business Relationship.mp4
      │  │  04-1-The Relationship Pyramid.mp4
      │  │  04-2-The Relationship Pyramid Tool.mp4
      │  │  05-1-Relationship Mapping.mp4
      │  │  05-2-Relationship Mapping Who to Build Relationships With.mp4
      │  │  06-1-The Relationship Edge Process.mp4
      │  │  06-2-The Relationship Edge Process for Building Relationships.mp4
      │  │  07-1-Actions That Build Relationships.mp4
      │  │  07-2-Actions That Build Relationships.mp4
      │  │  08-1-Pyramid Hopping.mp4
      │  │  08-2-Leveraging Relationships.mp4
      │  │  08-3-Pyramid Hopping Strategies.mp4
      │  │  09-1-Maintaining Crucial Relationships.mp4
      │  │  09-2-Maintaining Crucial Relationships.mp4
      │  │  10-1-Its a Small World.mp4
      │  │  10-2-Its a Small World.mp4
      │  │  11-1-Invisible Tattoo.mp4
      │  │  11-2-Make Me Feel Important.mp4
      │  │  11-3-The Easiest Way Is to Listen.mp4
      │  │  11-4-Its Not About Me, It’s About You.mp4
      │  │  12-1-Questions to Build Relationshipsr.mp4
      │  │  12-2-What People Treasure.mp4
      │  │  12-3-Be More Interested in Them.mp4
      │  │  12-4-I Don-t Want to Talk to You.mp4
      │  │  13-1-Conclusion- Final Words on Building Business Relationships.mp4
      │  │  13-2-Final Words on The Relationship Edge.mp4
      │  │  
      │  │  
      │  │  
      │  ├─14-File Vault Building Business Relationships
      │  │      00-File Vault- Superstar Sales Person.pdf
      │  │      01-vault content.pdf
      │  │      02-Transcripts.zip
      │  │      03-Delta Points Dev Lessons.zip
      │  │      04-White Papers.zip
      │  │      05-Audio.zip
      │  │      06-Video.zip
      │  │      07-ebooks.zip
      │  │      08-Tools.zip
      │  │      
      │  └─Screenshots
      │          00-Superstar Sales Person.pdf
      │          01. Essential Fundamentals.pdf
      │          02. What Is Selling.pdf
      │          03. Thinking Like a Customer.pdf
      │          04-Introduction to the Big 8.pdf
      │          05-Big 8- Goal Setting.pdf
      │          06-The Big 8- Planning.pdf
      │          07. Big 8- Relationship Edge.pdf
      │          08. The Big 8- Opening the Call.pdf
      │          09. Big 8- Asking Questions.pdf
      │          10-0-Big 8- Telling the Product Story.pdf
      │          11-0-Big 8- Handling Objections and Customer Feedback.pdf
      │          12-0-Big 8- Closing for Commitment.pdf
      │          13-0-Putting it All Together with Role Plays.pdf
      │          14-0-Role Play- Opening to Capture Attention.pdf
      │          15-0-Role Play- Questioning to Engender Thinking.pdf
      │          16-0-Role Play- Telling the Product Story.pdf
      │          17-0-Role Play- Handling Objections.pdf
      │          18-0-Role Play- Closing for Commitment.pdf
      │          19-0-Conclusion- Final Words on Selling Excellence.pdf
      │          20-File Vault- Superstar Sales Person.pdf
      ├─03-Superstar Sales Coach
      │      00-1-Superstar Sales Coach.pdf
      │      00-2-File Vault - Superstar Sales Coach.pdf
      │      01-vault content.pdf
      │      02-Transcripts.zip
      │      03-Delta points development lessons.zip
      │      04-White papers.zip
      │      05-videos.zip
      └─04-Goal Setting (How to Set Goals to Become Incredible)
          │  01-0-Why Should We Set Goals.mp4
          │  01-1-Introduction to Why We Should Set Goals.mp4
          │  01-2-What Is a Goal.mp4
          │  01-3-Understanding Goals.mp4
          │  02-0-Your Goal Seeking Mechanism.mp4
          │  02-1-Your Goal Seeking Mechanism.mp4
          │  03-0-How to Define Your Goals.mp4
          │  03-1-SMART Goals.mp4
          │  03-2-5 Rules for Achieving Goals.mp4
          │  04-0-How To Be All That You Can Be.mp4
          │  04-1-Aim High.mp4
          │  04-2-Advice on How to Proceed.mp4
          │  04-3-Conclusion.mp4
          ├─05-File Vault- Goal Setting
          │      01-vault content.pdf
          │      02-Transcripts.zip
          │      03-Delta points development lessons.zip
          │      04-White Papers.zip
          │      05-Audio files.zip
          │      06-videos.zip
                  00-Goal Setting (How to Set Goals to Become Incredible).pdf
                  01-0-Why Should We Set Goals.pdf
                  02-0-Your Goal Seeking Mechanism.pdf
                  03-0-How to Define Your Goals.pdf
                  04-0-How To Be All That You Can Be.pdf
                  05-File Vault- Goal Setting.pdf





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