并在 facebook 上进行新产品测试的成功率达到了可笑的 66%。


我的团队在过去 6 个月中以 66% 的成功率在 Facebook 上测试新产品所遵循的确切日常流程。



9 个简单的工具,

我会考虑的 3 个主要指标,

  • 教程编号:0932162317
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:1.84GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文

   │      FB Ad Terminology Cheatsheet.pdf
   │      How I Make Product Pages That Actually Convert - Courses.mkv
   │      How I Make Product Pages That Actually Convert - Courses~1.mkv
   │      P_L Template.xlsx
   │      The Blue Ocean Recommended Reading List Direct Response MarketingCopywritingMindset _ Other _ Courses.pdf
   ├─Module 1 Intro
   │      1-4-How-to-Get-the-Maximum-Bang-for-your-Buckaroos-Courses.png
   │      1.1- Meet Your Humble Teachers- Nate _ Scotty - Courses - Blue Ocean.mp4
   │      1.1- Meet Your Humble Teachers- Nate _ Scotty - Courses - Blue Ocean.ts
   │      1.2- Course Overview - Courses.mp4
   │      1.2- Course Overview - Courses.ts
   │      1.3- Course Resources List - Courses.mp4
   │      1.3- Course Resources List - Courses.ts
   ├─Module 10 E-Commerce Logistics
   │      10-1-E-Commerce-Logistics-Intro-Courses.png
   │      10-2-Why-Logistics-Is-The-Secret-To-Sustainable-E-Commerce-Courses.png
   │      10-3-The-First-Step-Towards-Building-A-Solid-Business-Courses.png
   │      10-4-H~1.PNG
   │      10-5-E-Commerce-Fulfillment-Options-Courses.png
   │      10-6-Primer-On-E-Commerce-Cashflow-Courses.png
   │      10-8-Finding-Reliable-Fulfillment-Partners-Courses.png
   │      10-9-Logistical-Tweaks-To-Improve-Customer-Satisfaction-Nice-PackagingPackaging-Inserts-Courses.png
   ├─Module 11 Next Steps
   │      11-1-Where-To-Go-From-Here-Courses.png
   │      11-3-Y~1.PNG
   │      11-4-Help-Me-Out-If-You-Want-Courses.png
   │      11-5-FLEEEX-On-Us-Courses.png
   ├─Module 2 The COAL Framework Overview
   │      2-1-Section-Overview-Courses.png
   │      2-2-What-is-Dropshipping-REALLY-Courses.png
   │      2-3-Why-The-Old-Way-Of-Dropshipping-Sucks-Courses.png
   │      2-4-The-New-Way-Courses.png
   │      2-5-Creative-Courses.png
   │      2-6-Offer-Courses.png
   │      2-7-Angle-Courses.png
   │      2-8-Logistics-Courses.png
   │      2-9-The-Price-Of-E-Commerce-Success-Courses.png
   ├─Module 3 Specific Hungry Market
   │      3-1-Your-Unfair-Advantage-Courses.png
   │      3.2 Research to Profits.pdf
   ├─Module 4 Offers
   │  │  4-1-The-Lost-Art-Of-The-Irresistible-Offer-Courses.png
   │  │  4-2-The-Different-Aspects-Of-An-Offer-Courses.png
   │  │  4-3-Tweaking-Your-Offer-To-Increase-AOV-Courses.png
   │  │  
   │  └─4.4 Real-World Examples Of Killer Offers
   │          4-4-Real-World-Examples-Of-Killer-Offers-Courses.png
   │          https---luminskin.com-pages-free-trial-3.url
   │          https---purple.com-mattresses-purple-bed.url
   ├─Module 5 Angles
   │  │  5-1-How-Angles-Work-At-Different-Steps-Of-The-Funnel-Courses.png
   │  │  5-2-One-Big-Idea-OBI-Courses.png
   │  │  5-3-The-Psychology-Of-A-Killer-Angle-Courses.png
   │  │  5-4-The-Ingredients-Of-A-Great-Angle-UniquenessAttention-grabbingRooted-in-the-psychology-of-YOUR-prospects-Courses.png
   │  │  5-5-Real-World-Examples-Of-Killer-Angles-Courses.png
   │  │  
   │  └─5.6 The Angle Invention Process
   │          http---www.thegaryhalbertletter.com-newsletters-zgkl_best_copywriter.htm.url
   │          https---swiped.co-file-coat-of-arms-letter-by-gary-halbert-.url
   │          https---swiped.co-file-million-dollar-smile-gary-halbert-.url
   │          https---swiped.co-file-rolls-royce-ad-by-david-ogilvy-.url
   │          https---swiped.co-file-they-laughed-when-i-sat-down-at-the-piano-by-john-caples-.url
   │          https---www.john-carlton.com-2011-02-operation-moneysuck-2-0-.url
   │          https---www.thegaryhalbertletter.com-newsletters-2005-09-15-05.htm.url
   ├─Module 6 Creative
   │      6-1-Creatives-Intro-Courses.png
   │      6-10-Ad-Copy-Courses.png
   │      6-11-Actionable-Creative-Making-Tactics-Use-sped-up-footageWhite-background-headlineCollage-style-video-adsThe-Pure-Curiosity-Hook-Courses.png
   │      6-14-Step-By-Step-Creative-Generation-Process-Courses.png
   │      6-2-How-Killer-Angles-Drive-Ad-Creative-Success-Courses.png
   │      6-3-Different-Types-of-Creative-Courses.png
   │      6-4-1-Goal-Of-Your-Creative-Courses.png
   │      6-5-Don-t-Forget-Who-You-re-Advertising-To-Tapping-Into-The-Current-Market-Sentiment-A-Great-Example-From-An-Unusual-Source-Courses.png
   │      6-6-Finding-Getting-Content-Courses.png
   │      6-7-Photo-Ads-Courses.png
   │      6-8-Video-Ads-Courses.png
   │      6.12- How To Make Low Budget Video Ads That Convert (Part 1) - Courses.mp4
   │      6.12- How To Make Low Budget Video Ads That Convert (Part 1) - Courses.ts
   │      6.13- How To Make Low Budget Video Ads That Convert (Part 2) - Courses.mp4
   │      6.13- How To Make Low Budget Video Ads That Convert (Part 2) - Courses.ts
   │      6.9- Breakdown of Great Video Ads - Courses.mkv
   │      6.9- Breakdown of Great Video Ads - Courses~1.mkv
   ├─Module 7 FB Ads Media Buying
   │      7-1-FB-Media-Buying-Intro-Courses.png
   │      7-2-How-FB-Ads-Work-The-FB-Ads-AlgorithmThe-FB-Ad-AuctionFacebook’s-DilemmaAd-Placements-Courses.png
   │      7-3-The-Ecom-Funnel-Traffic-Temperatures-Retargeting-Ads-Vs-Cold-Ads-Courses.png
   │      7-4-The-Tools-Business-ManagerAd-AccountThe-FB-PixelFB-IG-Page-Courses.png
   │      7-5-Understanding-Key-Metrics-And-What-They-Mean-For-Your-Ads-Top-Of-Funnel-Ad-MetricsBottom-Of-Funnel-Conversion-Ad-Metrics-Courses.png
   │      7-6-FB-Ad-Targeting-Options-Interest-TargetingLLAsCustom-AudiencesNo-Targeting-Very-Broad-Courses.png
   │      7-7-FB-Ad-Naming-Conventions-Courses.png
   │      7-8-The-Life-Saving-Google-Doc-Courses.png
   │      7-9-The-Blind-Donkey-Scaling-Method-Courses.png
   ├─Module 8 Blue Ocean Testing Strategy
   │  │  8-1-Blue-Ocean-Testing-Strategy-Intro-Courses.png
   │  │  8-5-Setting-Up-Basic-Retargeting-Part-1-.png
   │  │  8-9-Moderating-Ad-Comments-Generating-Social-Proof-Courses.png
   │  │  8.10- Page Post IDs _ Keeping Engagement On Your Ads - Courses.mp4
   │  │  8.10- Page Post IDs _ Keeping Engagement On Your Ads - Courses.ts
   │  │  8.3- Setting Up Initial Testing Campaign 3 Levels Of A Campaign- Campaign Level-Ad set level-?Ad Level- - Courses.mp4
   │  │  8.3- Setting Up Initial Testing Campaign 3 Levels Of A Campaign- Campaign Level-Ad set level-?Ad Level- - Courses.ts
   │  │  8.4  Reading Ad Account Data.png
   │  │  8.6- Setting Up Basic Retargeting (Part 2) Campaign levelAd set levelAd level - Courses.mp4
   │  │  8.6- Setting Up Basic Retargeting (Part 2) Campaign levelAd set levelAd level - Courses.ts
   │  │  8.7 SCAAAALING BABY.png
   │  │  8.8 Weekly Testing Strategy.png
   │  │  
   │  └─8.2 Blue Ocean Testing Strategy
   │          8-2-Blue-Ocean-Testing-Strategy-Caveat-Higher-Ticket-Products-Courses.png
   │          8.2- Blue Ocean Testing Strategy Caveat- Higher Ticket Products - Courses.mp4
   │          8.2- Blue Ocean Testing Strategy Caveat- Higher Ticket Products - Courses.ts
   └─Module 9 Account Management
           9.2 Types Of FB Bans.png
           9.3 Main Reasons For FB Bans.png
           9.4 4 Key FB Policies You Need To Be Aware Of.png
           9.5 Tips _ Tricks For Preventing FB Bans.png
           9.6 FB Banned You - Now What.png
           9.7 Best Payment Methods For FB Ads.png
           9.8 Managing Your Page Feedback Score.png
           9.9 Keep Getting Accounts Banned Do This.png





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