

Create stunning e-commerce emails without any prior design experience.
With Design Outside The Inbox, you’ll learn to craft beautiful emails that engage your subscribers and boost your marketing performance.

This course teaches you how to design a month’s worth of emails in just a few days and create reusable templates.
Learn how to use Figma, a simple and effective design tool, to build emails easily.
You’ll follow step-by-step tutorials on crafting various email types and learn the secrets to making your emails stand out.
You’ll command attention and build emails that your audience will be eager to open.

  • 教程编号:0915432879
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:2.4GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

│  ├─01-Module 1 - Email Marketing Basics 
│  │      01-Resource.pdf
│  │      01-WCelcome.mp4
│  │      02-What Makes a High-Converting Email Design .mp4
│  │      03-Creative Brief Design Outside The Inbox Template.docx
│  │      03-Locking In Your Email  x27 s Goal.mp4
│  │      04-Understanding Email Deliverability.mp4
│  │      Resources.txt
│  │      
│  ├─02-Module 2 - Lets Get Things Started
│  │      01-Get Your Figma Account Created   Tour.mp4
│  │      02-Building Your Brand Asset Board .mp4
│  │      03-Let  x27 s Build Our Inspiration Board.mp4
│  │      03-Link.pdf
│  │      04-Extensions.pdf
│  │      04-My Most Used Design Apps.mp4
│  │      05-Figma Basics   40 Controls  Quicktips    More   41 .mp4
│  │      Resources.txt
│  │      
│  ├─03-Module 3 - Email Structure & Design
│  │      01-Wireframing Your Design.mp4
│  │      02-Building Tutorial - Promotional Email .mp4
│  │      03-Building Tutorial - Nurture Email.mp4
│  │      04-Building Tutorial - Product Highlight.mp4
│  │      05-Transitions   Blending.mp4
│  │      06-GIFs   Movement - My Go-To   40 2  41  Ways .mp4
│  │      07-Installing Your Designs Into Email Programs.mp4
│  │      08-Masking Into Fun Shapes.mp4
│  │      09-BONUS - Access My Starter Templates Here .pdf
│  │      10-BONUS - Access My Final Project Board .pdf
│  │      Resources.txt
│  │      
│  ├─04-Module 4 - Locking In Your Email Messaging
│  │      01-What Makes Great Email Copy.mp4
│  │      02-The Scan Test .mp4
│  │      03-Let  x27 s Talk Buttons .mp4
│  │      04-Copy Tutorial - Promotional Email.mp4
│  │      05-Copy Tutorial - Product Nurture Email.mp4
│  │      06-BONUS - Copy Pivot Cheatsheet.xlsx
│  │      Resources.txt
│  │      
│  └─05-Module 5 - Bonus Trainings
│          01-Building Your Email Report.mp4
│          01-Reporting Document.xlsx
│          02-AB Testing Your Emails .mp4
│          03-My Segmentation Cheatsheet.docx
│          Resources.txt





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