Hey,大家好呀!今天小编来和大家聊一下数字营销明星系统,这个系统包括了五个模块,每一个都由Exposure Ninja的CEO兼畅销书作者Tim Cameron Kitchen亲自授课,真是太有诱惑力了!

别看这是一个课程,其实是带你打通Exposure Ninja客户服务的秘密武器!你可以轻松掌握他们使用的工具和策略,让你的业务成长更上一层楼。



The Star Marketing System course in digital marketing consists of five modules, each taught by Tim Cameron Kitchen, bestselling author and CEO of Exposure Ninja.
Learn for yourself, with full access to the tools and strategies used by the team at Exposure Ninja to take our clients to the next level.
Take control of your business growth with the new online digital marketing course from Exposure Ninja.
From Google and social media ads to content marketing and beyond, we go through everything you need to know to supercharge your growth potential.

  • 教程编号:0113736763
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:15.93GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

├─0113736763 The Star Marketing System
│  └─The Star Marketing System
│      │  01-Introduction【imjmj.com】.mkv
│      │  01-Welcome Note.pdf
│      │  
│      ├─Module 1-Positioning
│      │      01-Positioning【imjmj.com】.mkv
│      │      02-Positioning Worksheet【imjmj.com】.mkv
│      │      03-Additional Training - Exposure Ninja - 1280x720 1067K.mkv
│      │      
│      ├─Module 2-Presence
│      │      01-CRO&UX - Interview with Joe【imjmj.com】.mkv
│      │      01-Presence【imjmj.com】.mkv
│      │      02-Presence Worksheet【imjmj.com】.mkv
│      │      03-Additional Training - 6 Vital Copywriting Tips.mkv
│      │      03-Additional Training - John Carlton interview.mkv
│      │      
│      ├─Module 3-Process
│      │      01-Process【imjmj.com】.mkv
│      │      02-Process Worksheet【imjmj.com】.mkv
│      │      03-Additional Training.mkv
│      │      
│      ├─Module 4-People
│      │      01-Interview with Ana - Senior Google Ads Ninja about how to set up and manage G Ads Accounts【imjmj.com】.mkv
│      │      01-Interview with Megan - Organic Social Media strategy and implementation【imjmj.com】.mkv
│      │      01-Interview with Sinead - Social Ads Strategist on how to set up and manage FB or IG Ads【imjmj.com】.mkv
│      │      01-People【imjmj.com】.mkv
│      │      01-Search Engine Optimisation【imjmj.com】.mkv
│      │      02-People Worksheet【imjmj.com】.mkv
│      │      03-01 Quick SEO Fixes.mkv
│      │      03-02 How to spy on your competitors' Google Ads.mkv
│      │      03-03 How to spy on your competitors' Facebook Ads.mkv
│      │      03-04 How to do guest posting that actually works.mkv
│      │      03-05 Your website's content strategy.mkv
│      │      03-06 Linkbuilding for 'boring' businesses.mkv
│      │      03-07 Picking profitable blog topics.mkv
│      │      03-08 How to write for featured snippets.mkv
│      │      03-09 Quick SEO Competitor Analysis process.mkv
│      │      
│      └─Module 5-Progression
│              01-Progression【imjmj.com】.mkv
│              02-Progression Worksheet【imjmj.com】.mkv
│              03-01 How to turn email subs into customers.mkv
│              03-02 How to increase Customer Lifetime Value (CLV).mkv





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