


The Part-Time Creator Academy is designed to help you make your videos go viral in your spare time.
This course teaches you the secrets behind viral videos.

The course covers everything from production and editing to posting and optimizing your videos for maximum views.
You’ll also discover how to monetize your content, secure brand deals, and turn views into revenue.

With the Part-Time Creator Academy, you can confidently create viral videos, even if you’re working part-time.
The course includes practical, step-by-step instructions and comes with a money-back guarantee if you don’t see results.

  • 教程编号:0889723665
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:1.2GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

│  ├─0.Welcome
│  │      Resources.txt
│  │      Welcome1.mp4
│  │      
│  ├─1. Account Creation [imjmj.com]
│  │      1. Account Creation - Basics & Common Questions.mp4
│  │      1.1 Account Creation - Basics & Common Questions.pdf
│  │      2. Account Creation - TikTok [imjmj.com].mp4
│  │      2.1 Account Creation - TikTok [imjmj.com].pdf
│  │      2.2 Account _Creation_ TikTok [imjmj.com].pdf
│  │      3. Account Creation - Instagram.mp4
│  │      3.1 Account Creation - Instagram.pdf
│  │      3.2 Account _Creation_ Instagam.pdf
│  │      Resources.txt
│  │      
│  ├─2. Idea Creation & Why Videos Go Viral
│  │      1. Understanding The Algorithm.mp4
│  │      1.1 Understanding The Algorithm.pdf
│  │      2. Picking A Niche [imjmj.com].mp4
│  │      2.1 Picking A Niche [imjmj.com].pdf
│  │      3. The Importance Of Video Ideas.mp4
│  │      3.1 The Importance Of Video Ideas.pdf
│  │      3.2 The_4_Elements_of_a_good_idea.pdf
│  │      4. Steal Like An Artist.mp4
│  │      4.1 Steal Like An Artist.pdf
│  │      5. The Hook, Substance, Payoff Framework.mp4
│  │      5.1 The Hook, Substance, Payoff Framework.pdf
│  │      5.2 50_Hook_Examples_-_PTC.pdf
│  │      5.3 HOOK_SUBSCTANCE_PAYOFF.pdf
│  │      6. Secrets To Create Engagement.mp4
│  │      6.1 Secrets To Create Engagement.pdf
│  │      Resources.txt
│  │      
│  ├─3. Production - Shooting Your Videos
│  │      1. Production - What Gear You Should Use.mp4
│  │      1.1 Production - What Gear You Should Use.pdf
│  │      1.2 Camera_Mastery_Field_Guide_1_.pdf
│  │      2. Production - Best iPhone Camera Settings [imjmj.com].mp4
│  │      2.1 Production - Best iPhone Camera Settings [imjmj.com].pdf
│  │      2.2 Camera_Mastery_Field_Guide_1_ [imjmj.com].pdf
│  │      3. Production - Best Android Camera Settings.mp4
│  │      3.1 Production - Best Android Camera Settings.pdf
│  │      3.2 Camera_Mastery_Field_Guide_1_.pdf
│  │      4. Production - Best Practices When Shooting.mp4
│  │      4. Production - Best Practices When Shooting.pdf
│  │      4.2 Camera_Mastery_Field_Guide_1_.pdf
│  │      4.3 SHOTLIST.pdf
│  │      5. Production - Camera Accessories.mp4
│  │      5.1 Production - Camera Accessories.pdf
│  │      Resources.txt
│  │      
│  ├─4. 4. Editing, Posting & Optimizing Your Videos
│  │      1. Editing Your Video.mp4
│  │      1.1 Editing Your Video.pdf
│  │      1.2 PTCA_DR_Keyboard_Shortcuts.txt
│  │      2. Reading Your Analytics [imjmj.com].mp4
│  │      2.1 Reading Your Analytics [imjmj.com].pdf
│  │      3. How To Post Instagram.mp4
│  │      3.1 How To Post Instagram.pdf
│  │      4. How To Post TikTok.mp4
│  │      4.1 How To Post TikTok.pdf
│  │      Resources.txt
│  │      
│  ├─5. 5. Monetization - Making Money!
│  │      5. Monetization - Making Money!.mp4
│  │      Resources.txt
│  │      
│  └─6. Bonus
│          30 - Day Road Map.mp4
│          30_Day_Roadmap_Breakdown.pdf
│          30_Day_Worksheet.pdf
│          Hero Vs Hub Content - Nurture The Audience - Written Lesson.pdf
│          How To Be Confident On Camera.pdf
│          Resources.txt





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