看Luke Carthy怎样在SEO方面深度分析电子商务网站。



Luke Carthy goes in-depth on all of the SEO aspects specific to eCommerce websites.

Choosing an eCommerce CMS
Choosing and configuring site search for SEO
Configuring and optimising product categories
Product filters for SEO
Inventory management
Analytics and measurability
Marketing and ‘wowing’ your customers
… and much more

  • 教程编号:0605189988
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:3.54GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

│  └─eCommerce SEO Training
│      │  00-Welcome - About This Course [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │  
│      ├─01-Introduction to technical SEO
│      │      01-What is Technical SEO [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      02-Morals & Ethics [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      03-The Basics - Hosting [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      04-The Basics - Networking [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      05-Standards [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      06-Module 1 Completion [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      
│      ├─02-A technical view of how search works
│      │      01-Crawling [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      02-Indexing [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      03-Rendering [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      04-Ranking [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      05-Module 2 Completion [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      
│      ├─03-Tools
│      │      01-Google Tools [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      02-Bing Tools [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      03-3rd Party Tools [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      04-Module 3 Completion [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      
│      ├─04-Crawling technology
│      │      01-Why we crawl [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      02-Crawling with Sitebulb [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      03-How to interpret & use data [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      04-Module 4 Completion [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      
│      ├─05-Page experience
│      │      01-Page Speed [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      02-Core Web Vitals [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      03-Mobile Usability [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      04-Security [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      05-Module 5 Completion [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      
│      ├─06-Schema
│      │      01-What is Structured Data [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      02-How to choose Structured Data [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      03-Testing implementation [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      04-Module 6 Completion [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      
│      ├─07-Status codes
│      │      01-What are HTTP status codes [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      02-200 OK [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      03-3xx Redirects [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      04-4xx Client Errors [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      05-5xx Server Errors [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      06-Module 7 Completion [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      
│      ├─08-Content & on-page
│      │      01-On-page Basics [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      02-Thin Content [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      03-Duplicate Content [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      04-Common Tags [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      05-Split Testing and SEO [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      06-Edge SEO [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      07-Checklist of On-Page Elements.xlsx
│      │      08-Module 8 Completion [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      
│      ├─09-Internal linking
│      │      01-Information Architecture [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      02-Vertical & Horizontal Linking [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      03-Faceted Navigation [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      04-Module 9 Completion [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      
│      ├─10-Crawlability
│      │      01-Robots [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      02-Crawl Depth [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      03-URL Structure [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      04-Sitemaps [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      05-Pagination [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      06-User Agents and Proxies [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      07-Module 10 Completion [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      
│      ├─11-Images
│      │      01-Alt Text [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      02-Image Sizes & Basic Optimisation [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      03-Further Image Optimisation [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      04-Module 11 Completion [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      
│      ├─12-Security
│      │      01-SSL [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      02-Mixed Content [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      03-Common Security Issues [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      04-HTTP-2 & HTTP-3 [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      05-Module 12 Completion [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      
│      ├─13-Accessibility
│      │      01-Legal implications [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      02-WCAG [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      03-Areas to focus on [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      04-Testing for Accessibility [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      05-Module 13 Completion [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      
│      └─14-The technical audit process
│              01-Carrying out a Technical Audit [imjmj.com].mkv
│              02-Template - Technical Checklist.xlsx
│              03-Building a Backlog [imjmj.com].mkv
│              04-How we can present data, communication & teamwork [imjmj.com].mkv
│              05-Congratulations [imjmj.com].mkv





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