
您将了解有关为 FB、IG 和 YT 等各种平台创建和构建高性能视频广告所需的一切知识。

您有独特的机会学习 99% 的企业家和营销人员不知道的技能,

  • 教程编号:0888352161
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:6.36GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文

   │  Welcome To Video Ad Bootcamp (A MUST WATCH).mkv
   │  Welcome To Video Ad Bootcamp (A MUST WATCH).pdf
   ├─Bonus Lessons
   │      Bonus Lesson 1.mkv
   │      Bonus Lesson 2.mkv
   │      Bonus Lesson 3.mkv
   │      Bonus Lesson 4 (stand alone lesson).mkv
   │      Steam Coffee Above.mkv
   ├─How To Make A Texting Ad
   │  │  How To Make A Texting Ad.mkv
   │  │  
   │  └─Texting Ad Assets
   │          Arrows Up Blue.mkv
   │          Arrows Up Red.mkv
   │          Texting Ad Scripts.docx
   │          Texting Sound Effects (iPhone).wav
   ├─Module 1
   │      Module 1 Lesson 2 - Where to find assets on line.pdf
   │      Module 1, Lesson 1 - How To Do Your Research.mkv
   │      Module 1, Lesson 1 - How To Do Your Research.pdf
   │      Module 1, Lesson 2 (Update) - Changes In The Facebook Ad Library.mkv
   │      Module 1, Lesson 2 (Update) - Changes In The Facebook Ad Library.pdf
   │      Module 1, Lesson 2 - Where To Find Your Video Assets Online.mkv
   │      Module 1, Lesson 2 - Where To Find Your Video Assets Online.pdf
   │      Pre-targeting Ads.docx
   │      Re-targeting Ads.docx
   │      Resources for Your Video Ads.docx
   ├─Module 2
   │      Module 2, Lesson 1 - Writing Your Video Script.mkv
   │      Module 2, Lesson 1 - Writing Your Video Script.pdf
   │      Module 2, Lesson 2 - Script Templates And Examples.mkv
   │      Module 2, Lesson 2 - Script Templates And Examples.pdf
   │      Pre-Targeting Ad Script Example.docx
   │      Pre-Targeting Ad Script Template.docx
   │      Re-Targeting Ad - Unscripted - Interview Questions.docx
   │      Re-Targeting Ad - Unscripted Template.docx
   │      Re-Targeting Ad Script Example.docx
   │      Re-Targeting Ad Script Template - NO NARRATION.docx
   │      Re-Targeting Ad Script Template.docx
   ├─Module 3
   │      Module 3, Lesson 1 - How To Shoot Your Video Content Like A Pro.mkv
   │      Module 3, Lesson 1 - How To Shoot Your Video Content Like A Pro.pdf
   │      Module 3, Lesson 2 - How To Be Amazing On Camera.mkv
   │      Module 3, Lesson 2 - How To Be Amazing On Camera.pdf
   ├─Module 4
   │      Module 4, Lesson 1 - How To Use Adobe Premiere, A Crash Course.mkv
   │      Module 4, Lesson 1 - How To Use Adobe Premiere, A Crash Course.pdf
   │      Module 4, Lesson 2 - Editing Your Ad In Adobe Premiere Part 1 of 3.mkv
   │      Module 4, Lesson 2 - Editing Your Ad In Adobe Premiere Part 1 of 3.pdf
   │      Module 4, Lesson 2-4 Project Files.zip
   │      Module 4, Lesson 3 - Editing Your Ad In Adobe Premiere Part 2 of 3.mkv
   │      Module 4, Lesson 3 - Editing Your Ad In Adobe Premiere Part 2 of 3.pdf
   │      Module 4, Lesson 4 - Editing Your Ad In Adobe Premiere Part 3 of 3.mkv
   │      Module 4, Lesson 4 - Editing Your Ad In Adobe Premiere Part 3 of 3.pdf
   ├─Module 5
   │      Module 5, Lesson 1 (no title, only video in this module).mkv
   │      Module 5, Lesson 1 (no title, only video in this module).pdf
   └─Module 6
           Module 6, Lesson 1.mkv
           Module 6, Lesson 1.pdf
           Module 6, Lesson 2.mkv
           Module 6, Lesson 2.pdf
           Module 6, Lesson 3.mkv
           Module 6, Lesson 3.pdf
           Module 6, Lesson 4.mkv
           Module 6, Lesson 4.pdf
           Module 6, Lesson 5.mkv
           Module 6, Lesson 5.pdf
           Module 6, Lesson 6.mkv
           Module 6, Lesson 6.pdf
           Module 6, Lesson 7.mkv
           Module 6, Lesson 7.pdf





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