


Note: Must have Illustrator Downloaded on your PC or Mac. Students must also have basic knowledge of Illustrator.

This course is designed to make learning easy for beginners.
I will include quizzes throughout the course to test your knowledge. This will help you re-cape what you learned in the previous section.

You will learn how to:

Create custom T-Shirt graphics
Create 3 unique designs using the skills you learned.
Prepare your files for print.
Color your designs using color pallet’s.
Find and download custom fonts.

  • 教程编号:0817040883
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:851M
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

  ├─1. Intro, Document Setup, Saving & Work space Setup
  │      1. Introduction.mkv
  │      1. Introduction.vtt
  │      1.1 CourseRequirements.txt.txt
  │      2. Document Setup + Saving Your Document.mkv
  │      2. Document Setup + Saving Your Document.vtt
  │      3. Work space Setup.mp4
  │      3. Work space Setup.vtt
  ├─2. Selection Tools + Alignment
  │      1. Selection Tools + Alignment.mkv
  │      1. Selection Tools + Alignment.vtt
  ├─3. Creating Custom Shapes
  │      1. Built In Shapes & Rounding Corners.mkv
  │      1. Built In Shapes & Rounding Corners.vtt
  │      2. Pen Tool.mkv
  │      2. Pen Tool.vtt
  │      3. Pathfinder.mp4
  │      3. Pathfinder.vtt
  │      4. Shape Builder Tool.mp4
  │      4. Shape Builder Tool.vtt
  │      5. Reflect Tool & Duplicating Objects.mp4
  │      5. Reflect Tool & Duplicating Objects.vtt
  │      6. Section 3 QUIZ.html
  ├─4. Creating Custom Type
  │      1. Type Tool + Character.mkv
  │      1. Type Tool + Character.vtt
  │      2. Typing on a Path.mkv
  │      2. Typing on a Path.vtt
  │      3. Warping TextFonts.mp4
  │      3. Warping TextFonts.vtt
  │      4. Downloading Fonts Using TypeKit.mp4
  │      4. Downloading Fonts Using TypeKit.vtt
  │      4.1 FreeFont_Links.txt.txt
  │      5. Outlining Text & Adding Strokes.mp4
  │      5. Outlining Text & Adding Strokes.vtt
  │      6. Section 4 QUIZ.html
  ├─5. Practice new skills by creating 3 custom designs
  │      1. Project 1.mkv
  │      1. Project 1.vtt
  │      1.1 MotorcylceDesign_Udemy.ai.ai
  │      1.2 Motorcyle.ai.ai
  │      2. Project 2.mkv
  │      2. Project 2.vtt
  │      2.1 EyeDesign.ai.ai
  │      3. Project 3.mp4
  │      3. Project 3.vtt
  │      3.1 Thunderbolt_Text_Design.ai.ai
  │      3.2 HeatherT-Shirt_Mockup(v1)_by_CharleyPangus.psd.psd
  ├─6. Color & Saving Your Files For Print
  │      1. Saving Your Files For Print.mkv
  │      1. Saving Your Files For Print.vtt
  │      1.1 Congrats!.txt.txt
  │      2. How To Color Your Designs.mkv
  │      2. How To Color Your Designs.vtt
          1. How To Texture In Illustrator CC.mkv
          1. How To Texture In Illustrator CC.vtt





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