
《Kindle 秘籍》将向你展示如何在短短 72 小时内,在亚马逊上写出并售出一本畅销电子书。
你将学会如何挑选合适的细分领域,写出吸睛的书名。这门课程还会教你打造引人注目的封面,以及为 Kindle 完美排版你的电子书。
借助《Kindle 秘籍》,你能获得研究竞争对手的策略,优化内容以提高销量。你将按照循序渐进的流程,快速创作出高质量的书籍。
这门课程专为那些即便毫无经验,也想赚取 1 万美元及以上版税的人设计。你将建立起自己的被动收入渠道,享受睡觉时也能进账的快乐。

Kindle Secrets shows you how to write and sell a best-selling eBook on Amazon in just 72 hours.
You will learn to choose the right niche and write a catchy title. This course teaches you how to create an eye-catching cover and format your eBook perfectly for Kindle.

With Kindle Secrets, you will gain strategies to research your competitors and optimize your content for better sales.
You will follow a step-by-step process to create a high-quality book quickly.
This course is designed for anyone who wants to earn $10,000 or more in royalties, even with no experience.
You will set up your passive income stream and enjoy earnings while you sleep.

  • 教程编号:0798803107
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:1.29GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

│  └─Kindle Secrets
│      ├─1 - A Quick Welcome to Kindle Secrets
│      │      1 - WELCOME Its hard to believe just how SIMPLE creating your own BESTSELLER is.html
│      │      2 - A Birds Eye Overview of Our Best Seller Journey English.vtt
│      │      2 - A Birds Eye Overview of Our Best Seller Journey[ aixinshou.com ].mp4
│      │      3 - Getting the Most Out of this Course English.vtt
│      │      3 - Getting the Most Out of this Course.mp4
│      │      3 - SLACKGROUPINVITATION.pdf
│      │      
│      ├─11 - FAQs BONUS LECTURES
│      │      44 - FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS.html
│      │      
│      ├─2 - The Incredible Potential of Amazon Kindle
│      │      1 - OUR KINDLE PUBLISHING GOAL.html
│      │      4 - An Introduction to Amazon Kindle and its INCREDIBLE Potential English.vtt
│      │      4 - An Introduction to Amazon Kindle and its INCREDIBLE Potential.mp4
│      │      5 - Identifying your most profitible niche English.vtt
│      │      5 - Identifying your most profitible niche.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─3 - Researching Your Competition
│      │      6 - Introduction to Module 2 English.vtt
│      │      6 - Introduction to Module 2.mp4
│      │      7 - Shattering all of your misconceptions English.vtt
│      │      7 - Shattering all of your misconceptions.mp4
│      │      8 - Learn from the BestSellers in your niche English.vtt
│      │      8 - Learn from the BestSellers in your niche.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─4 - Optimizing Every Aspect of your Kindle eBook
│      │      10 - Perfecting your title English.vtt
│      │      10 - Perfecting your title.mp4
│      │      11 - Perfecting your cover English.vtt
│      │      11 - Perfecting your cover.mp4
│      │      12 - Checklist for you Books External Characteristics.html
│      │      13 - Creating an Ideastorm English.vtt
│      │      13 - Creating an Ideastorm.mp4
│      │      14 - Creating an Ideastorm continued English.vtt
│      │      14 - Creating an Ideastorm continued.mp4
│      │      15 - Progressing to a Content Skeleton English.vtt
│      │      15 - Progressing to a Content Skeleton.mp4
│      │      9 - Introduction to module 3 English.vtt
│      │      9 - Introduction to module 3.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─5 - Powerful Writing and Internal Marketing Strategies to Sell More Books
│      │      16 - Introduction to module 4 English.vtt
│      │      16 - Introduction to module 4.mp4
│      │      17 - Creating an Introduction and Conclusion English.vtt
│      │      17 - Creating an Introduction and Conclusion.mp4
│      │      18 - Optimizing for sales English.vtt
│      │      18 - Optimizing for sales.mp4
│      │      19 - Bringing it together English.vtt
│      │      19 - Bringing it together.mp4
│      │      20 - Create a narrative English.vtt
│      │      20 - Create a narrative.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─6 - Edit Polish and Format
│      │      21 - Introduction to module 5 English.vtt
│      │      21 - Introduction to module 5.mp4
│      │      22 - Edit and Polish our Kindle book English.vtt
│      │      22 - Edit and Polish our Kindle book.mp4
│      │      23 - Format your book for Kindle English.vtt
│      │      23 - Format your book for Kindle.mp4
│      │      24 - The Most Helpful Piece of Advice I can Give You.html
│      │      
│      ├─7 - Publishing Your eBook for Maximum Profit
│      │      25 - Introduction to module 6 English.vtt
│      │      25 - Introduction to module 6.mp4
│      │      26 - Listing our New Kindle eBook and optimizing for sales part I English.vtt
│      │      26 - Listing our New Kindle eBook and optimizing for sales part I.mp4
│      │      27 - Listing and optimizing our listing for sales part II English.vtt
│      │      27 - Listing and optimizing our listing for sales part II.mp4
│      │      28 - Introduction to Marketing our Book English.vtt
│      │      28 - Introduction to Marketing our Book.mp4
│      │      29 - Using KDP Free select program to skyrocket your profits English.vtt
│      │      29 - Using KDP Free select program to skyrocket your profits.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─8 - Promote your eBook into a Best Seller
│      │      31 - The Kindle Search VS Kindle Category Mistake that everyone makes English.vtt
│      │      31 - The Kindle Search VS Kindle Category Mistake that everyone makes.mp4
│      │      32 - The Amazon Sales Success Cycle English.vtt
│      │      32 - The Amazon Sales Success Cycle.mp4
│      │      33 - Research your Perfect Kindle Category English.vtt
│      │      33 - Research your Perfect Kindle Category.mp4
│      │      34 - Finding Posting Effectively in Relevant Subs English.vtt
│      │      34 - Finding Posting Effectively in Relevant Subs.mp4
│      │      35 - The Most Important Thing For You To Do English.vtt
│      │      35 - The Most Important Thing For You To Do.mp4
│      │      
│      └─9 - Conclusion and Closing words
│              37 - Closing Words English.vtt
│              37 - Closing Words.mp4





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