7天文案挑战计划旨在帮助 Media Buy 人员和文案撰写人员提高他们的直销文案能力,采用基于研究的痛点导向方法,提高转化率的文案撰写技巧。



The 7-Day copywriting challenge is designed to help media buyers and copywriters to improve their direct response copywriting using a research-based, pain-oriented approach to conversion copywriting
The course also teaches how to integrate AI.

  • 教程编号:0624096317
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:784MB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

7 Day Copywriting Challenge Featuring ChatGPT
  ├─01-Welcome to the course
  │      01-A message from your instructor.mkv
  │      01-A message from your instructor.rtf
  │      02-How to use this course.mkv
  │      02-How to use this course.rtf
  │      03-Before we begin.mkv
  │      03-Before we begin.rtf
  ├─02-Let's get started
  │      01-Day 1 - Competitive Research.mkv
  │      01-Day 1 - Competitive Research.rtf
  │      02-Day 2 - Customer Research.mkv
  │      02-Day 2 - Customer Research.rtf
  │      03-Day 3 - Intro to Empathy Mapping.mkv
  │      03-Day 3 - Intro to Empathy Mapping.rtf
  │      03-Empathy Map Template.xlsx
  │      04-Day 4 - Hook Discovery.mkv
  │      04-Day 4 - Hook Discovery.rtf
  │      05-Day 5 - Hook Variation.mkv
  │      05-Day 5 - Hook Variation.rtf
  │      06-Day 6 (Part One)- Turning Hooks Into Ads Using ChatGPT.mkv
  │      06-Day 6 (Part One)- Turning Hooks Into Ads Using ChatGPT.rtf
  │      07-Ad Creation Sheet.xlsx
  │      07-Day 6 (Part Two) - Creating Ads From Scratch.mkv
  │      07-Day 6 (Part Two) - Creating Ads From Scratch.rtf
  │      08-Day 7 - Split Testing Copy.mkv
  │      08-Day 7 - Split Testing Copy.rtf
  └─03-Next Steps
          That-s Cool and All, But.mkv





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